Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tough questions for the left and looney ideas from obama

My,My, My....Barbara West asked some very pointed, albeit with maybe too much wiggle room, but joey acted like she was an escapee from the looney bin. Had some of these questions been asked by the MSM earlier...like during the primaries...ol barry wouldn't be where he is now. Quotes from li'l joey are condescending at best, talking down his nose and an arrogant air about him speak volumes. This guy is a living, breathing knucklehead smith from Howdy Doody.

This one is on an earlier posting but I feel it can't be repeated too often, we need to be constantly reminded of just how dangerous this chump is. Along with taxing us into oblivion(taxing increases during a time of recession and increasing spending)is what caused the US to fall into the depths of the Great Depression in '29. Couple that with allowing all illegal aliens the opportunity for drivers licenses only adds to the subversive element in our society enabling a grand take over and the demise of America as we know it and knew it while growing up.

This is not an attempt at instilling fear into this election, it's just pointing out what can and probably will happen if barry is elected, I don't care if he did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, he's not ready for the Presidency! Think about this for just a minute: If obama is elected and serves his 4 year term, it will be the longest he's ever spent holding a single job! All his time as a community organizer in Chicago was a failure, none of the things he set out to do materialized with any form of success...except his stint with acorn....one term in the State legislature and his claim to fame there was speaking out against a bill that would enable babies born alive after a botched abortion to have at least some comfort before expiring....instead of being just thrown into a bio hazard receptacle; and just past the 90 day probation period we all do when starting a new job is all the experience in the U.S. Senate....get real barry, you are not John Fitzgerald Kennedy!

A 25% reduction in the military community will cripple us to say nothing of blinding us in the intelligence gathering community....just another thing to ponder, the economy is the main, current issue but if the muslims win it will not matter in the least if wall street flourishes or crumbles. Tonite, ask your Father what he thinks....he's always answered me when I've called on him and didn't make me wait more than the time it took to fall asleep....I kid you not; Joe Turkal is/was a great man and smarter than hell! And I believe he'd cast a vote for John McCain if he was still of this Earth; if I'm mistaken Joe...let me know, love and miss you Man!

Long and short of it, I'd trust Alfred E, Neuman in the White House before barack hussein obama....but that's just me

Monday, October 27, 2008

Open dialogue

P5....Very insightful views, you haven't disappointed at all. I'll put my views on each, under yours, I lose track of what I'm saying otherwise...CRAFT ya know! lol

JI...First, neither person running for the election would be my first choice! But if I have to choose, here’s why…

P5...Originally my first choice was Fred Thompson but when he bailed, it became Mitt Romney...no skeletons and married to the same woman his entire married life speaks volumes as to character!

JI...This country needs a clearly different path….one that will regain some of the rights we’ve had before. I believe that Obama is young enough, smart enough to do it. I don’t believe he owes quite so many FAVORS as McCain does thus allowing him to really put forth what he thinks will be a solution. Much the same way Kennedy did.

P5...Reform, not 'change' is what's really needed, the system is a good system, it just needs fixed; not changed.
Actually, obama 'owes' more in favors than are on the surface...bill ayers gave him his leg up in politics, acorn was a part of his life as a community organizer...having given them a large part of 50 mil from one of those funds he sat with bill ayers on the board with...tanneberg or something, tony rezko who got him thousands in campaign contributions and that sweetheart deal on his Chicago mansion...to say nothing of having to 'pay back the Chicago machine'...yep, he's indebted up to his ears.

Far as McCain goes, you can't be in the Senate and Congress as long as he has and not have associates but I believe he's been upstanding and forthright, not owing anything of consequence to anyone...remember, he was exonerated of any wrong doing in the keating 5.

JI...I think McCain has changed to the party line whether or not he WAS a maverick before. When he couldn’t do such a hatchet job on Obama, they brought in Palin. What did she have to lose? She can always go back to her job in Alaska! If they win, she would be in line to be president! But talk about someone who hasn’t done anything to earn it! I can almost hear the “party” telling her how they would push for her presidency! She plans to “run” the Senate! Give me a break!!! To be honest, before she came on the scene, I would have given a lot more thought to McCain for president.

P5...The Vice President does 'preside' over the Senate, most time they don't and only show up for a tie breaking vote but they are the President of the Senate, therefore I guess it can be said that they 'run' the Senate...Sarah has been working in the capacity of CEO of her State and the city of Wasilla, that gives her way more experience than either obama or biden.

