Joe asked a simple question, o'bummer took it as easy to answer but lo and behold, his answer blew up in his face. 'Spread the wealth' is the cigar barry'll have to smoke for some time now but wait...o'bummer's campaign and MSM to the rescue; who is Joe the plumber they ask. Well, turns out that the MSM can dig info up on ol Joe quicker than they can dig anything up on rezcko, ayers, franklin and jimmy johnson...even joey biden gets in on the act, I guess he's upset because Joe the plumber is the new 'Joe, the regular guy'. Questions I'm hearing from o'bummer and biden are like 'how can this guy make 250K in the plumbing business?', no plumber in my neighborhood makes that kinda money. And the crowd screams their approval! Are you kidding me? Is this a harbinger of things to come? These cheering minions will be the first o'bummer/biden will throw under the bus...just another bunch of 'useful idiots'. Face it both of y'all, Joe the plumber wants to buy and run his own business, hiring plumbers and expanding clientele; depending on his area of work, he'll make well over 250K annually and then o'bummer's taxes will attack and re-distribute the 'wealth' that Joe will make....people, it's real hard for one person to make that kinda money working by himself; does everything have to be spelled out to these 'super, elite individuals'?
Sarah Palin came on the scene, a virtual unknown...made a speech or two and was viciously attacked by MSM and the o'bummer/biden campaign. How did Sarah respond? Very well I believe, she recognized it for what it was...buffalo-chips! But when a true fact is hung on either o'bummer/biden, they scream..attack ad, attack ad and get all indignant. Why is that you ask? Well, this is the way I see it...they know that the only thing that can expose their lies is the truth and they will do anything possible to stifle that even going as far as slander, smearing and character assassination, which is exactly what is being done by the campaign and MSM with Joe and Sarah. The slick talking o'bummer would have y'all think he's for the 'little guy', so will joey the un-regular guy but in reality all they want to do with the general populace is control sheep. Speaking of 'sheep', remember the introduction of biden in Tampa when he was introduced as McCain, all the 'sheep' were bleating their approval...just like robots or shall we call them 'obamabots'?
The wife of o'bummer....Lordy she is living a mighty high life here in the 'mean ol USA' having lobster and champagne at 4 in the afternoon, wonder if she's finally 'proud' of the USA now or is she still looking down her nose at all the struggling middle class citizens? I suspect the latter, hope you finished your plates michelle, there are starving kids in Africa that could have used the food that the money spent on your extravagance could have bought; and that inspires another question of how much ol barry really cares about those that do not have much and how often have the o'bummers helped his family in Kenya out? More than likely they don't have time for all that and can't remember except when it suits their purpose....way to go, losers.
Watching the dinner/roast last night, I thought o'bummer was gonna explode...just beneath the surface of his calm, cold demeanor was a torrent of hate just waiting to explode...he looked completely out of place and it showed, when he spoke the words were funny but his delivery wasn't, poison laced every sentence, every word was a dagger, this arrogant SOB is not fit to be president of his own hate America club, what a disgusting individual. Even katie couric showed her posterior, after assailing Sarah Palin in her 'interviews/slams', she shows up wearing her hair in the style Sarah popularized, what a flaming hypocrite!
Listening about the MSM today, all the pundits were saying that in order to keep intrest in a 'runaway' victory for o'bummer, the MSM had to allow the appearance of McCain/Palin gaining in the polls; I for one don't see it that way, I believe the polls are skewered, no doubt, but not in that way...they are infected, slanted and unreliable. Infected with lies, slanted in order to allow all to jump the 'bandwagon' of victory for o'bummer and un-reliable in that, they aren't representative; they are overloaded with democrats, not an even sampling of voters or undecided voters. I hear all the reports of o'bummer's 'lead' but I don't see the people here echoing those numbers. In another instance, the Secretary of State in Ohio snubs her nose at a Federal Court ordering her to insure all voters in that state be confirmed as legal voters....acorn registered over 200,000 fraudulent voters in can anyone in any state really believe the election will be legitimate? This is just an inkling of what's to come with an o'bummer/biden administration...more taxes, freedom of speech will be a thing of the past, we'll be spending way more than incoming revenues provide and there will be, class warfare; the elites and the regular joe.
I see a bad moon risin'.....
Might be that Joe the Plumber is the turning point for the Conservative cause. Joe isn't just a plumber; he is the American Everyman and woman. Joe is what America is all about--a concept that elitist odumbo cannot comprehend. While odummo is looking down his arrogant nose, the Joe's of this country just might take America back on election day.
Check out Florida's latest poll. I think it is happening...
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