Are these the type people you'd like seeing in our White House? Note the 2 red circles and who is inside them, michelle and looney louie farrakhan; oilslick husseien would have us 'believe' he is Christian, but is he? Would a Christian Pastor, Reverend, Priest....anyone who is Christian, use the words from the pulpit...GD America? We know Reverend wright has, we know michelle has called America a mean country and we all know what looney louie stands for as leader of nation of islam.
Over the weekend, hussein obama has referenced not once, but twice, 'my muslim faith'. Slip of the tounge, miss spoke? Highly unlikely, this is the 'deep thinker' who chooses and measures his words carefully before answering the SaddleBack Debate. It appears to me that li'l barry is acting and speaking like a 3rd grader who is in the Principal's office and is trying to explain why he was sent there...multiple answers for the same question, all different! Video
Over the period of my lifetime, there have been numerous people who have changed faith and became muslim....cassius clay...became muhammed ali; lew alcindor....became kareem abdul jabbar; bobby moore....became ahmad rashad. The point I'm making here is, why did barack hussein obama not change his name to a Christian name when he became a Christian? Something that jumps out to me is, a certificate of live birth might be needed in order to legally change names; that is just one thing, another is has he really become a Christian or is he still a muslim? The Christian church that he cites as to where he was introduced to Jesus Christ, the trinity united church of Christ...pastored by jeremiah wright...does not appear to be teaching Christianity but black theology, a far cry from what our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, preached...'Love thy neighbor as thyself'......think about it.
Another 'happening' over the weekend was oprah winfrey's not inviting Sarah Palin onto her show....why not? Afraid Sarah will completely overshadow her? oprah, or harpo...whichever you like best...says only after the election will she invite Sarah, citing that she doesn't want to appear to be endorsing either candidate....well, that point didn't stop her from flat coming out for hussein obama. If I were Sarah, I'd tell oprah to stuff her show in her hat, oprah ain't for all women, only women who believe her line of garbage, those women who can't think for themselves....adios oprah/harpo!
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