Well friends, I was planning to take the night off politics; thought I'd delve into Pro Sports but as usual, hussein obama has given me too much to pass up on. Along with supreme 'alarmist' and 'I want all your money' algore, there are just too many things going on that I had to speak out about.
First off, obama...after saying he'd meet, as President, any leader from any country...terror supporter, terror group, even chubby hugo chavez; but when G.W. Bush spoke in Israel about appeasement and how it doesn't solve anything, hussein spouted off that it was an 'attack speech' against him...Joker joe biden jumped on that band-wagon as did nancita pelosironi and dirty harry reid(sorry Clint). Good grief, can anything be said of obama's short-comings without him squealing like a piglet? We had billary crying about how hard it is to campaign, even shed some crocodile tears...now she's 'hard corps', the once glib hussein obama has been reduced, by his own hand mind you, to a stumbling speaker; trying to speak and remember what he said to that particular group before. Lying is really hard work, starts out easy but like the tortoise and the hare, they catch up to you in the end, ask john efin' kerry. Nice try obama, Mr. Spock is about to put the Vulcan squeeze on you. Klingon's lose in the end and like the 3 criminals Joe-El put away into the Phantom Zone, so ye shall follow.
Now algore is having his kevalar tested...making a speech a few years ago, screaming that President Bush lied and was preying on our fears, y'all remember that? Well, he's leading the charge as an alarmist about global warming/climate change...al, if you're out there, will you puhleeze explain these things to me and the Nation....ready? Here goes.
"Environmentalists aren't wasting time linking the Burma disaster to warming. Or at least Al Gore isn't. Citing this storm and recent storms in China and Bangladesh, he declared on NPR: "We're seeing consequences that scientists have predicted might be associated with global warming."
'Might' be associated? Then why are scientists saying that we are looking at 10 to 15 years of global cooling?
"There's just one problem -- it's not at all clear there's any link between climate change and hurricane numbers or intensity. The number of big storms has been falling, not rising. And researchers have found that by using inferior satellite imagery many storms were incorrectly classified as weaker than they were. After correcting for this, the "increase" in intensity since the 1970s nearly disappears".
Less storms...like everything else, storms go thru a pattern, the earth is always making changes to correct itself...it's called Nature! You need a better explanation about the earthquakes, cyclones, hurricanes and volcanic eruptions? Get yourself a Bible and read the Book of Revelations, obl has brought the world to the brink of Armageddon...which looney leader is gonna push it over the edge? Look to the northern part of South America(venezuela) and then to the middle east...iran, syria, lebanon and lybia to name just a couple.
"But Mr. Gore is perhaps too busy to notice. In April, a company he chairs began selling shares in its Global Sustainability Fund to investors in New Zealand, following a similar offer to investors in Australia (interestingly, out of sight of the U.S. press). He was also a conspicuous presence when the Silicon Valley firm Kleiner Perkins this month announced a new $500 million "green growth" fund in partnership with Mr. Gore's firm".
When you finish wigglin' out of that one al, try this one on for size:
"Mr. Gore's primary responsibility, from the looks of it, is to spread alarm about global warming and create the political conditions (subsidies, mandates) without which his "green" energy ventures are unlikely to flourish. Expect the payoff to come next year as a new Congress and President arrive with a more intense global warming policy. Then the money will flow. (Could it be, as many have suspected all along - all about a select few making money? And isn't it a bit untoward for one who is already rich to get even richer from a government policy he promoted?)"
What ya got to say al?
Hey buddy, can ya spare me a dime?
Gracias Julio!
P5 Driver
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