McCain has been true to his word about negative campaigning...can't really say the same for his campaign tho...he did silence people going negative early on in the campaign and quiets the ones he can at rallies that spew hatred. Politics is politics, the VP has been the 'attack dog' for quite some time...I do not go for that stuff but when is an 'attack' really an 'attack? Is pointing out aspects of your opponent an attack or is screaming about the clothes they wear an attack? Why did Joe the plumber get more scrutiny in 24 hours from the MSM than obama get in over 20 months? Why were Ohio's government computers used to try getting dirt on Joe? (a punishable crime) The 'race card' has been thrown out by obama and his whole campaign although no mention of race has come from the McCain camp...don't you just wonder a little about that? In the Corps we called that a pre-emptive strike...same as the Japs at Pearl Harbor.

JI...Originally, I couldn’t see Obama – no way! That Jeremiah Wright was a killer!!! Then the stuff about that terrorist – can’t ever remember his name!

P5...Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Father Fhleger(still hard for me to get down my throat that he's a Catholic Priest!) and louie farrakhan calling obama the 'Messiah'....puhleeeze!

JI...I think Obama gave a good description of his relationship with him (the terrorist) in the final debate. If the republicans could have found ONE SHRED of more involvement, it would have front and center in their TV ads. Right or wrong??? About Wright, maybe he gave him some validation to his black background. But – think about this – he didn’t have a family history of slaves being brought to this county. His father was from Africa and there is no ax to grind there. He was brought up by his white grandparents and white mother. I don’t believe he has an inbred resentment for anyone. I think he’s grateful for the opportunities he was given as a poor person – and I don’t think it slipped by that it was because of being a poor black person.

P5...Coverage from the MSM is very lacking, they don't ask the hard questions of the democrat candidates, just softball them; if the Republicans bring it out, it's interepreted as an attack.
His accounting of their relationship was vague at best...the real mistake the Republicans made was not tying obama to all the Woods Foundation money, the tannenburg money and the fact that ayers to this day calls himself an anarchist who believes he didn't do enough in the 70's as a member of the Weather Underground.

His father was a muslim from Kenya, his birth certificate is iffy at best...if it's real, why not produce the original 'vault copy?...He did not come from slaves but from slave owners and traders...they sold their own people into slavery, dumbass whitey just 'bought the goods' and now carries the rap...bad timing! His white grandmother(whom he called a 'typical white woman who is afraid of black men)had been held back through most of the primaries, now he had to 'rush' to her sickbed? It was reported that she was sick and he'd be leaving for 2 days to be with her a week before he left and he only spent one day with her. Out of that day, how much time was with her? I see it as nothing more than a campaign ploy....hell, I told more better lies than obama!

JI...I heard with my own ears McCain say he was going to “go up against those big overgrown government unions” – the same one that helped you keep your job and get your pension! I believe there’s a lot to say for unions overstepping the original intention of these organizations – just as our founding fathers didn’t mean for the first amendment to allow so called news people the right to rail against our government and sitting presidents…what is the description for treason?

P5...Real meat here...seriously! I'm still as staunch a Union Member as I ever was but I still hold the same opinion as I did about them from '68...they need to police themselves! At Danner, after a while, I sat on the grievance joint standing committee....management hated me! Ernie Scozzarella and I had numerous discussions about the grievances filed...merit was the main concern. Management was not always wrong, nor were the Union Members...if a member filed for his job back but was totally out of bounds legally, how can that be defended? I wouldn't even go to the Union if I knew I was actually in the wrong. Collective Bargaining was another story, I sat on one or two of those committees and fought dave bracken unmerciful...he had me removed from one meeting because I'd hammered him rightfully really bad...he was a jerk. As a Union, we policed ourselves, if you didn't rate being 'moved up', you weren't even if the Company wanted it. Now the Postal Union is and was very different....whether you were right or wrong, they got jobs back and discipline reduced...is that right? I don't feel it is, simply because the workforce works different than Danner....a guy sluffun' off at the Post Office causes other carriers to carry more of the load....that ain't right and the goof-offs were smilin' all the time. I always conducted myself in the manner of a 'fair days work for a fair days wage'...anything less and I shouldered my blame...no, I'm not a martyr! The way things went for me at the PO the last 4 years I worked were abhorrent, no one should have to work under those conditions but I told them flat out...I ain't leavin' and you can't get anything on me to fire me...deal with it. Nerve wracking? Yes, but also fun in a twisted way. The lousy $535 a month from the PO is chicken feed, the only thing I got from them worth anything is the health insurance and I pay over $250 a month for that.

