Monday, November 10, 2008

Shamefull Conduct and Mystery

"There are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations."
James Madison (speech to the Virginia Ratifying Convention,16 June 1788)
Reference: Bartlett's Quotations (352)

This has been kicking around in one form or another for quite some time, I for one, am not a conspiracy theorist but this does beckon some question and investigation. If proven true, the ramifications would be incredulous. Bob Dylan said it in his song, "The times they are a changing", it's now compulsory at least here in Florida, to show a birth certificate for drivers license renewal...why then is it not part of the paperwork process to get vetted to run for President of the one true, leading Nation in the Free World? How simple can it be to quell the rumors and innuendo surrounding this issue to just show the vault copy of a birth certificate; unless there is something to hide. One candidate offered 'transparency' in government, the other produced 'transparency' decide which did what.

What have we reduced ourselves to with this video? Are we showing a 'united front' or just showing how far our Nation has degenerated? This is the kind of stuff that went on when Castro took over Cuba, when the Nazi's burned books and celebrated 'Krystal Night' prior to WWII and at the beginning of the Holocaust. Behaviour like this is common place in third world country's, not in the United States of least not up till now. This is not what my generation's Fathers fought WWII for, nor why the Korean and Vietnam Wars were fought.

Why was the lone McCain/Palin supporter arrested? Because he had a toy sword stuck in the back of his shirt? Or was this a harbinger of what's to come of our freedom of speech and assembly? Makes me wonder what damage that raucous crowd did in 'celebration' of obama's victory, did the overturn cars, set fires and other vandalous acts? In my humble opinion, all that was accomplished in Philadelphia was the world got a real good look at how far we, as a Nation, have degenerated....what do you suppose they think of us now? These acts only steeled al-qaeda's and people who hate us to continue to destroy our Nation and it's way of life....our forefathers and our very own fathers did not fight for our freedoms to be thrown out the window like this; 7Dec41 may live as a date in infamy but 4Nov08 will live as a date the USA will regret for whatever time it has left.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I no longer recognize my country, and it breaks my heart. "My country, 'tis of thee...harsh land of misery...."
~ ~ ~ Arlean

GrandSon, Nathan