Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Ready to Lead, doing your job and taking responsibility

Is this clown 'ready to lead'? If you think so, you better be careful for what you wish; the only place obama will 'lead' anyone to is a major depression while he and his 'favored few' turn the USA into a socialist state. We will be living in the 'cold war' only this time we'll be the ones not finding food to buy, not having jobs nor the freedoms our ForeFathers fought and won for us during the American Revolution. Instead, we'll have fast frankie raines and jimmy johnson, getting fat off our backs, nancy pelassi and chrissy dodd skimming money and pointing fingers of blame at us for not making their lives richer, fuller and more comfortable. Who needs that? Not me, not my family nor all my friends...good grief people, wake up, hussein obama is a very unknown individual bent on dividing, not bringing together, our country. He is a product of the Chicago Machine, one of the most corrupt political organizations ever put in place...which produced willie ayers just to name one. How did obama get where he is so fast and so unknown? Could it be he was 'groomed' for this 'takeover' by the way far left liberal political machine of Chicago? Does the name louie farakhan ring any bells? How about jeremiah wright, a corrupt, racist 'preacher' who hates America, or should I just be blunt and say 'white america'? Trust this devil and hugo chavez will be sleeping in the Lincoln bedroom with raoul castro..throw in the terrorist president of Iran and N. Korea and you really have a fun place to live.

'Country First' says it all in two words, how John McCain and Sarah Palin are ready to lead, ready to do their jobs and take on the responsibility of leading and governing our nation. McCain suspended his campaign for President to return to D.C. in an attempt to get our current financial crisis resolved; as a sitting Senator, that's what's expected of him, that's taking responsibility and doing the job he was elected to do by the people of Arizona. The democratz in 'power' say he was grandstanding, trying to politic using the crisis to further his presidential campaign; this couldn't be farther from the truth. On the other hand, obama did not want to return to D.C. to do the job he was elected to do, he opted for the line...'call me if you need me'...what will he do if elected president, tell the people to call him if needed? So, after McCain leaves for D.C., the democratz leadership say they already have a solution worked out, thus the charge of grandstanding gets leveled against McCain...balderdash! McCain was putting 'Country First' in motion, doing the job he was elected to do. It is almost a week later, the debate was held as scheduled on the Ole Miss campus and we still do not have a solution to the crisis worked out...thanks to the same yahoos that really got us into the mess we have at hand. McCain is vilified for doing his job and obama is worshiped for not doing his job! Will someone puhleeze explain this to me? Maybe charlie gibson or katie couric...maybe olberman or maher...or letterman and pelassi (now there's a match made in hell!).

Hey Big Guy, can I hold a dollar?

He/She who points the finger of blame first....

Experience has taught me that whomever points the 'finger of guilt' first, is usually the one more than guilty of the offense. In this case, the 'fickle finger award' goes to the 'implied' dominatrix pictured to the left. Bad-rapping Sarah Palin as inept, saying the blame for the economic mess we are in lies with Dubya is way over the top. Granted, Dubya has made some serious blunders...no arguments there...but the mess on Wall Street, the corruption of Fannie and Freddie does not belong with Dubya any more than the 'label' of 'not ready to lead' belongs on Sarah. All the talk of gaffes' credited to Sarah over the last couple weeks during biased interviews with the press, pale next to what ms pelassi did yesterday by her words in a spiel before the House voted on the economic bailout bill. In fact, that whip she's holding would and could be better used on her husband for allowing her out of the house. This beotch is dangerous folks, downright dangerous!
Ms pelassi, would you please...post the bill on-line in it's entirety or at the least...detail the 'riders' (read...pork) that were attached to this grand illusion. 700 billion is hard enough to take but whatever 'pork' was added to buy votes for it's passage have to be ludicrous. You have a majority in the House beotch, use your whip to 'convince' 12 more of your dumbocratz to vote positive and pass this monster or shut the hell up! Walking around like you have a 'pair' is not good enough...show them and use them; I'm not talking bras here either...you want to act like a man, then show that you have what a man does have....the cajones to get done what you say has to be done! Passing the buck onto Republican Congressmen and women, of whom you didn't want input from in the first place, ain't cuttin' it nancydear; blaming John McCain for squashing an agreement that never was isn't gonna get you anywhere either. All y'all...you, dodd, scheumer, obama, reid and the rest of your corrupt minions...need to take stock in your own guilt and greed. Explain why you gotta rush this bill through (failing miserbly to do so, thanks to the conservatives in the House) makes me wonder what all you are hiding...care to elaborate? Maybe a Congressional hearing on how 'fast frankie' raines and jimmy johnson did so well financially directing the dive of Fannie and Freddie would expose where the corruption really lies. Sure looks like 'CYAN' to me, only there aren't covers big enough to cover what I believe y'all are guilty of...just my opinion though, I know you don't give a hoot what the little guy really thinks; proof of that was when I tried emailing you but was told you only take email from constituents, well I am one of them, I became one when you, beotch, became Speaker of MY House! You work for me and the rest of us 'little guys', not for your corrupt buddies....it's high time you were reminded of that.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Presidential Race and the issue of Race....