JI...Why do I care so much now? Well, there seems to be a widening separation between the rich and the middle class. It happened almost quietly. Remember the big deal trip to China by Nixon? Think some promises were made – in exchange for big business to make a killing?! Like I said, Reagan started the ball rolling. Bush 1 – I just found out – was the one who put the NAFTA agreement together although Clinton had to sign it.

P5...As for nixon and China, you should remember my feelings about that crap and my feelings about nixon in general, that he went down in history as a great statesman(he's a damn crook as far as I'm concerned and a paranoid one to boot!)is a great injustice. Sure, the books were cooked for bigger deals, hence the 'global economy' that we're saddled with to this day, furthered by Bush1 and his 'New World Order'...what a crock! But, had the Republicans not taken control of the House and Senate, welfare reform wouldn't have occurred and all the taxes levied on the middle class by xlinton would have doubled or even tripled....I put a lot on Ross Perot and myself(since I voted for Perot)for the election of that draft dodger xlinton whom I still hold in great contempt along with kerry and fonda. Worse than NAFTA is the threat of a North American Union in the mold of the European Union...sure, they have national health care but waiting for an appointment can lead to death before ever you see a doctor and forget a second opinion! The cost of health care is crazy...do the math, I pay $250+ a month for family coverage(have to wait for Zach to be on ChampVa before I can cancel it), is that anywhere near what they both say health care costs? When we got out of the Corps we got in a group for Blue Cross remember? What was out of pocket for that and you were covered immediately being pregnant with Josette at the time. Are we all being lied to and by whom? Johnny Carson said it best in the 50's....who do you trust?

JI...All I know is that I cannot be the only person who was not into the politics of each era so much – but woke up to find that things are all upside down! We expected our officials to PROTECT us from disaster … didn’t happen!!!

P5...Read that story about barney frank I sent earlier...after the democrats took control in '06 elections all this crap went unabated, McCain started warning of the Fannie and Freddie peril as early as '05 only to be hindered by the democrats. Remember what joe biden did to Sam Alito's wife during the judicial hearings? He reduced her to tears with lies and innuendo to try destroying her husband and keep him off the Supreme Court....why? because he interprets the constitution, doesn't re-write it; any 'protection' will come from the Judiciary(can't believe I'm saying this! lol)not from the corruption in Congress.

JI...I’m looking for Obama to get some public works projects started to employ people and get our cities up to date…possibly a way to pay for college. I think that’s one way he will change things. Not give things to people but rather give people a chance. EVERY American child should not only be encouraged to go on to higher education, but be given a leg up in the financial part of it! As it is right now, I don’t see anything promising about the futures of our grandchildren.

P5...Why not start with those receiving welfare? Have them work to get their checks and take random drug screenings, after all, it's the taxpayers money...hell, ya gotta take a drug test to get a job right? Students working their way thru college is a novel idea don't you think? Tony and Josette did it but what about the faculties of these 'higher learning institutions' Bill Ayers teaches at one and a lotta them are staffed by the same demonstrators from the SDS, Symbionese Liberation Party as well as outright communists...should we allow them to teach our young? The elementary schools are really no better, they are actively indoctrinating the young ones about sex and even going so far as making videos about how great obama is! Zach goes to Parochial School for more than just Religion, it's a more better learning environment and he will not be taught that being a homosexual is a choice in lifestyle.....tolerance of others beliefs is one thing but having those beliefs taught to young impressionable children is not something I'll stand aside for as I know you wouldn't either. It's a damn ugly world out there, I really wish our kids and grandkids, right down to Zach and little Joey could grow up in an environment like we enjoyed as kids....what an idea.

JI...That’s it for now…I hope it makes sense.

P5...Made a lotta sense, I hope what I said was as good as what you wrote....I do tend to wander off on a rant sometimes!

This has been a very welcome respite from the past 10 days or so, dialogue as above is refreshing and invigorating, not like the hate speech I've been getting. Although myself and Juliette India have differing opinions, a rational exchange has happened and I hope it continues.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Independent? Undecided? Here's a little help for y'all.

Are you decided enough to not want to see any more of these bogus driver's licenses'? Are you Independent enough to keep this from happening again?

