Saturday, September 13, 2008

The dispicable 'interview' of Sarah by charlie gibson

And then there was charlie 'butthocks' gibson, supposed called journalist doing a hatchet job on Govenor Palin. Sarah has more 'fairness' in 1/2" of one thin hair on her head than you, charlie, ever had in your too long, useless life. Your obvious bias was there for all to a previous life 'butthocks', were you a part of the Spanish Inquisition, maybe an underling of Attila The Hun? Are you on oilslick obama's payroll or do you take checks direct from george soros?

You really had your axe honed sharp 'butthocks', but like Joan of Arc, Sarah parried your vicious swipes at her honor and integrity. The obvious editing of your 'interview' was far more interesting than all the idiot questions you interrogated Mrs. Palin with; in my humble opinion, you only have your job because you work for/under WDW...yeah people, Walt Disney World Corp. pays this worthless yellow-journalist his salary. Ol Walt wouldn't never abide such an employee as you charlie, you'd be in the scrapyard along with oprah/harpo, rosanne barr, whoopi goldberg, barbara wawa and rosie o'donnell; not to mention the rest of the useless scumbags out in hollyweird.

You 'softballed' obama, lapped up his rhetoric and swallowed his BS all the while, smiling...not glaring like you did with Sarah; does she scare you and the rest like you so much? Who are you beholding to, to conduct yourself in such a flagrant obvious bias? I think Sarah does scare all like you because she can't be 'gotten to', can't be held for favors owed and will definitely change the way politics are done in Washington D.C. I can remember as a kid, Ike saying "Beware of the Military/Industrial Complex"; that's all by the wayside's beware of the media/political complex... The way the MSM manipulates politics and thus the lives of every American Citizen makes me want to puke; the MSM influenced the Republican Primaries thinking that billary would be the democratz nominee, then easily defeat your biased, manipulative 'choice' of John McCain....well, now that you've been knocked on your a** by McCain's pick of Sarah Palin for Veep, all y'all are wiggling like a worm impaled on a hook same as's it feel charlie?


Anonymous said...

W--O--W ~~~~~~~~~~~

You tell'em, Driver.

Anonymous said...

LMAO! I noticed that poor old Chuckles couldn't ask questions on his Obama, he needed a teleprompter to lead him! Sarah did an AWESOME job of fending off his jabs and rhetoric and proved once again that she is indeed the best candidate for the job! GO SARAH AND JOHN!!!!

GrandSon, Nathan