Are you decided enough to not want to see any more of these bogus driver's licenses'? Are you Independent enough to keep this from happening again?
A little some thing for the undecided voters out there and also the Independents; there is a great line from the movie 'Karate Kid'..the first one...Myagi is speaking to a somewhat undecided Daniel about learning karate, he gives this description which is true in life we live everyday...to paraphrase; 'If you stay on right of road, ok...if you stay on left of road, ok...but if you walk on the centerline...squish, just like grape'. This sums this election up in short order folks but if you need any clarification, here ya go. For those who want higher taxes, legal abortion even to underage girls without parental notification, partial-birth abortion or no care for the babies who survive an abortion...then o'bummer is your man. If you prefer illegal aliens (no PC here...they are illegal and they are not citizens so they are aliens!) to have the 'right' to drivers licenses', to vote, to collect social security (even tho they didn't contribute a dime to it) and the right to move about in the USA freely, then again...o'bummer is your man. Now if on the other hand, you are not for the previous listed, then John McCain is your man. Granted, McCain is not a perfect candidate but then who is perfect? What I know is who McCain is I also know that our country can be safe and more secure with him at the helm. What do I or you, for that matter, know of barry barack hussein obama? Well, he dresses nice, speaks pretty eloquently and has a lot of 'friends' who are not looking to keep our country safe and secure...you know the usual suspects so I'll not belabor the point. His cronies in the House and Senate are corrupt, greedy and nefarious liars and schemers...you also are aware of that pack of gluttony. Ms nancita pelassi promised an uncorrupted Congress along with slimy harry reid (doesn't he remind you of Gollum?) in the Senate...what we got were higher gas prices, a collapse of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, covered up by chrissy dodd, barney rubble frank, and...ta ta...barack barry hussein obama.
Under Dubya for 6 years the economy enjoyed record low unemployment, record tax revenue with lower taxes and a vibrant economy...the liberal lefties would have you believe that Dubya's term in the White House was a total disaster...it was far from that; we worked our way thru a recession inherited from slick willie, the 9/11 terror attack and the war against those who propagated that dastardly attack...along with having to resume hostilities in Iraq to dispose of sadman hussein and his regime. Facing all those tribulations, do you really believe that o'bummer can or will do as creditable job? All the progress that's been made to insure a safer USA will go up in smoke...you know it as well as I know it because o'bummer has been exposed with his righteousness afoul...ask Joe the plumber; o'bummer wants to 'spread the wealth'...what wealth barry? Yours? If we are as you say, on the verge of another 'great depression', how can you justify your wife's menu the other day...lobster, caviar and champagne at 4 in the afternoon...what was Joe the plumber having? What was Joe sixpack having? What was Rosie the riveter having? Shame on you, shame of 'her ladyship, michelle', you Senator, are a prime example of an elitist...you have yours, now you want everyone's along with complete control of our Government.
I received this poll from a very good Warrior Brother of mine, it was taken from The Army Times...check it out if you have questions...it's also in The Navy Times, The Marine Corps Times, The Air Force Times and The Federal Times.
Air Force...............67.......................24
Marine Corps.......75.......................18
White Non Hispanic:76...................17
Black/African-American:12...........79 surprised?
Somehow, this hasn't been seen in the NYT or on CBS
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