A little some thing for the undecided voters out there and also the Independents; there is a great line from the movie 'Karate Kid'..the first one...Myagi is speaking to a somewhat undecided Daniel about learning karate, he gives this description which is true in life we live everyday...to paraphrase; 'If you stay on right of road, ok...if you stay on left of road, ok...but if you walk on the centerline...squish, just like grape'. This sums this election up in short order folks but if you need any clarification, here ya go. For those who want higher taxes, legal abortion even to underage girls without parental notification, partial-birth abortion or no care for the babies who survive an abortion...then o'bummer is your man. If you prefer illegal aliens (no PC here...they are illegal and they are not citizens so they are aliens!) to have the 'right' to drivers licenses', to vote, to collect social security (even tho they didn't contribute a dime to it) and the right to move about in the USA freely, then again...o'bummer is your man. Now if on the other hand, you are not for the previous listed, then John McCain is your man. Granted, McCain is not a perfect candidate but then who is perfect? What I know is who McCain is I also know that our country can be safe and more secure with him at the helm. What do I or you, for that matter, know of barry barack hussein obama? Well, he dresses nice, speaks pretty eloquently and has a lot of 'friends' who are not looking to keep our country safe and secure...you know the usual suspects so I'll not belabor the point. His cronies in the House and Senate are corrupt, greedy and nefarious liars and schemers...you also are aware of that pack of gluttony. Ms nancita pelassi promised an uncorrupted Congress along with slimy harry reid (doesn't he remind you of Gollum?) in the Senate...what we got were higher gas prices, a collapse of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, covered up by chrissy dodd, barney rubble frank, and...ta ta...barack barry hussein obama.

Under Dubya for 6 years the economy enjoyed record low unemployment, record tax revenue with lower taxes and a vibrant economy...the liberal lefties would have you believe that Dubya's term in the White House was a total disaster...it was far from that; we worked our way thru a recession inherited from slick willie, the 9/11 terror attack and the war against those who propagated that dastardly attack...along with having to resume hostilities in Iraq to dispose of sadman hussein and his regime. Facing all those tribulations, do you really believe that o'bummer can or will do as creditable job? All the progress that's been made to insure a safer USA will go up in smoke...you know it as well as I know it because o'bummer has been exposed with his righteousness afoul...ask Joe the plumber; o'bummer wants to 'spread the wealth'...what wealth barry? Yours? If we are as you say, on the verge of another 'great depression', how can you justify your wife's menu the other day...lobster, caviar and champagne at 4 in the afternoon...what was Joe the plumber having? What was Joe sixpack having? What was Rosie the riveter having? Shame on you, shame of 'her ladyship, michelle', you Senator, are a prime example of an elitist...you have yours, now you want everyone's along with complete control of our Government.

I received this poll from a very good Warrior Brother of mine, it was taken from The Army Times...check it out if you have questions...it's also in The Navy Times, The Marine Corps Times, The Air Force Times and The Federal Times.




Air Force...............67.......................24

Marine Corps.......75.......................18


White Non Hispanic:76...................17


Black/African-American:12...........79 surprised?



Somehow, this hasn't been seen in the NYT or on CBS


Friday, October 17, 2008

Oh really now....

I've been having an assortment of thoughts after Wednesday's debate between o'bummer and McCain; have to admit that I've become confused on more than a couple points.

Joe asked a simple question, o'bummer took it as easy to answer but lo and behold, his answer blew up in his face. 'Spread the wealth' is the cigar barry'll have to smoke for some time now but wait...o'bummer's campaign and MSM to the rescue; who is Joe the plumber they ask. Well, turns out that the MSM can dig info up on ol Joe quicker than they can dig anything up on rezcko, ayers, franklin and jimmy johnson...even joey biden gets in on the act, I guess he's upset because Joe the plumber is the new 'Joe, the regular guy'. Questions I'm hearing from o'bummer and biden are like 'how can this guy make 250K in the plumbing business?', no plumber in my neighborhood makes that kinda money. And the crowd screams their approval! Are you kidding me? Is this a harbinger of things to come? These cheering minions will be the first o'bummer/biden will throw under the bus...just another bunch of 'useful idiots'. Face it both of y'all, Joe the plumber wants to buy and run his own business, hiring plumbers and expanding clientele; depending on his area of work, he'll make well over 250K annually and then o'bummer's taxes will attack and re-distribute the 'wealth' that Joe will make....people, it's real hard for one person to make that kinda money working by himself; does everything have to be spelled out to these 'super, elite individuals'?

