In my humble opinion, the 'sooner' was activated by the '06 mid-term election returning the liberals to power in both Housres. They campaigned on bi-partisanship, they said they would run a 'clean' Congress, they said they'd work to lower gas prices...their approval rating doesn't bear any of their 'campaign promises' out. There has been less done to the positive than I have ever witnessed, unity that was promised turned into a greater divide; they have weakened our Country by the few things they have done, same goes for the Supreme Court. Nancy pelosi and dirty harry reid are prime examples that BS can actually walk and talk, pelosi pandered to iran, her home state of California has allowed fairy weddings, not fairy tale weddings, just plain fairy. Dirty harry reid has prospered by sweet land deals rivaled only by hussein obama and tony rezko; dirty harry reid is pulling the rug out from under our Warriors in Iraq, claiming we can not win there...harry either needs ne glasses or hearing aides, a few more brain cells for the both of them probably wouldn't help either; it'd be like throwin more good after bad. Both are wasted individuals who care only about themselves and not the Country...if that is interpreted as unpatriotic, then so be it, I think they are and it's my right to think, feel and say as I will.
Here is a missive that will underline where we are heading and the Legislative Branch is hurrying it along.....................From the UK. Most of what I glean from the following is, the security measures are working and the bad guys(islamic extremists')are attempting to use their Religion to skirt the security in place....common sense folks, just use a little common sense.
POLICE sniffer dogs trained to spot terrorists at railway stations may no longer come into contact with Muslim passengers – after complaints that it is against the suspects’ religion.A report for the Transport Department has raised the prospect that the animals should only touch passengers’ luggage because it is considered “more acceptable”.
In the Muslim faith, dogs are deemed to be spiritually “unclean”. But banning them from touching passengers would severely restrict their ability to do their job. The report follows trials of station security measures in the wake of the 2005 London suicide bomb attacks. In one trial, some female Muslims said the use of a body scanner was also unacceptable because it was tantamount to being forced to strip.British Transport Police last night insisted it would still use sniffer dogs – which are trained to detect explosives – with any passengers regardless of faith, but handlers would remain aware of “cultural sensitivities”.
Critics said the complaints were just the latest example of minority religions trying to force their rules and morals on British society.Tory MP Philip Davies said: “As far as I am concerned, everyone should be treated equally in the face of the law and we cannot have people of different religious groups laying the law down. I hope the police will go about their business as they would do normally.”
News of the security setback came as the Government yesterday admitted that installing 100 per cent airport-style screening at rail and Tube stations was “not feasible”.Instead extra sniffer dogs and X-ray machines will be used to search passengers.During the trials, passengers stopped in London had the exterior of their bags checked by dogs. But in Brighton, dogs patrolled the station concourse and were walked past passengers by their handlers.The report concluded: “The use of sniffer dogs was generally problematic for Muslim respondents on religious grounds if there was the potential for the dog to make direct contact with them.”
When Muslims have washed for certain forms of worship, they would have to repeat the ritual if they came into contact with a dog.One young Asian man told researchers: “We are not supposed to have dogs. It is against our religion.”Another Asian man said: “I don’t mind dogs in the park or walking near me, but sniffer dogs? I don’t think that’s right, on the station, the way they use them.”Massoud Shadjareh, chairman of the Islamic Human Rights Commission, said even dogs touching baggage would be an issue for a Muslim preparing to pray. But he stressed that it should be easy to allow dogs to check passengers without physical contact.“There is a way of dealing with this and we just need to be sensitive,” he said.
In another trial on the Heathrow Express platform at Paddington station in London, there were instances when the body scan – which creates an image on a monitor – was considered unacceptable by female Muslims, the report said.One Muslim woman complained: “Sometimes I wear clothing which is not so tight. It will be shown on (the monitor) and somebody is looking at it. It defeats the whole purpose of me covering up.”The report, on five rail security trials in 2006, also showed that some Asians and black people felt they could be selected for tests because of their ethnicity.A Transport Department spokesman said the use of sniffer dogs was a matter for the police. But he stressed that the report was only a conclusion of passengers’ views.
A British Transport Police spokesman said sniffer dogs would continue to be used with any passenger but officers would be considerate where appropriate.He added: “We are obviously aware of, and sensitive to, cultural sensitivities. BTP officers do have the power to stop and search anyone under Section 44 of the Terrorism Act.“This also covers the use of dog handlers and dogs, which are used to ‘indicate’ any substance they have been trained to detect.“As a force we obviously look at any or all feedback about how people from all faiths and backgrounds view the use of dogs, and how we can incorporate that into how the dogs and their handlers interact with people.”
Announcing new security measures to screen Tube and mainline rail passengers, the Government said yesterday that surveys had shown the public would be unlikely to accept major delays to journeys.People also wanted to ensure their personal privacy was protected.British Transport Police said it was enhancing its existing stop and search capabilities with the use of X-ray equipment for screening bags, along with the deployment of more sniffer dogs. It said a proportion of passengers and their bags would be searched with minimal delay and inconvenience to the public.Transport Minister Tom Harris said: “We will continue to work with British Transport Police and rail operators to assess the effectiveness and impact of these new measures.“We will use this evidence, and that from elsewhere in the UK and abroad, to develop further ways of keeping the travelling public secure using proportionate measures.”
