Friday, October 10, 2008

What If?



Often times, private musings take on exaggerated flights of fancy into realms of ridiculous improbability. Such was the case recently as I mulled over the ridiculous state of affairs currently on the American scene.

We're in the final days of what has been an extraordinary political campaign. A campaign that started too early and has lasted too long. It offers history-making choices, but the choices also present troublesome problems. On one hand, we are given a candidate who is, to put it gently, a bit long in the tooth, and we wonder whether he can survive a term in the office of President. Perhaps to offset anxiety, McCain offered a bright, personable and YOUNG running mate for V-P. Not only that, this candidate is a woman...a first on a Republican ticket. Sarah Palin shows great promise. But is it just a bit too soon for her to step onto the national stage? Perhaps. Perhaps not, but something to consider.

On the other hand, we're given a "choice," (and I use the word guardedly) of a black man competing to become the nation's Chief Executive. Another historical first in American politics. The basic idea is good. There's every reason that a Black person become the Commander-in-Chief. But is obama the RIGHT black man? Numerous factors -- countless factors -- indicate that he is not. However, one of the best days in the American story will be when a candidate can run for any office in the land while being designated not as Black, Asian, Anglo, male, female or whatever. Note that no label should be allowed as "African-American," "Hispanic-American," etc. A person either is AMERICAN or not. The best day will be when anyone can campaign for public office as an AMERICAN. Period. Is that an impossible dream? No, it is not. But people have to get their heads on straight for it to become reality. At the current rate, that day is far in the future.

The election of 2008 is fraught with many troublesome aspects. The taint of marxist-fascism, the giant shift toward socialism, lack of experience, arrogance over patriotism.... So troubling, that one question keeps darting through my head:


Of course, it won't happen. Americans don't cooperate in an endeavor to that extent! But what if no one, not a single eligible voter went to the polls on Election Day? Would the country come to a complete halt? Probably Congress would go into panic sessions. But the two houses cannot work together, so no solution would be forthcoming. Would it then be left to the Supreme Court to decide who the new President would be? Heaven forbid! We cannot let that judiciary body decide such an enormous issue. Those people are hard-pressed to decide on which shoes to wear to any given session.

I'm disappointed. I'm disgusted. Most of all, I'm fearful for our Country's future. Whatever the results, our Citizens will cast their ballots on November 4. May God have mercy on us.


1 comment:

jmich1235 said...

Bravo. And I don't know about the rest of you but I don't know what I'd do if I had to spend the next 4 years looking at those ears. ;-)

GrandSon, Nathan