Sarah Palin came on the scene, a virtual unknown...made a speech or two and was viciously attacked by MSM and the o'bummer/biden campaign. How did Sarah respond? Very well I believe, she recognized it for what it was...buffalo-chips! But when a true fact is hung on either o'bummer/biden, they scream..attack ad, attack ad and get all indignant. Why is that you ask? Well, this is the way I see it...they know that the only thing that can expose their lies is the truth and they will do anything possible to stifle that even going as far as slander, smearing and character assassination, which is exactly what is being done by the campaign and MSM with Joe and Sarah. The slick talking o'bummer would have y'all think he's for the 'little guy', so will joey the un-regular guy but in reality all they want to do with the general populace is control them...like sheep. Speaking of 'sheep', remember the introduction of biden in Tampa when he was introduced as McCain, all the 'sheep' were bleating their approval...just like robots or shall we call them 'obamabots'?

The wife of o'bummer....Lordy she is living a mighty high life here in the 'mean ol USA' having lobster and champagne at 4 in the afternoon, wonder if she's finally 'proud' of the USA now or is she still looking down her nose at all the struggling middle class citizens? I suspect the latter, hope you finished your plates michelle, there are starving kids in Africa that could have used the food that the money spent on your extravagance could have bought; and that inspires another question of how much ol barry really cares about those that do not have much...how much and how often have the o'bummers helped his family in Kenya out? More than likely they don't have time for all that and can't remember except when it suits their purpose....way to go, losers.

Watching the dinner/roast last night, I thought o'bummer was gonna explode...just beneath the surface of his calm, cold demeanor was a torrent of hate just waiting to explode...he looked completely out of place and it showed, when he spoke the words were funny but his delivery wasn't, poison laced every sentence, every word was a dagger, this arrogant SOB is not fit to be president of his own hate America club, what a disgusting individual. Even katie couric showed her posterior, after assailing Sarah Palin in her 'interviews/slams', she shows up wearing her hair in the style Sarah popularized, what a flaming hypocrite!

Listening about the MSM today, all the pundits were saying that in order to keep intrest in a 'runaway' victory for o'bummer, the MSM had to allow the appearance of McCain/Palin gaining in the polls; I for one don't see it that way, I believe the polls are skewered, no doubt, but not in that way...they are infected, slanted and unreliable. Infected with lies, slanted in order to allow all to jump the 'bandwagon' of victory for o'bummer and un-reliable in that, they aren't representative; they are overloaded with democrats, not an even sampling of voters or undecided voters. I hear all the reports of o'bummer's 'lead' but I don't see the people here echoing those numbers. In another instance, the Secretary of State in Ohio snubs her nose at a Federal Court ordering her to insure all voters in that state be confirmed as legal voters....acorn registered over 200,000 fraudulent voters in Ohio...how can anyone in any state really believe the election will be legitimate? This is just an inkling of what's to come with an o'bummer/biden administration...more taxes, freedom of speech will be a thing of the past, we'll be spending way more than incoming revenues provide and there will be, class warfare; the elites and the regular joe.

I see a bad moon risin'.....

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Of walnuts, coconuts and a.c.o.r.n.'s..........

I gotta admit, I'm astounded; ol barry has increased his output of buffalo-chips dramatically since the last Presidential Debate and has been joined by more left-wing minions. The ultra-radical group, a.c.o.r.n. has really gotten things up in a roar with all the FBI raids on their headquarters in many states (primarily, battleground states); Rep. lewis from the peachy state of Georgia has thrown another race card (how many cards in that deck and how many decks are on the left?), not 'peachy' Rep. Lewis...that duck won't fly. Thing is, it don't matter, it's just another lie that 'isn't a lie' according to the lefties...it's like ol barry saying' he only knew billy ayers only from being' a 'guy in the neighborhood'. Ol barry's association with billy ain't about billy being' a '60's radical, terrorist bomber, it's about the association of the two right here, right now! I'll start with the distribution of what, 15 Mil from ayers, thru hussein obama to a.c.o.r.n. for not the school improvement projects, but for radical instructions about teaching our young to bring down our country; about voter registration fraud...Mickey Mouse, really? Daffy Duck would have been a less obvious registration.

Does oilslick obama's sweetheart house purchase thru tony rezco have anything to do with his honesty or lack of it? You betcha Range Rider...obama is one slick liar, right outta the xlinton mold; he threw jeremiah wright under the bus...in steps, first kinda dis-associating himself a little, then when wright shot his mouth off again ol barry off-loaded that racist quickly. A stone pattern of deceit follows obama's words, reminds me of crossing the creek on stepping' stones, they get a little slippery toward the 'otherside' and the closer to 04 November we get the more chance of a slip n splash from ol oilslick hussein; I kid you not.

