Monday, May 5, 2008

Quiet, uneventfull weekend...only because I haven't tuned into any newscasts; I'm sure there'll be something pop up, there always is.

Received an email over the weekend that says the U.S. will be targeting iran with nukes in the near in fact...while I have no problem removing the current governing personel in iran, I have no reason to go along with killing the entire population; yes, there are a number of fanatic zealots that propably should have their breathing capabilities removed...I have no problem with the general population. Their current 'president' is a looney tunes and was one of the militants that seized our Embassy and in my humble opinion should not be in the position he's in, whomever else is a part of the governing powers would have to fall into that same category. The email went on to say and I quote..

"If you've been thinking of purchasing that big-screen television then today is the day to do it. If the Iran invasion goes off as planned, you can expect to view some astounding television drama as the Houston-based Oil Cartel (once known as the Seven Sisters) makes its final attempt to seize Iran's vast oil reserves and, at the same time, salvage the rapidly failing occupation of Iraq with the use of tactical nuclear weapons."

Ya see, this makes no sense to me...if the iranian oil is targeted it isn't by the U.S., had oil been the prime objective(other than to secure an open line of supply), there would be ample oil in Iraq to seize. 'The failing occupation of Iraq' puzzles me even further, sadam hussein was gettin' fat off the oil for food U.N. program while the common Iraqi citizen was left impoverished; not only hussein but kofi annan and his son, along with a number of other shady characters. Desert Storm was fought to free Kuwait, that happened, did we get a bunch of oil from them? You got, we didn't same as we aren't getting a surplus of oil fro Iraq now. While I do not think the U.S.A. is perfect and right all the time, we are by no stretch "Global Pac-Men".

Now here's another quote from that same email...I did leave out the .com site where it's posted.

"This information comes from reversed-speech eavesdropping on both civilian and military leaders over many months, and most of the details are already posted. The invasion of Iran is the final phase of the plan that began with the World Trade Center charade on 9-11. post-Iraq false-flag attempts intended to trigger the follow-on invasion of Iran failed, usually due to embarrassing technical problems. However, the current plan includes enough redundancy that it is hard to imagine it being abandoned. Nonetheless, it does depend on a massive and complex deception to mislead the public and justify the invasion, so there is always a chance that things may go wrong. We are not predicting. We can only report on the plan as it exists at this moment."

WTC charade? OK, and the Oklahoma bombing of the Murrah building was done by only 'home-grown terrorists' yeah, right. McVeigh and that other lackey were played like two fiddles...the 'dark complected man in the ballcap' fell right off the radar screen, why? xlinton, reno and that other in-competent jamie what's her name would have been embarrased out of their skivvies. Going back into Iraq was warrented by hussein's not following the terms of the ceasefire signed after Desert Storm, but his sneaking weaponry ahead of weapons inspectors and his blatant dis-regard for human life. He was supporting terrorists, paying 'homocide bombers' 25k to their what makes anyone think he wasn't capable of either giving outright WMDs to al-qaeda or supplying them with the technology to manufacture their own? As far as an actual military threat from hussein, he'd already had his ass handed to him by the U.S., iran on the other hand still figured they could 'handle' us as a result of their successful takeover of our Embassy...iran is the real threat in the middle east, coupled with syria and the syrian puppet, Lebanon...iran figures they will be able to hold the world hostage by holding back oil...with the exceptions of Russia, China and Venezuela. Folks, you need to view the whole picture, not just a scene or two. To accuse our Government of the WTC attacks is ludicrous, the blind sheik tried and failed to brin the Towers down, obl with the help and planning of the sheik kalid, did...not us.

That email, is full of inuendo, false accusations and buffalo-chips, well, camel dung is more suitable seeing's who we're dealing with.Enough for now, this whole idea that the USA is responsible for all the World's problems is making me gag.

P5 Driver

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GrandSon, Nathan