Warning: videos contain graphic language;

if this will 'offend' you, do NOT watch the videos.

Starting last night, there has been a lot more of the 'race card' being played. As long as I've been watching through the entire primary process and up to this point in the Presidential Campaign, the only references to 'race' have been made by the liberal left democratz. I'll let y'all be the judge, just remember the warning at the top of this post...be aware, this and maybe another video posted here today may contain graphic language.

Can you imagine this individual sitting across the table from Vladimir Putin? The 'snow would melt on the summit' if that were the case. Are we to believe that this is to be interpreted as 'nuance' from a deep thinker? My suggestion is no, it's pure and simple the stuttering and stammering of an incompetent try to answer a simple question. Might I suggest obama, that you have a 'hearing device' in your ears when a tele-prompter isn't available. This really just reminds me of a 3rd grade kid trying to lie his way out of trouble.

Now, this is one I found to be rather funny in a tongue in cheek way. All hussein obama has been doing recently is running around like a chicken with his head cut off...not knowing what to say, who to blame or how to undo the messes he's gotten himself into....hey buddy, can I hold that deck of race cards?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

To All the Citizens of the United States of America

Received this Monday and am very impressed with the writer's, Dave Anderson, views on this topic...So, here with Dave's permission is one of the best missive's I've seen or heard from any sector, MSM especially!

P5 Driver


Monday, September 15, 2008

An Opinion: (Sorry, it may contain some “typo’s”)

Kindly take the time to read this brief message from an old U.S. Veteran (U.S. Marine Corps – Combatant RVN) who has given a tremendous amount of thought and analysis to this most important issue: Who is going to be the next President of these United States?
I do not believe that the vast majority of my fellow citizens are really doing just that: THINKING AND ANALYZING!

Granted, there are only two choices. There exist some “Independent” candidates, but they are all relatively inconsequential. Unfortunately, that almost always seems to be the case! Why? I can only conclude that the reason lies in the unfortunate fact that “Becoming the President of The United States of America” has, for many decades, evolved into the ultimate goal of extremely self-serving, self-centered egomaniacs who, in truth, are more interested in their own “GLORIFICATION” and personal highlight in American history than they are in our Country’s problematic sociological, economic, defense, and health needs and solutions, with practical emplacement and technocratic preservation of those items. It has evolved into an insane “Popularity Contest”! I have always felt strongly that all candidates in both Parties should be held strictly accountable for their fantastic and often unrealistic promises that they “swear” to implement. If elected, possible criminal charges and penalties should be brought against all such “breaches-of-promise”, to the letter of the law.
First and foremost: The President, in reality, has very limited power to personally implement any “CHANGE” or restructuring of U.S. National policy, law and/or procedure without the approval of the U.S. Congress! Our CONGRESS is truly where the real power and clout exists in our great Nation! Obviously, it has not been doing so well under Nancy Pelosi and her Liberal minions.

