Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Short Time...2 dollah....4 years of obama, 2 arms and 2 legs

As we draw nearer and nearer to the political conventions, things aren't getting clearer but more muddled. John McCain has a couple rounds still in his revolver(already used 2 shootin' himself in the foot: 1. Immigration(read illegal immigration)amnesty and 2. now he's going 'green'. Climate change is a natural phenomenon, if the Earth gets too cool, it'll warm itself up, too hot, it'll cool itself off. Global Warming is as big a hoax as "The War of the Worlds"...Secretary of the Interior wants to put the polar bear on the threatened list, why? There's no danger of losing polar bears nature, in it's wondrous ways, thins and/or thickens the herd...are there polar bear poachers? That would be the only way man can thin that population. In a previous missive I spoke of 'transparent people', al gore is one, the carbon footprint is obnoxious at best; al should practice what he preaches but he adheres to is 'do as I say, not as I do'. McCain's stand on just these two issues could very well cost him the election and at a time when the democratz are shooting holes into each other, talk about 'snatching defeat from the jaws of victory'. The dems are showing themselves for just what they are, they set the bar higher the closer one gets to it, just to keep that poor soul to keep trying...convinced all the while that it's the Republicans at fault. The 'race card' has been thrown on the table so many times, makes one wonder how many are in the deck...of course, there are the two jokers, slickwillie and michelle robinson obama. Slick-willie feels that he has been targeted by the race card and he still believes he was the first black president, michelle has had herself exposed as racist by her Senior Thesis, a few excerpts to follow.

Subj: Thesis - Michele Obama aka Michelle LaVaughn Robinson

In her senior thesis at Princeton, Michele Obama, the wife of Barack Obama stated that America was a nation founded on "crime and hatred'. Moreover, she stated that whites in America were 'ineradicably racist'. The 1985 thesis, titled 'Princeton-Educated Blacks and the Black Community' was written under her maiden name, Michelle LaVaughn Robinson.
Michelle Obama stated in her thesis that to 'Whites at Princeton , it often seems as if, to them, she will always be Black first...' However, it was reported by a fellow black classmate, 'If those 'Whites at Princeton ' really saw Michelle as one who always would 'be Black first,' it seems that she gave them that impression'.
Most alarming is Michele Obama's use of the terms 'separationist' and 'integrationist' when describing the views of black people.
Mrs. Obama clearly identifies herself with a 'separationist' view of race.
'By actually working with the Black lower class or within their communities as a result of their ideologies, a separationist may better understand the desperation of their situation and feel more hopeless about a resolution as opposed to an integrationist who is ignorant to their plight.'
Obama writes that the path she chose by attending Princeton would likely lead to her 'further integration and/or assimilation into a white cultural and social structure that will only allow me to remain on the periphery of society; never becoming a full participant.'
Michele Obama clearly has a chip on her shoulder. Not only does she see separate black and white societies in America , but she elevates black over white in her world.

Are these the views and thoughts we want in our First Lady? I would hope that a light is starting to shine through the web of deceit woven by hussein obama...the man of many words but no substance. A few more of michelle's opinions:

'There was no doubt in my mind that as a member of the black community, I am obligated to this community and will utilize all of my present and future resources to benefit the black community first and foremost. '

This one scares hell outta me; when are people of this mindset going to 'get it', michelle is a graduate of Princeton Law, earned a very nice salary and I doubt very seriously if her 2 children have ever been in a ghetto, let alone lived in one. So where does she get off talking in this fashion? I've served in the Marine Corps with blacks, worked for 36 years with blacks and other minorities and had very few problems getting along with any of them....there is, of course. that 10% that aren't happy about anything and that has no color line, ethnic nor religious line....period!

Now I ask you...who is the 'racist'? What is a 'racist'? Because blacks tend to separate themselves in one area, is that any one's 'fault' or their decision? Is the non-black population forcing blacks to live where they do? No. Is the non-black population preventing blacks from succeeding in life? Again, no! What is found lacking in hussein obama is, honesty, experience, knowledge of World affairs; what is not lacking is transparency and the 'gift of gab', unlike most politicos, hussein obama is smoother with his words, mesmerizing to a point(I listened to his speech at the '06 democrat convention), said all the right things but that is true with 99.9% of politicians, the difference was he's a younger man, an intelligent man and downright 'believable', that is till all the Klingon Cloak is removed and he finds himself exposed for what he really is. If you'd ask me, both him and billary are racist, along with both of their spouses....problem is we have to pick one out of the three running to be our next CinC and most people do not pay attention to anything going on around them. If it ain't real fast, real easy and makes them feel good....they want no part of it. Wake up America, smell the roses, coffee or buffalo chips...we have a difficult decision come November and it had better be the right one or this great(sorry michelle)Country, built by so many before us will take another slide down the slope of Mount Doom and we'll find ourselves burning in the fires of Mordor....If only Frodo was running for President or even Gandalf.

P5 Driver


Anonymous said...

very impressive.

Anonymous said...

You've added more pictures.

GrandSon, Nathan