Very important last few weeks of the Presidential Campaign, barry hussein obama has a sizable lead in the major polls but who is he really? Is he a Patriot like he implies or a parasite who will skin our nation alive with new taxes and associations with muslim extremist groups and nations? He refused to wear an American Flag pin on his lapel, doesn't pay the due respect for the flag of our country which he says he's 'ready' to lead and associates with out-spoken haters of billy ayers and looney louie farrakhan. America, are you listening? Are you watching? Do you really associate your views on how our nation should be governed with barry barack hussein obama? This individual is a 'bottom-feeder', the only thing he wishes to 'forward' is his own agenda, country first means nothing to him and like sheep, the left follows him happily because they view him not as a leader but as an individual that will promote their own self interests. His claim of sounding the alarm about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is fictitious at best, he in fact impeded the regulations that John McCain wanted back in '05 to keep the economic meltdown we're experiencing now from happening. Along with barney 'Rubble' frank and maxine watters, obama turned a blind eye to the brewing collapse of both mortgage buyers and pocketed over $100,000.00 in campaign 'kick-backs' in 3 short years. Now he's got frankie raines (who pocketed +/- 90 Mil from those same institutions) on his economic advisory board! What other 'safe' are these cohorts looking to crack and rob? Who is really pushing barry barack hussein obama toward the White House? Ask yourself, 'who is this guy', I do believe you'll come up short for answers while at the same time, hussein obama is showing us all what he really is....a damn parasite!
If you can stomach these next photos, look closely at whom barry hussein obama associates with, look at the arrogant look on his face while the National Anthem is played.....then think of all the trickery and tomfoolery he's engaged to hide his real self. Another example of obama's selfishness happened a couple weeks ago amid the Congressional battle for the bailout bill, hussein obama wouldn't do the job he's elected and payed to do by returning to D.C. to help sort out the mess, hell, he didn't have to, it all played to his advantage! This is where the 'parasite' comes into play, his self interests were more important than the country's; John McCain went to D.C. and was vilified by the left for doing so, saying he was 'grandstanding', truth of the matter is, McCain was trying to get the economic mess sorted out while hussein obama seized that opportunity to trash McCain...and he preaches bi-partisanship...if that isn't a crock of buffalo chips, then Popeye's a punk. Just a day or so before all that went down, John McCain said the 'fundamentals of our economy are strong'....great caesars ghost! The silver tounged devil seized on that and screamed McCain was 'out of touch', that the economy was in crisis (which it was and still is, but it's fundamentals are strong),now, last Friday what did the silver tounged devil say? 'Our economy is fundamentaly strong'...excuse me, but when McCain said that you disagreed now you are saying the same thing...who is really out of touch? Who is, once again, the parasite?
Take a good long look, do some serious soul searching...are you as uncomfortable about this as I am? Also ask yourself...what is a community organizer? jesse jackson and al sharpton come to mind? They should and by the way, why haven't we heard all that much from either of those to looney tunes? Have they been muzzled so as not to draw attention to what a 'community organizer' is? Will you sit by as louie farrakhan continues to berate America, blatantly hate America? Will you sit back and empower the likes of billy ayers, who along with his wife, was a prominent member of the radical group 'weather underground', sworn to destroy America in the sixties and seventies? I was a young man during those tulmultious times, it wasn't pretty seeing our country torn apart, held hostage by the radical groups of the times; of that, I can assure you.
This is the night for the 2nd Presidential Debate, John McCain has the opportunity to get hussein obama to 'fess up', to explain who he really is. Sarah started the ball rolling last Thursday, it's time for John McCain to pick up the baton and finish what Sarah started; expose this individual for what he is, remove the cloak surrounding him and let the light that will be for all what barry barack hussein obama really is...a lying, manipulating parasite.
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