Fact: The President of the U.S. is nothing more than the Chief Executive Officer (EXECUTIVE BRANCH) of my hypothetically named U.S. of A. Corporation. A corporate figurehead in a Brook Brother’s suit! His teams of attorneys (JUDICIAL BRANCH), job superintendents and foremen (CABINET MEMBERS), accountants (TREASURY DEPARTMENT), and labor force (CONGRESS) are the ones who are really supposed to make the gears turn adequately in a profitable and productive manner. There is, as well, an Intelligence Community, but that particular arm of government has slowly been weakened and greatly disarmed over the years.
Of course, the CEO (President) can place some (but, NOT ALL) people of his/her choice into some of those key positions – which, in itself, is scary. But, and of utmost attention and importance, this CEO (the President) is single-handedly empowered to place this Country into a state-of-war, or render it virtually defenseless or continue to maintain the U.S. as a first-rate world power! He is, extremely importantly, the Commander-in-Chief of our County’s defense arm. This single element of absolute, personal power is the most vital issue that needs to be very seriously scrutinized in the selection of our next U.S. President!
The “Business Executive” portions of the U.S. Presidency can be dealt out to other, more capable “Lieutenants”, but the Commander-in-Chief’s job CANNOT!!
Barrack Hussein Obama not only lacks any real corporate executive experience or even any real substantial political track-record…neither did he ever even enlist in any branch of the U.S. Military Services. Is that the sign of a TRUE AMERICAN PATRIOT? Hell no! He has no clue as to the difference between a hand-grenade and a block of C4. He has no idea as to the purpose or vital command capability of an enormous, global 24/7’s strategic air and sea protective umbrella for our Country. He is not even sure how many States there are to protect!


Are you really going to cast your vote for an unknown U.S. Presidential nominee, only because he is a better and more clever "showman"?
I would certainly NEVER entrust the safety and welfare of my minor child to a nice-looking, “tall-talking” stranger who wanted to take him/her on just a camping trip with his family. A person about whom I basically knew nothing!! I believe I would want to know a bit more about that stranger than the fact that he is a “humorous, well-educated, eloquent and polished speaker”! So was Ted Bundy! Much less would I entrust the very fate of my country’s entire population to such an unknown!!!

John McCain’s military record speaks for itself. His background is rock-solid U.S.A., and he is, at the very least, a true American patriot. He is a good Christian and family man. His faith, personal history, family history and allegiances are open books! And, he is also familiar with many of the errors and mismanagement procedures that have been committed by the current administration due to his years of diversified experience in the Washington DC/International arenas. Of note, he certainly has a much broader and wiser clue than Obama into some viable remedies. He may not necessarily be the peoples' foremost person to pick for the job, BUT HE IS DEFINITELY A GOOD ONE AND IS SURELY OUR ONLY SAFE, RATIONAL AND REALISTIC CHOICE!!

God Bless Us All and God Bless America,
David Anderson.......Glendale, Arizona USA
Send it on, if you want....

Saturday, September 13, 2008

The dispicable 'interview' of Sarah by charlie gibson

And then there was charlie 'butthocks' gibson, supposed interviewer...so called journalist doing a hatchet job on Govenor Palin. Sarah has more 'fairness' in 1/2" of one thin hair on her head than you, charlie, ever had in your too long, useless life. Your obvious bias was there for all to see...in a previous life 'butthocks', were you a part of the Spanish Inquisition, maybe an underling of Attila The Hun? Are you on oilslick obama's payroll or do you take checks direct from george soros?

You really had your axe honed sharp 'butthocks', but like Joan of Arc, Sarah parried your vicious swipes at her honor and integrity. The obvious editing of your 'interview' was far more interesting than all the idiot questions you interrogated Mrs. Palin with; in my humble opinion, you only have your job because you work for/under WDW...yeah people, Walt Disney World Corp. pays this worthless yellow-journalist his salary. Ol Walt wouldn't never abide such an employee as you charlie, you'd be in the scrapyard along with oprah/harpo, rosanne barr, whoopi goldberg, barbara wawa and rosie o'donnell; not to mention the rest of the useless scumbags out in hollyweird.