A Parting shot of dirty harry reid...he is pathetic.
On to apologies: An apology doesn't really mean much if it has to be solicited, it doesn't come from the heart which means it's just words...not sincere. The below cartoon illustrates just how sad our Society has become, political correctness be damned; we are turning into a bunch of damn sissies so as not to 'offend' anyone...not too much 'offends' me, there are a few things that make me very upset(read:pist)here is an example...she may sing well, her heart may be in the right place but she is arrogant and wrong...there is no substitute for Our National Anthem....there is no excuse for any U.S. Citizen to desacrate, change or bring shame to our Anthem...y'all remember the Olympic Games in mexico city? I do and it's getting worse instead of better....a raised black fist, symbolizing 'black power' will be taking the place of Lady Liberty if we do not stand up and wrest ourselves from this diabolical BS.
Black national anthem' stirs controversy for city
DENVER - Mayor John Hickenlooper's annual State of the City address may get more attention for what wasn't included than what was.At the start of the event Tuesday morning, City Council President Michael Hancock introduced singer Rene Marie to perform the national anthem.Instead, she performed the song "Lift Ev'ry Voice and Sing," which is also known as the "black national anthem."
When she finished, the audience responded with mild applause. The national anthem was never performed.Marie told 9NEWS she kept her plans to switch songs quiet until the very last moment. She says only she, her husband and a friend knew she was going to sing something other than the "Star-Spangled Banner."She says she wanted to express her love of her country by mixing the lyrics of "Lift Ev'ry Voice and Sing" with the melody of the "Star-Spangled Banner.""When I decided to sing my version, what was going on in my head was: 'I want to express how I feel about living in the United States, as a black woman, as a black person,'" said Marie.Hickenlooper's staff picked Marie to sing the national anthem. The mayor says he believes Marie did not intend to offend anyone or make a political statement.When asked if he was offended, Hickenlooper said, "You know I was more confused and I think I was more - what I was, was disappointed and confused and that's why I wanted to talk to her."
"Lift Ev'ry Voice and Sing" was written as a poem by James Weldon Johnson in 1899 and set to music by his brother in 1900.City Councilman Charlie Brown took to talk radio Tuesday afternoon to criticize the absence of the national anthem at the State of the City proceedings."There is no substitute for the national anthem, period," Brown said. "And that's what really bothered me. You know when we fly the flag, the American flag, it's always the highest flag, as it should be. And that didn't come across today, that didn't happen today."
In hindsight, both Brown and Hickenlooper say they should have stopped Marie or began singing themselves.
Marie says if she had the benefit of doing it over, she would sing the same song.When asked if she would apologize for what happened she said, "No I do not."Marie has been singing professionally for 10 years.Brown says he doesn't have a problem with people expressing their views, but he says Marie chose the wrong venue.Below are the full lyrics to "Lift Ev'ry Voice & Sing"LIFT EV'RY VOICE AND SINGAlso known as "The Black National Anthem"by James Weldon Johnson.
Lift ev'ry voice and sing,Till earth and heaven ring.Ring with the harmonies of Liberty;Let our rejoicing rise,High as the list'ning skies,Let it resound loud as the rolling sea.Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us,Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us;Facing the rising sun of our new day begun,Let us march on till victory is won.Stony the road we trod,Bitter the chast'ning rod,Felt in the days when hope unborn had died;Yet with a steady beat,Have not our weary feet,Come to the place for which our fathers sighed?We have come over a way that with tears has been watered,We have come, treading our path through the blood of the slaughtered,Out from the gloomy past,Till now we stand at lastWhere the white gleam of our bright star is cast.God of our weary years,God of our silent tears,Thou who has brought us thus far on the way;Thou who has by Thy might,Led us into the light,Keep us forever in the path, we pray.Lest our feet stray from the places, our God, where we met Thee,Lest our hearts, drunk with the wine of the world, we forget Thee,Shadowed beneath thy hand,May we forever stand,True to our God,True to our native land.
How 'bout it reverends al and jesse? You still gonna preach 'intolerance' by white folks? You still gonna argue that the white man is holding back the black man. The two of you are sick, hypocritic bums.
Y'all excuse me for a spell, the bilges are full and they gotta get a good flushin'...
P5 Driver
Who the hell is Rene Marie? I've never heard of her before, anf hope I never do again. Glad to get the name through this blog, though. You can bet your pc butt that I'll avoid anything concerning her in future. What continues to amaze me...people like her have not one ounce of SENSE. Good grief...
To me, our National Anthem is a hymn.
Nothing less.
Its not a jazz stylized piece or open for 'interpretation'. Accept no substitute.
"True to Our Native Land" does not to me, translate to the U.S.A.
Glad to see there are other people who read and appreciate.
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