Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sheep, Goats and Sheep Dogs

"Let the American youth never forget, that they possess a noble inheritance, bought by the toils, and sufferings, and blood of their ancestors; and capacity, if wisely improved, and faithfully guarded, of transmitting to their latest posterity all the substantial blessings of life, the peaceful enjoyment of liberty, property, religion, and independence."—Joseph Story (Commentaries on the Constitution, 1833)
Reference: Story, Commentaries on the Constitution, 718.

The above image came to me from a Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant, by way of a VietNam FMF Corpsman; I believe it typifies the feeling of the general populace, I for one said basically the same 2300 on 04 Nov, the USA as we've known it has died, calling hours will begin on 20 January '09 and run for the next four years. This does not mean my support for the office of the Presidency will stop, it does not mean that I will in any way subvert the duly elected administration; it simply means that the USA I grew up in, fought to defend the principles of are no longer in place. It started to die when prayer was removed from our schools and replaced with condoms, abortion and the unraveling of any semblance of moral fabric. It died with rampant pornography, it died when more people vote during Survivor and American Idol than vote for our leaders. Sure, you may say they're all liars but is there no deceit in Survivor or American Idol? American Idol is called entertainment....Survivor is called reality, neither are what they claim. Idol belittles people, people who think they have a special talent while the 'judging panel' thinks they are clowns to be ridiculed, Survivor is an even bigger fosters class warfare as it's only a popularity contest. If we are to survive as a Nation and regain the respect we enjoyed after WWI and II, there are a few things that need addressed and adhered to, for example:


The Word strictly states, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God....." Yet have we sought HIS kingdom or have we sought OUR kingdom - the United States? Have we sought His ways or have we sought our wants? Let's compare.

If we were seeking the Kingdom of God - we would search for a leader who was a man after God's own heart, (such as David in the Bible). Did we search for this man? Were the Christians concerned about where he stood compared to God's Word or were we more concerned of his ethnicity? Were we more concerned with the economy or were we concerned about what the Lord was trying to show us?


The vote as I see it was about 'wants' not 'needs'....just because obama is black, it became a historical vote, well, to have elected John McCain and Sarah Palin would have been just as 'historical' as Sarah Palin would have been the first woman to be elected VP. Of the two tickets, which one really was based in/on a Christian belief? If you think obama, I refer you to the reverend jeremiah wright and his God D**n America rantings, obama was married by this person, his daughters baptized by him(his youngest was baptized after 9/11 when the God D**N America statement was made!)

Looney loouie farrakhan calls obama the Messiah, hard to take that one, he's more an opportunist than a Messiah. Ask yourself, where'd he come from so fast? No, he's no Messiah.



Many Christians voted for Obama based on the color of his skin and not on his moral standings. Many voted for him in hopes to turn our economy around instead of turning to the Lord by falling on their knees and repenting. "If my people who are called by My Name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14

Obama cannot heal our land - no president can. How can we as Christians vote for a man who agrees with homosexuality and the murder of innocent babies during the birth process? How can we as Christians vote for a man who blatantly denies God's Word? How can Christians vote this way without it bothering their conscience? How can we justify our vote? Will our excuses for voting for a man who blatantly comes against the Laws of God be good enough for God to accept?

This is easy to explain - the line has been drawn. The line has been drawn between the sheep and the goats. The line has been drawn between to those 'claiming' to be Christians and 'the remnant few' who really are Christians.

Let's compare the difference between a sheep and a goat.

Sheep are mild mannered, they follow the shepherd and are led easily. Goats are known to be destructive and mischievous. Now goats and sheep are considered to be in the same family, however, notice the character differences. Goats go for what pleases them, sheep go for what pleases the shepherd.

So which one are you? Are you a sheep or goat? Can't tell? Well, I can tell you. If you voted for righteousness, you are a sheep. If your vote was based on the color of someone skin or for the economy, you are a goat. What will the Lord say to you when you meet him face to face? Will He note that you stood for righteousness? Will He say, "Well, done thou good and faithful servant"? (His sheep will hear this)

Or will you approach Him and say, "but Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name? Did we not drive out demons in your name? Did we not do mighty deeds in your name?" Then I will declare to them solemnly, "I never knew you - depart from my you evil doers" Matthew 7:22-23 (His goats will hear this)"To be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life."I beg you, if you are a goat - turn from your carnal ways - before it is too late. Stop justifying your sins, your hate and your personal agenda. God is still on the throne and we will all reap what we sow."

Claiming" to be a Christian will not save you. Your "Christian" works will not save you. Your church attendance will not save you. God sees the heart. He sees who you long for.As for the sheep - well done! The Lord is pleased that you stood up for righteousness. Keep your mind focused on God and His Word. Keep your mind from being polluted with the ways of this world. Remember, we are IN this world, we are not OF it. We are sheep and not goats! Jesus is coming soon. Keep doing the work assigned to you by Christ and before you know it, we will be going home. Let's try to bring as many with us as we can. Pray for the sheep to remain strong and pray that the goats will turn from their ways before it is too late. Pray for Obama's salvation - for it is the Lord's will that none shall perish.


Numbers one and two are not my words but I believe in them and as soon as we, as a Nation, turn back to our Lord and Saviour then we'll be back in the White Light and Grace of Our Lord. I'm no prophet, just an ordinary guy trying to do the best I can with what the Lord has supplied me with.....I'm no better than anyone on this planet, I do believe though, that I'm a sheep dog doing my part to protect the flock from the beast and hopefully convince enough goats to join in with the flock.


Anonymous said...



USMC, 1/27, RVN68

Anonymous said...

Thanks for an outstanding commentary. I think Election 2008 highlighted numerous issues requiring serious thought and repair...including the ethnic issue. Was the bulk of voting based on the color of obama's skin? That isn't important. The burning issue of our time is that we've forgotten the value of human skin in the first place.

Anonymous said...

I think the bulk of voting on the pro Obama was based by the color of his skin. He received many of his votes just due to the fact that he was a half black man. I think the the votes against Obama was not based on his skin color but the lack of trust in the man and the fact that there were too many unanswered questions. Again, reverse discrimation has raised its head.

Anonymous said...

To jmich1235: You make a good point in the distinction of obama's pro and con voters. It brought to mind something else I've wondered, but am not historian enough to know the answer. And that is: In the entire history of the USA, has any election been won, based strictly on the ISSUES?
Well, we can only dream...

P5 Driver said...

The electorate bought 'change' over 'reform'. Change is not what we'll get neither will be reform; it'll be the same old insider politics as usual with absolutely no bi-partisanship, the democrats rule the roost for at least 2 more years.

Change is when you exchange one for another; Reform is when you fix what is broken so it works the way it was designed to....think about it.

jmich1235 said...

How can one man promise change? How can a nation believe that one man is capable of such a thing. Many have banked their hopes that this one person can make all of our dreams come true. Fools. In the meantime, someone is walking a man who a lot of us found questionale around and telling him all of our nation's secrets. He is just a bit too eager.

GrandSon, Nathan