You 'softballed' obama, lapped up his rhetoric and swallowed his BS all the while, smiling...not glaring like you did with Sarah; does she scare you and the rest like you so much? Who are you beholding to, to conduct yourself in such a flagrant obvious bias? I think Sarah does scare all like you because she can't be 'gotten to', can't be held for favors owed and will definitely change the way politics are done in Washington D.C. I can remember as a kid, Ike saying "Beware of the Military/Industrial Complex"; that's all by the wayside now...it's beware of the media/political complex... The way the MSM manipulates politics and thus the lives of every American Citizen makes me want to puke; the MSM influenced the Republican Primaries thinking that billary would be the democratz nominee, then easily defeat your biased, manipulative 'choice' of John McCain....well, now that you've been knocked on your a** by McCain's pick of Sarah Palin for Veep, all y'all are wiggling like a worm impaled on a hook same as obama...how's it feel charlie?

Thursday, September 11, 2008

In Remembrance....What's at stake this year.



Seems only yesterday, though it's been seven years. September 11, 2001 is forever etched into memory. This morning I scanned photos of the World Trade Center horror. And again I cried. The staggering shock will never go away. It was Pearl Harbor all over again.

Pearl Harbor wasn't supposed to happen again. That's what we thought. In our enduring innocent ignorance, we forgot that history indeed repeats. And so we now have two momentous horrifying days that "live in infamy."

When (if) we can get past the shock, the horror, the tragedy, something else surfaces. What follows is remembering the bravery--the gutsy, ballsy heroism that Americans do so well. American Marines did it in 1918 at Belleau Wood. American military and civilians showed supreme gallantry on December 7, 1941 and in the North Atlantic, on D-Day, In the Pacific and Iwo Jima. Police, Fire Department personnel and countless others displayed uncommon courage on September 11, 2001. The accounts of selfless heroism from NYC to the Pentagon to Flight 93 are portraits of what Americans do. It's who we are.

Tomorrow I'll fly my American flag. I'll send prayers of thanks for all Americans of all times - victims and heroes. My prayers will include gratitude that I claim this Great Land as my own. Yep--no apology given or needed: I AM PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN.


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

You are disgusting obama...but all this was expected.

I am incredulous! I am so agitated by hussein obama and li'l joey biden, a gasket might get blown here. Of all the things in the political arena that I've witnessed, these two 'stalwarts' of the socialist left have taken the proverberial cake, these two little mice have taken the cheese. First li'l joey speaks with disdain about special needs children, Downs Syndrome for example...then has the unmittigated gall to say he supports education and programs for children who don't come from affluent families; he'll speak out for free lunches, breakfasts, etc then put the special needs children down? Aren't they good enough joey? Should they be 'taken care of' in the fashion Hitler used to remove the Jews? Then I hear that hypocrite obama, the so called professor of 'change', the one who would 'unite' our Country, the one who would refrain from smear tactics in political campaigns say this...."You can put lipstick on a pig......but it's still a pig". You barry, deserve to be President as much as Adolph Hitler deserved to be ruler of Germany....and yes, craphead, I'll capitalize his name before yours or that phony dwarf you have for a running mate...li'l joey biden. Both of y'all are evil snakes in the grass, neither of y'all are due the respect that the offices you hold deserve. What a shame to have lived so long and remained so evil-spirited! Did you work at it...either one of y'all? If so, that's the only real job either of y'all had, what a waste.

You came from the gutter, you lived life as though someone 'owed' you something but barry, no one 'owes' you anything, the only thing you rate is a trip to the woodshed. President? You gotta be sh*tin' me...only place you belong is on the back of a garbage truck, makin' the rounds picking up other's trash....while you're at it, clean up you own trash; and you're a Father, that reference pertaining to you is an insult to every Father in the world. Pull a burlap bag over your noggin, cover up what uglyness is foaming out of that sphere you call your head. You Senator, are dispicable!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Is he is, or is he ain't a Christian?

