The Breakthrough: Gwen Ifill - Click here for more free videos
In THE BREAKTHROUGH, veteran journalist Gwen Ifill surveys the American political landscape, shedding new light on the impact of Barack Obama’s stunning presidential campaign and introducing the emerging young African American politicians forging a bold new path to political power.
She told AP her view of Obama: "I still don't know if he'll be a good president."
She also describes how she met him at the 2004 Democratic convention and since then has interviewed the Illinois senator and his family.
She also boasted that by the time of the debate, "I'll be a complete expert on both" Palin and Biden.
The debate will be held at Washington University in St. Louis, which has posted information about the evening's events online.
Ifill's profile there describes her as a longtime correspondent and moderator for national news programs and includes her service as moderator of the 2004 debate between Edwards and Cheney.
However, there's no mention of her upcoming book. Nor does the website for the Commission on Presidential Debates, which is organizing the meetings of the candidates, mention her book.
This whole 'Fair Debate' premise reminds me of gambling in Las Vegas, you have the illusion of 'fairness' but you really know how it'll end up; you'll lose at the slots, the tables and if you aren't careful, your reputation and savings. In a way, I can relate to how Sarah Palin must be thinking...the media already has her losing, the deck is stacked against her with the selection of Gwen Iffil as moderator; if Sarah just 'survives' the 'debate', she will have won. I can only hope that the stage isn't all greased up, causing her to slip and would not surprise me though, seeing how she has caused such a stir and such fear in the liberal left.
McCain/Palin have fought to run an above board campaign, but like Sean Connery said in the movie 'The Untouchables', it's tantamount to bringing a knife to a gunfight. obama/biden (soon to be obama/clinton) are way below fighting dirty, the smears against McCain/Palin are abhorrent to say the least; now we have Gwen Iffil joining in the mix with her obvious bias. Why wasn't her soon to be released book mentioned in her profile? It's just like the liberal MSM to present a 'half-truth', a lie by another name, and expect that no one is looking. Well, there are people looking, there are people digging up the truth in these matters; so suck it up liberals and the MSM, if the democratz get into the White House you will be held accountable and you will be totally exposed for what you are....biased, liars, unbelievable and wrong.
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I suppose it's only 'natural' that the race card keeps rearing its ugly head. As a people we have a long way to go yet, before we can look upon one another as HUMAN BEINGS.
Did anyone question bias when a white man moderated the obama/McCain debate? It never occurred to me to question that...but after all I am white. If any blacks questioned, I didn't hear about it.
If Ms. Ifill displays flagrant bias toward obama in Thursday's debate, it might possibly swing sympathy toward Sarah Palin. People tend to cheer for the least, some of the time. Having a strongly biased moderator could possibly benefit the McCain-Palin camp. Just a guess...
On another score, it's interesting to note P5Driver's continued references to a possibility of hillary replacing biden. Wish I could see into the Driver's crystal ball! ;-)
I'm disgusted that Gwen Ifill will be the "impartial" moderator.
Good for P5Driver for putting this information in his blog. He must spend about 35 hours a day researching all the dirty politics that are in full play right now! When does the man even sleep?? He doesn't seem to be missing a thing. GOOD FOR HIM!
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