Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Introducing my CrewChief...A.G.

For a more comprehensive outlook on the political front, the Presidential race primarily, I've added a co-author. We've shared emails for the past few years and the insights gained by me, from her have encouraged me beyond description. There are a number of people I have the utmost respect for and trust they will 'tell me what I need to hear, not what I want to hear'.

Credit for tonites double missive, goes to Arlean Green...a good friend and constant encourager...God Bless and keep you Arlean.

A word of caution to the liberal left whackos, don't bite off more than you can chew and don't bet more than you can afford to lose; Sarah will bust y'all a new one and it won't be pleasant.

The following was contributed by my co-author, Arlean........


The 2008 election campaigning began much too soon. By the time the DNC convened its paris-hilton-temple bash, I was sick and tired of everything political.

Then along came John. McCain, that is. His v-p choice--and the impeccable timing of announcing that choice--sent an enormous Jack Daniels shot straight to the gut, didn't it? I can't remember ever being so excited about anything political. I do regret that the contest is going to be a dirty one. We're apt to see quantities of mud--enough to cover the largest Alaskan glacier.

Already the MSP is reporting (and I use that word with tongue-in-cheek) on the 'Alaskagate' business concerning Gov. Palin. I would've been angry at this morning's Washington Post item...except I couldn't stop gasping, and then laughing. If you haven't caught up on it yet...here's the report: Gov. Palin fired the Alaska state police commissioner because the commissioner wouldn't fire one of the state troopers. It seems Palin's sister was/is involved in bitter divorce action. The brother-in-law is the state trooper in question.

Reports are that the state trooper used his taser on his 10-year-old stepson. Said trooper also shot a moose or elk or whatever out of season. Also, it's said the state trooper drank beer while driving his patrol car. Palin urged the commissioner to fire the officer. The chief said they should wait it out until the trooper made "a mistake."

"A mistake"??? A mistake??? What in god's name constitutes a mistake in the chief's estimation? Well, anyway, said chief declined to fire the trooper, so Palin fired the chief. Now it's under investigation in Alaska, to determine whether Palin overstepped some boundaries or something. Since she's governor, I imagine she has the right to fire anyone she chooses. The trooper being her former brother-in-law is beside the point. But by the time the bleeding-heart libs get in gear on this, it'll be a point larger than Watergate.

Talked with a friend (well...a sort-of friend) this morning, who says McCain made a big mistake in choosing Palin. Quote: "Because Palin has no experience." Don't know about you, but I find lack of experience in government matters a plus. Look where the 'experienced' politicos have taken us.

Don't know where our country is heading....looks like a bumpy ride...but it might be a bit of fun. (Be sure to wear your mud gear.)

P.S. McCain trumped obama--at least temporarily-- where it comes to news announcements. But Gustav might well overshadow the GOP Convention. Details at eleven...


OK, Friends...I promise I'll ease back after this...don't want to weary you with my enthusiasm for the GOP v-p candidate. But please allow me one more 'Hurrah for Palin!'

I happened on a CNBC telecast tonight, an hour interview with Alaskan Gov. Sarah Palin. The more I hear about her, the more I see & listen to her, the better I like her. I called a friend to alert her to the program. Don't know if the rest of you happened to see it. The interview caught my interest because most of the hour dealt with energy problems, specifically, America's current dependence on foreign oil, and Alaska's ability to provide a good stop-gap to that dependence.

I spent a big chunk of my working life in the petroleum industry. So I was extremely impressed with Gov. Palin's comments. The lady knows her stuff. She's done her homework, and she knows what the oil industry is all about. She spoke with great pride in her state, its beauty and its resources. Her greatest passion, though, seems to be the people who live there. If she's so aware of the well being of Alaska's citizens, I think she'll be the same concerning all Americans. She seems to have the mind set to do the best on all counts, including proving to the continental U.S. that Alaska can make a tremendous economic contribution to this country. She's FOR drilling the oil reserves now, and she's all for exploring alternative energy sources.

A healthy oil industry contributes tremendous taxes to a state. It offers big salaries and great benefits. She said, "The government doesn't have to pay huge amounts on health care and other benefits, when the jobs are in place, offering salaries and benefits." Wow! A capitalist! Free enterprise!! If enterprise and capitalism is healthy, government doesn't have to step in with welfare handouts. This idea doesn't set well with Big Brother Government. In fact, the liberal element can't even comprehend the concept.

But I'm glad that Gov. Palin understands it. I'm glad she cares about citizens -- the People. I'm glad she is enthusiastic about industry and the work ethic.
Gov. Palin referred to ConocoPhillips throughout the interview, as well as BP Petroleum for whom her husband worked.

I spent 15 years of my working life, employed by Conoco. A company with drilling prospects on Alaska's North Slope. and a company involved with constructing that ginormous pipeline. (A year of my Conoco experience was with Continental Pipeline Company. Love those pipeliners---good people.) Anyway, it was also with pride that I heard Gov. Palin make several references tonight to ConocoPhillips. (Philliips wasn't in the picture when I was a Conocoan.)

Well, it was good to re-live some old "company spirit." But most of all, I was further impressed with Sarah 'Barracuda' Palin. She's got the Right Stuff on many counts.


Couldn't have said it better myself, P5 Driver loadin' up a resupply and ready to launch.


Anonymous said...

Arlean, I can understand why P5 is impressed by you. I don't know if I am one of those he thinks just says what he wants to hear, but I know it takes a lot for a woman to impress him. He truly knows his stuff and so do you.

Anonymous said...

Gosh, much thanks for your kind words. P5 is such a good thinker, and you're aware he expresses those thoughts colorfully and well. He is a great person--but that's just 't'ween us kids! I'm happy to collaborate in this worthy project.

GrandSon, Nathan