Are these the type people you'd like seeing in our White House? Note the 2 red circles and who is inside them, michelle and looney louie farrakhan; oilslick husseien would have us 'believe' he is Christian, but is he? Would a Christian Pastor, Reverend, Priest....anyone who is Christian, use the words from the pulpit...GD America? We know Reverend wright has, we know michelle has called America a mean country and we all know what looney louie stands for as leader of nation of islam.
Over the weekend, hussein obama has referenced not once, but twice, 'my muslim faith'. Slip of the tounge, miss spoke? Highly unlikely, this is the 'deep thinker' who chooses and measures his words carefully before answering questions...ie: the SaddleBack Debate. It appears to me that li'l barry is acting and speaking like a 3rd grader who is in the Principal's office and is trying to explain why he was sent there...multiple answers for the same question, all different! Video
Over the period of my lifetime, there have been numerous people who have changed faith and became muslim....cassius clay...became muhammed ali; lew alcindor....became kareem abdul jabbar; bobby moore....became ahmad rashad. The point I'm making here is, why did barack hussein obama not change his name to a Christian name when he became a Christian? Something that jumps out to me is, a certificate of live birth might be needed in order to legally change names; that is just one thing, another is has he really become a Christian or is he still a muslim? The Christian church that he cites as to where he was introduced to Jesus Christ, the trinity united church of Christ...pastored by jeremiah wright...does not appear to be teaching Christianity but black theology, a far cry from what our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, preached...'Love thy neighbor as thyself'......think about it.
Another 'happening' over the weekend was oprah winfrey's not inviting Sarah Palin onto her show....why not? Afraid Sarah will completely overshadow her? oprah, or harpo...whichever you like best...says only after the election will she invite Sarah, citing that she doesn't want to appear to be endorsing either candidate....well, that point didn't stop her from flat coming out for hussein obama. If I were Sarah, I'd tell oprah to stuff her show in her hat, oprah ain't for all women, only women who believe her line of garbage, those women who can't think for themselves....adios oprah/harpo!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

On Working Mom's....

The past week has been one of the brightest, amazing and restored hope weeks I've had in a long damn time. Sarah will show just how a 'working Mom' does the job, after all, she's been doing it during her entire time of motherhood. I, personally, can relate to what Sarah's done in that category...I've had full custody of my Son since he was 3 months old....by myself! You bet I had help, my Mom would come down on weekends to stay with him on Saturdays because daycare I used wasn't open on weekends; besides, I had to re-learn a lot of things since my youngest when Zach was born was 24 years old. I have a greater respect for single Mom's after that experience, you can bet your booty on that!
What I'd like to know is where are all the feminists', lauding Sarah? Is it because she's a Conservative Republican, or maybe because she has beauty to go along with brains? Another thing I find myself pondering is, why michelle is on the campaign trail with hubby instead of taking care of her children? Why did she quit her job when hubby decided to run for the Oval Office? Conflict of intrest or just campaigning for hubby...in which case, would leave her open for questioning by the media about her campaign comments. Are you proud of your Country now michelle, that a woman is on a ticket for VP? Or, are you mad and jealous?...Do you find America a 'mean country' again?
I had to laugh out loud when I heard all the late night joksters had to scramble to change all the 'lines' they had for who they thought was gonna be the VP choice....I laughed even louder when I heard about sammy donaldson getting all upset because Sarah passed under the MSM radar, after all, aren't they the ones who vett candidates? At least they think so....so sorry sammy, petey and katie. Your way of vetting candidates was well displayed by the coverage y'all provided, implying that Sarah's daughter was actually the mother of Sarah's Downs Syndrome baby....and what business is it of yours to bring up her husbands DUI from 22 years ago? Figuring he's about the same age, that would make him in the neighborhood of 22 to 24 years old.....big deal, what was oilslick obama doing at that age and younger...drugs. So Bristol is going to have a baby...is that really newsworthy at this point? No, it isn't...besides, she is engaged to marry the father of the baby, so back off.
Face it...y'all got trumped, McCain out-foxed y'all and Sarah put the finishing touches on y'all last night....Go Sarah, Go! What has oilslick obama ever accomplished...being a professional agitator, gave lectures on law (not teaching), voting 'present' on almost thing that required a vote in the state legislature....then 143 days in the U.S. Senate, just 53 days more than a probation period for a regular job....these things hardly qualify him to be CinC, in fact, neither he nor joey have half the experience as Sarah to qualify for the job. Being a Mayor and a Govenor, are qualifying jobs for being VP and/or President. So, eat your hearts out, both of you.....Sarah out trumped ya, she ran the table on ya, she won all the card game pots...y'all lose....as da Boyz in New York City say...Fergidaboutit.....