The plumber nailed him and obama gave out his intent for the rest of us...he will 'share the wealth', obama, you are no Robin Hood...at best you're a junior Senator with a bag of gas, the Chicago Machine pushing' you and supporting' you. My, my...what debts to those in power there will you have to re-pay? I've said you remind me of a pimp, I guess that may have to be amended or have you learned how to prostitute yourself while being your own pimp, then paying 'the man' after you fleece the country?

Friday, October 10, 2008

What If?



Often times, private musings take on exaggerated flights of fancy into realms of ridiculous improbability. Such was the case recently as I mulled over the ridiculous state of affairs currently on the American scene.

We're in the final days of what has been an extraordinary political campaign. A campaign that started too early and has lasted too long. It offers history-making choices, but the choices also present troublesome problems. On one hand, we are given a candidate who is, to put it gently, a bit long in the tooth, and we wonder whether he can survive a term in the office of President. Perhaps to offset anxiety, McCain offered a bright, personable and YOUNG running mate for V-P. Not only that, this candidate is a woman...a first on a Republican ticket. Sarah Palin shows great promise. But is it just a bit too soon for her to step onto the national stage? Perhaps. Perhaps not, but something to consider.

On the other hand, we're given a "choice," (and I use the word guardedly) of a black man competing to become the nation's Chief Executive. Another historical first in American politics. The basic idea is good. There's every reason that a Black person become the Commander-in-Chief. But is obama the RIGHT black man? Numerous factors -- countless factors -- indicate that he is not. However, one of the best days in the American story will be when a candidate can run for any office in the land while being designated not as Black, Asian, Anglo, male, female or whatever. Note that no label should be allowed as "African-American," "Hispanic-American," etc. A person either is AMERICAN or not. The best day will be when anyone can campaign for public office as an AMERICAN. Period. Is that an impossible dream? No, it is not. But people have to get their heads on straight for it to become reality. At the current rate, that day is far in the future.

The election of 2008 is fraught with many troublesome aspects. The taint of marxist-fascism, the giant shift toward socialism, lack of experience, arrogance over patriotism.... So troubling, that one question keeps darting through my head:


Of course, it won't happen. Americans don't cooperate in an endeavor to that extent! But what if no one, not a single eligible voter went to the polls on Election Day? Would the country come to a complete halt? Probably Congress would go into panic sessions. But the two houses cannot work together, so no solution would be forthcoming. Would it then be left to the Supreme Court to decide who the new President would be? Heaven forbid! We cannot let that judiciary body decide such an enormous issue. Those people are hard-pressed to decide on which shoes to wear to any given session.

I'm disappointed. I'm disgusted. Most of all, I'm fearful for our Country's future. Whatever the results, our Citizens will cast their ballots on November 4. May God have mercy on us.


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Patriot or Parasite?

Very important last few weeks of the Presidential Campaign, barry hussein obama has a sizable lead in the major polls but who is he really? Is he a Patriot like he implies or a parasite who will skin our nation alive with new taxes and associations with muslim extremist groups and nations? He refused to wear an American Flag pin on his lapel, doesn't pay the due respect for the flag of our country which he says he's 'ready' to lead and associates with out-spoken haters of America...ie: billy ayers and looney louie farrakhan. America, are you listening? Are you watching? Do you really associate your views on how our nation should be governed with barry barack hussein obama? This individual is a 'bottom-feeder', the only thing he wishes to 'forward' is his own agenda, country first means nothing to him and like sheep, the left follows him happily because they view him not as a leader but as an individual that will promote their own self interests. His claim of sounding the alarm about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is fictitious at best, he in fact impeded the regulations that John McCain wanted back in '05 to keep the economic meltdown we're experiencing now from happening. Along with barney 'Rubble' frank and maxine watters, obama turned a blind eye to the brewing collapse of both mortgage buyers and pocketed over $100,000.00 in campaign 'kick-backs' in 3 short years. Now he's got frankie raines (who pocketed +/- 90 Mil from those same institutions) on his economic advisory board! What other 'safe' are these cohorts looking to crack and rob? Who is really pushing barry barack hussein obama toward the White House? Ask yourself, 'who is this guy', I do believe you'll come up short for answers while at the same time, hussein obama is showing us all what he really is....a damn parasite!

