Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Of walnuts, coconuts and a.c.o.r.n.'s..........

I gotta admit, I'm astounded; ol barry has increased his output of buffalo-chips dramatically since the last Presidential Debate and has been joined by more left-wing minions. The ultra-radical group, a.c.o.r.n. has really gotten things up in a roar with all the FBI raids on their headquarters in many states (primarily, battleground states); Rep. lewis from the peachy state of Georgia has thrown another race card (how many cards in that deck and how many decks are on the left?), not 'peachy' Rep. Lewis...that duck won't fly. Thing is, it don't matter, it's just another lie that 'isn't a lie' according to the lefties...it's like ol barry saying' he only knew billy ayers only from being' a 'guy in the neighborhood'. Ol barry's association with billy ain't about billy being' a '60's radical, terrorist bomber, it's about the association of the two right here, right now! I'll start with the distribution of what, 15 Mil from ayers, thru hussein obama to a.c.o.r.n. for not the school improvement projects, but for radical instructions about teaching our young to bring down our country; about voter registration fraud...Mickey Mouse, really? Daffy Duck would have been a less obvious registration.

Does oilslick obama's sweetheart house purchase thru tony rezco have anything to do with his honesty or lack of it? You betcha Range Rider...obama is one slick liar, right outta the xlinton mold; he threw jeremiah wright under the bus...in steps, first kinda dis-associating himself a little, then when wright shot his mouth off again ol barry off-loaded that racist quickly. A stone pattern of deceit follows obama's words, reminds me of crossing the creek on stepping' stones, they get a little slippery toward the 'otherside' and the closer to 04 November we get the more chance of a slip n splash from ol oilslick hussein; I kid you not.

The plumber nailed him and obama gave out his intent for the rest of us...he will 'share the wealth', obama, you are no Robin Hood...at best you're a junior Senator with a bag of gas, the Chicago Machine pushing' you and supporting' you. My, my...what debts to those in power there will you have to re-pay? I've said you remind me of a pimp, I guess that may have to be amended or have you learned how to prostitute yourself while being your own pimp, then paying 'the man' after you fleece the country?


Anonymous said...

posted: 1 HOUR 18 MINUTES AGOcomments: 4025filed under: Election NewsPrintShareText SizeAAAWASHINGTON (Oct. 16) - The FBI is investigating whether the community activist group ACORN helped foster voter registration fraud around the nation before the presidential election.
A senior law enforcement official confirmed the investigation to The Associated Press. A second senior law enforcement official says the FBI was looking at results of inquiries in several states, including a raid on ACORN's office in Las Vegas, for any evidence of a coordinated national effort.
Group Accused of Voter FraudJae C. Hong, AP8 photos A senior law enforcement official said Thursday that the FBI is investigating the possibility of a national voter registration scam involving a community activist group. Officials are reviewing results of inquiries in several states, including a raid of the Las Vegas office of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN.(Note: Please disable your pop-up blocker)

Both officials spoke on condition of anonymity because Justice Department regulations forbid discussing ongoing investigations particularly so close to an election.
Two spokesmen for ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, on Thursday said the FBI has not contacted the group.
"ACORN has not been notified that we are the target of an investigation by any authorities — nor should we be," spokesman Kevin Whelan said in a statement. "ACORN members have done a good and patriotic thing by helping bring more than a million of their fellow citizens into our democratic process."
Republican accusations about the group were raised during Wednesday's presidential debate between Democrat Barack Obama and Republican candidate John McCain.
ACORN says it has registered 1.3 million young people, minorities and poor and working-class voters. More than 13,000 ACORN workers in 21 states recruited low-income voters, who tend to be Democrats.
But some ACORN employees have been accused of submitting false voter registration forms — including some signed 'Mickey Mouse' or other fictitious characters.
Those voter registration cards have become the focus of fraud investigations in Nevada, Connecticut, Missouri and at least a half-dozen other states. Election officials in Ohio and North Carolina also recently questioned the group's voter forms.

P5 Driver said...

It would also appear now, that some of the early voters registered by acorn have fraudulently voted in Ohio. Bragging online that he did this, is a student going to Cambridge in England after registering for early voting in Ohio. acorn can deny, deny, deny...but it will always come out in the wash, some dirt will show even after many washings and the link to o'bummer is clearly visible no matter what 'spin' he uses or the MSM puts on.

GrandSon, Nathan