I'm still working on my missive but co-author P5Actual has already put her's in...I'm sure you'll enjoy it....Go Sarah!!


YEEHAWWW! Can't curb my enthusiasm. Sarah Palin spoke tonight and it was a joy to hear and watch. She's a beautiful lady--not at all plain, except that she is plain-spoken. The warm-up speech from Rudy Guilani was a superb opener. If he'd made a speech of that quality during the primaries, I think he'd have gone farther into that season. Tonight, he was electrifying. Nicest thing, he was having such a good time. He loved that crowd, and they certainly loved him. So did I.

But it was Sarah's night. She's a new star on our horizon, and she shone brilliantly. I loved the way she tore into obama/biden. She cut obama off at the knees so deftly, I doubt he feels the cut even yet. But he will. Oh, lord yes, he'll feel it keenly in days to come. More important was the fact that Sarah gave her audience a clear portrait of where she came from, where she's been, where she wants to go and what she wants to accomplish. Most important, she let us see who she is. And what she is ain't bad.

A week ago, the country was asking "Who is Sarah Palin?" Tonight, we have a much better idea who she is, what she stands for. We got a better look at her family and her obvious pride in that family. She's had enough government experience to understand the pitfalls. She doesn't know the D.C. social scene yet. But she said in so many words, she isn't going to Washington to kiss butt. Seems her idea is more on the lines of kicking some butts.

Her remarks about McCain were eloquent. I cheered at a particular thing when she mentioned the other candidates promising to go to Washington and fight for us. Then she said, "There's only one man in this campaign who has fought for you." What a glowing tribute to Senator McCain.

Following the network coverage, a local TV crew covered a Republican gathering in Seattle. The women in the group were yelling and cheering. One of them said, "Sarah Palin is a Sherman tank in high heels." In the back of the room a man said softly, "I want to vote for PRESIDENT Palin."

I say let's give her four years as vice-president, then we can promote her to President.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Introducing my CrewChief...A.G.

For a more comprehensive outlook on the political front, the Presidential race primarily, I've added a co-author. We've shared emails for the past few years and the insights gained by me, from her have encouraged me beyond description. There are a number of people I have the utmost respect for and trust they will 'tell me what I need to hear, not what I want to hear'.

Credit for tonites double missive, goes to Arlean Green...a good friend and constant encourager...God Bless and keep you Arlean.

A word of caution to the liberal left whackos, don't bite off more than you can chew and don't bet more than you can afford to lose; Sarah will bust y'all a new one and it won't be pleasant.

The following was contributed by my co-author, Arlean........


The 2008 election campaigning began much too soon. By the time the DNC convened its paris-hilton-temple bash, I was sick and tired of everything political.

Then along came John. McCain, that is. His v-p choice--and the impeccable timing of announcing that choice--sent an enormous Jack Daniels shot straight to the gut, didn't it? I can't remember ever being so excited about anything political. I do regret that the contest is going to be a dirty one. We're apt to see quantities of mud--enough to cover the largest Alaskan glacier.