If you can stomach these next photos, look closely at whom barry hussein obama associates with, look at the arrogant look on his face while the National Anthem is played.....then think of all the trickery and tomfoolery he's engaged to hide his real self. Another example of obama's selfishness happened a couple weeks ago amid the Congressional battle for the bailout bill, hussein obama wouldn't do the job he's elected and payed to do by returning to D.C. to help sort out the mess, hell, he didn't have to, it all played to his advantage! This is where the 'parasite' comes into play, his self interests were more important than the country's; John McCain went to D.C. and was vilified by the left for doing so, saying he was 'grandstanding', truth of the matter is, McCain was trying to get the economic mess sorted out while hussein obama seized that opportunity to trash McCain...and he preaches bi-partisanship...if that isn't a crock of buffalo chips, then Popeye's a punk. Just a day or so before all that went down, John McCain said the 'fundamentals of our economy are strong'....great caesars ghost! The silver tounged devil seized on that and screamed McCain was 'out of touch', that the economy was in crisis (which it was and still is, but it's fundamentals are strong),now, last Friday what did the silver tounged devil say? 'Our economy is fundamentaly strong'...excuse me, but when McCain said that you disagreed now you are saying the same thing...who is really out of touch? Who is, once again, the parasite?

Take a good long look, do some serious soul searching...are you as uncomfortable about this as I am? Also ask yourself...what is a community organizer?....do jesse jackson and al sharpton come to mind? They should and by the way, why haven't we heard all that much from either of those to looney tunes? Have they been muzzled so as not to draw attention to what a 'community organizer' is? Will you sit by as louie farrakhan continues to berate America, blatantly hate America? Will you sit back and empower the likes of billy ayers, who along with his wife, was a prominent member of the radical group 'weather underground', sworn to destroy America in the sixties and seventies? I was a young man during those tulmultious times, it wasn't pretty seeing our country torn apart, held hostage by the radical groups of the times; of that, I can assure you.

Those were days I'd as soon forget, dark days...Kent State, the SDS...all hell-bent on tearing down 'The Establishment', yet today we find them part of the same 'establishment'. They didn't succeed back then so they went 'underground' and infiltrated society, academia and the political wings...the result is seen from the election of slick willie right up to the present day. The 'anything goes as long as the job gets done' mentality of the clinton years has seeped into everyday America, young teenage girls bragging of being pregnant...by young, I'm saying 13 years old...Did the job really 'get done' or was monica lewinsky the objective? Was ol slick willie enjoying a 'cigar' in the oval office while obl was planning and carrying out his butchery?
What do we want from our government? What do we expect from our leaders? Has the theme of small federal government gone with the wind, along with state's rights? Are we that lazy and easily led that we have to have the Feds come in and rescue us? Or is it that the fabric of our country has deteriorated beyond truth and infected us with such 'helplessness' that we are incapable of doing what is best for all concerned? That is the right thing to do.

This is the night for the 2nd Presidential Debate, John McCain has the opportunity to get hussein obama to 'fess up', to explain who he really is. Sarah started the ball rolling last Thursday, it's time for John McCain to pick up the baton and finish what Sarah started; expose this individual for what he is, remove the cloak surrounding him and let the light that will be shed....show for all what barry barack hussein obama really is...a lying, manipulating parasite.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Let Sarah....be Sarah!

Sarah can and will de-fang joey the miscreant if she's allowed to by the McCain Campaign; just let Sarah be herself! The MSM will never report this debate as a victory for Sarah in the first place, all the more reason to just 'turn her loose'; Sarah can question or throw back in joey's face the vote in '73 where he was only one of five Senators who voted against the Alaska pipeline. Were we getting crude from somewhere else? Think for a minute, do all the shortages of that time come to mind? It's one thing to 'put yourself under one's thumb' willingly as biden did by voting against the pipeline and another, being put under the thumb, by someone else. Judgement, little joey has none...Character, once again, little joey comes up short. The other four Senators voting in the minority are long gone...but little joey remains, Why? The only argument being made against the pipeline was fear of ruining the habitat of the Caribou whose population in the '70's was 5,000...it stands at 32,000 as of '02....environmental activists are coming to mind. We all know that in the name of Ecology, our proud Nation has been subjected to ridiculous laws passed by 'bought by political donations' Senators such as little joey are the reason why he and others like him are still in the Senate. Preserving our environment is an important thing and we should do all that's possible to achieve this but at what cost? Are we having our noses cut off to spite our faces by these kinds of politicians? The way I see it, we are, how many jobs were lost to save some 'unseen by human eyes' tree frog or obscure bird up in timber country? How many other jobs in how many other industries were lost for the same reason? Did we need to 'clean up our act'? Damn straight, but not to the extent of crippling our Nation, making us insecure and depending on other countries for natural resources we already have. Saving those resources is a good thing but are we saving them for someone who will overtake our country after we've been rendered helpless by not using what we have to keep us secure in the World?

