Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Ready to Lead, doing your job and taking responsibility

Is this clown 'ready to lead'? If you think so, you better be careful for what you wish; the only place obama will 'lead' anyone to is a major depression while he and his 'favored few' turn the USA into a socialist state. We will be living in the 'cold war' only this time we'll be the ones not finding food to buy, not having jobs nor the freedoms our ForeFathers fought and won for us during the American Revolution. Instead, we'll have fast frankie raines and jimmy johnson, getting fat off our backs, nancy pelassi and chrissy dodd skimming money and pointing fingers of blame at us for not making their lives richer, fuller and more comfortable. Who needs that? Not me, not my family nor all my friends...good grief people, wake up, hussein obama is a very unknown individual bent on dividing, not bringing together, our country. He is a product of the Chicago Machine, one of the most corrupt political organizations ever put in place...which produced willie ayers just to name one. How did obama get where he is so fast and so unknown? Could it be he was 'groomed' for this 'takeover' by the way far left liberal political machine of Chicago? Does the name louie farakhan ring any bells? How about jeremiah wright, a corrupt, racist 'preacher' who hates America, or should I just be blunt and say 'white america'? Trust this devil and hugo chavez will be sleeping in the Lincoln bedroom with raoul castro..throw in the terrorist president of Iran and N. Korea and you really have a fun place to live.

'Country First' says it all in two words, how John McCain and Sarah Palin are ready to lead, ready to do their jobs and take on the responsibility of leading and governing our nation. McCain suspended his campaign for President to return to D.C. in an attempt to get our current financial crisis resolved; as a sitting Senator, that's what's expected of him, that's taking responsibility and doing the job he was elected to do by the people of Arizona. The democratz in 'power' say he was grandstanding, trying to politic using the crisis to further his presidential campaign; this couldn't be farther from the truth. On the other hand, obama did not want to return to D.C. to do the job he was elected to do, he opted for the line...'call me if you need me'...what will he do if elected president, tell the people to call him if needed? So, after McCain leaves for D.C., the democratz leadership say they already have a solution worked out, thus the charge of grandstanding gets leveled against McCain...balderdash! McCain was putting 'Country First' in motion, doing the job he was elected to do. It is almost a week later, the debate was held as scheduled on the Ole Miss campus and we still do not have a solution to the crisis worked out...thanks to the same yahoos that really got us into the mess we have at hand. McCain is vilified for doing his job and obama is worshiped for not doing his job! Will someone puhleeze explain this to me? Maybe charlie gibson or katie couric...maybe olberman or maher...or letterman and pelassi (now there's a match made in hell!).

Hey Big Guy, can I hold a dollar?

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GrandSon, Nathan