Already the MSP is reporting (and I use that word with tongue-in-cheek) on the 'Alaskagate' business concerning Gov. Palin. I would've been angry at this morning's Washington Post item...except I couldn't stop gasping, and then laughing. If you haven't caught up on it yet...here's the report: Gov. Palin fired the Alaska state police commissioner because the commissioner wouldn't fire one of the state troopers. It seems Palin's sister was/is involved in bitter divorce action. The brother-in-law is the state trooper in question.

Reports are that the state trooper used his taser on his 10-year-old stepson. Said trooper also shot a moose or elk or whatever out of season. Also, it's said the state trooper drank beer while driving his patrol car. Palin urged the commissioner to fire the officer. The chief said they should wait it out until the trooper made "a mistake."

"A mistake"??? A mistake??? What in god's name constitutes a mistake in the chief's estimation? Well, anyway, said chief declined to fire the trooper, so Palin fired the chief. Now it's under investigation in Alaska, to determine whether Palin overstepped some boundaries or something. Since she's governor, I imagine she has the right to fire anyone she chooses. The trooper being her former brother-in-law is beside the point. But by the time the bleeding-heart libs get in gear on this, it'll be a point larger than Watergate.

Talked with a friend (well...a sort-of friend) this morning, who says McCain made a big mistake in choosing Palin. Quote: "Because Palin has no experience." Don't know about you, but I find lack of experience in government matters a plus. Look where the 'experienced' politicos have taken us.

Don't know where our country is heading....looks like a bumpy ride...but it might be a bit of fun. (Be sure to wear your mud gear.)

P.S. McCain trumped obama--at least temporarily-- where it comes to news announcements. But Gustav might well overshadow the GOP Convention. Details at eleven...


OK, Friends...I promise I'll ease back after this...don't want to weary you with my enthusiasm for the GOP v-p candidate. But please allow me one more 'Hurrah for Palin!'

I happened on a CNBC telecast tonight, an hour interview with Alaskan Gov. Sarah Palin. The more I hear about her, the more I see & listen to her, the better I like her. I called a friend to alert her to the program. Don't know if the rest of you happened to see it. The interview caught my interest because most of the hour dealt with energy problems, specifically, America's current dependence on foreign oil, and Alaska's ability to provide a good stop-gap to that dependence.

I spent a big chunk of my working life in the petroleum industry. So I was extremely impressed with Gov. Palin's comments. The lady knows her stuff. She's done her homework, and she knows what the oil industry is all about. She spoke with great pride in her state, its beauty and its resources. Her greatest passion, though, seems to be the people who live there. If she's so aware of the well being of Alaska's citizens, I think she'll be the same concerning all Americans. She seems to have the mind set to do the best on all counts, including proving to the continental U.S. that Alaska can make a tremendous economic contribution to this country. She's FOR drilling the oil reserves now, and she's all for exploring alternative energy sources.

A healthy oil industry contributes tremendous taxes to a state. It offers big salaries and great benefits. She said, "The government doesn't have to pay huge amounts on health care and other benefits, when the jobs are in place, offering salaries and benefits." Wow! A capitalist! Free enterprise!! If enterprise and capitalism is healthy, government doesn't have to step in with welfare handouts. This idea doesn't set well with Big Brother Government. In fact, the liberal element can't even comprehend the concept.

But I'm glad that Gov. Palin understands it. I'm glad she cares about citizens -- the People. I'm glad she is enthusiastic about industry and the work ethic.
Gov. Palin referred to ConocoPhillips throughout the interview, as well as BP Petroleum for whom her husband worked.

I spent 15 years of my working life, employed by Conoco. A company with drilling prospects on Alaska's North Slope. and a company involved with constructing that ginormous pipeline. (A year of my Conoco experience was with Continental Pipeline Company. Love those pipeliners---good people.) Anyway, it was also with pride that I heard Gov. Palin make several references tonight to ConocoPhillips. (Philliips wasn't in the picture when I was a Conocoan.)

Well, it was good to re-live some old "company spirit." But most of all, I was further impressed with Sarah 'Barracuda' Palin. She's got the Right Stuff on many counts.


Couldn't have said it better myself, P5 Driver loadin' up a resupply and ready to launch.

GrandSon, Nathan