Get him Sarah, it's your state that he seemed to understand better than you do now...hammer that point home...in spades! Expose his lack of 'character' by being on the wrong side of history so often, making partisan decisions for his own political/financial gain, instead of decisions in the best interest of our Country. Little joey's vision is blurry on many things, some on a historical plane, others when he's looking 'live' right at it...'Stand up Chuck, oh...uh, well I'm sorry Chuck, how can you stand up if you're in that wheelchair'? 'Everyone, stand up for Chuck". Then the historical blunder, or was it trying to get credit for his party earlier, by saying that FDR went on television in '29 to reassure our country with his famous quote "We have nothing to fear but fear itself". All the history I've ever read was that Herbert Hoover was President in '29 and television didn't become available for a number of years later. Gaze into your 'crystal ball' joey and give me this weeks winning lotto numbers, I'll need that money now that we're at a point where we have to bail out Wall Street because your cronies on the left helped run Fannie and Freddie into the ground. Character? Yeah bud, you show a lot of it...just like barney, harry, chrissy, hussein and dicky durbin all running around like the KeyStone Kops.

Not to worry though joey, your 'ally' pictured below will assist you tonite, not because she likes your dumba**, but because it'll serve her purpose by getting more cash for her soon to be published book if barry hussein oilslick obama makes it to the White House. Good Lord but y'all are a despicable lot!

Enjoy your life gwennie, I know you'll put on the front to 'appear' to be unbiased but we'll all know better; after all, why shoot yourself in the pocketbook by being 'fair' and take a chance that Sarah will crush little joey? I understand that you, as a minority, are really hurting for cash....what high paying slot in the cabinet has oilslick promised you....secretary of state, interior....homeland security? Lord help us, even if 'they' come along for the ride. Oh, one other question gwennie....how is it you think you'll know both debaters perfectly by tonite? Could it be because you've been neglecting your other duties or because you've been 'spoon fed' your questions by barry's campaign; not to mention his minions that were sent, North to Alaska, to dig up dirt on Sarah and/or 'invent' it if they couldn't uncover any. You're hot gwennie, when's your next appearance on oprah and the view? Sure don't want to miss those.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Media Bias? Really now, they can't be that obvious.

The Breakthrough: Gwen Ifill - Click here for more free videos

In THE BREAKTHROUGH, veteran journalist Gwen Ifill surveys the American political landscape, shedding new light on the impact of Barack Obama’s stunning presidential campaign and introducing the emerging young African American politicians forging a bold new path to political power.

She told AP her view of Obama: "I still don't know if he'll be a good president."

She also describes how she met him at the 2004 Democratic convention and since then has interviewed the Illinois senator and his family.

She also boasted that by the time of the debate, "I'll be a complete expert on both" Palin and Biden.

The debate will be held at Washington University in St. Louis, which has posted information about the evening's events online.

Ifill's profile there describes her as a longtime correspondent and moderator for national news programs and includes her service as moderator of the 2004 debate between Edwards and Cheney.

However, there's no mention of her upcoming book. Nor does the website for the Commission on Presidential Debates, which is organizing the meetings of the candidates, mention her book.


This whole 'Fair Debate' premise reminds me of gambling in Las Vegas, you have the illusion of 'fairness' but you really know how it'll end up; you'll lose at the slots, the tables and if you aren't careful, your reputation and savings. In a way, I can relate to how Sarah Palin must be thinking...the media already has her losing, the deck is stacked against her with the selection of Gwen Iffil as moderator; if Sarah just 'survives' the 'debate', she will have won. I can only hope that the stage isn't all greased up, causing her to slip and fall....it would not surprise me though, seeing how she has caused such a stir and such fear in the liberal left.
McCain/Palin have fought to run an above board campaign, but like Sean Connery said in the movie 'The Untouchables', it's tantamount to bringing a knife to a gunfight. obama/biden (soon to be obama/clinton) are way below fighting dirty, the smears against McCain/Palin are abhorrent to say the least; now we have Gwen Iffil joining in the mix with her obvious bias. Why wasn't her soon to be released book mentioned in her profile? It's just like the liberal MSM to present a 'half-truth', a lie by another name, and expect that no one is looking. Well, there are people looking, there are people digging up the truth in these matters; so suck it up liberals and the MSM, if the democratz get into the White House you will be held accountable and you will be totally exposed for what you are....biased, liars, unbelievable and wrong.

We Are Watching!

GrandSon, Nathan