Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Ize iz, or Ize ain't a Natural-born U.S. Citizen?

Shakespeare asked...'To be or not to be', we gotta ask hussein obama if he's a natural born citizen or, even if he's a naturalized citizen. If naturalized, he's outta here/there/everywhere; one would imagine if all the things that have been floating around about his non 'authenticity' as a citizen are true, he'll be doin' that 'off the plane strut' in a cell with Bubba, bad luck to be so 'pretty' barry...XinLoi.
The certificate of live birth, pictured at the right here, causes some serious questions; this is the documentation that his campaign supplied for the 'Real McCoy'....does it appear to any of y'all that it's legit? Fathers race, stands out as questionable, 'African' encompasses a whole continent last time I looked....did obama's daddy live in Johannesburg? That's on the continent, Morocco? Liberia? Tanzania? Oh no, that's right, it was Kenya. Let's see now, 4August, '61, date of live birth...the common terminology to describe obama's daddy would have been 'negroid' or negro, not African. Was it done in this fashion to protect his radical mommy? Maybe to enable to pass himself when he entered his mommy's and GrandMommy's world? Maybe to help secure a good primary education? We all remember what the Country was like prior to 'Freedom Summer', obama said that the march to Selma was what encouraged his mommy and daddy to have him...but wait, that would be 3 years after obama was born, how can this be?
There are more things about the birth certificate that are strange but can't be seen on the re-production's a couple of them;
Amy Hollyfield of the St. Petersburg Times
Finally, the campaign released the image (resembling the one at the top of this article). Hollyfield e-mailed it to the Hawaii Department of Health, which maintains such records, to ask if it was real. "It's a valid Hawaii state birth certificate," spokesman Janice Okubo told us.
Then the firestorm started. Israel Insider contacted Okubo several days. She could not refer to Obama's specific case, she said, because no one but an authorized family member can do so. But she did confirm that a valid "certification of live birth" would need to have an embossed seal and signature and that it can only be printed and mailed. There is no such thing as an electronic only certification.
In our previous article on this subject we published an example of a certified birth certificate of another Hawaiian citizen, Patricia DeCosta, reproduced below. The stamp and signature are reversed because the embossing is done from the back as per law, as Okubo noted is required by law.
Speaking to National Review Online, Okubo admitted that the Obama image lacked those required features but thought that perhaps the embossing was applied too lightly. Maybe so, but all the certificates we have seen have the embossed imprint clearly visible, as well as horizontal fold marks.
Strange, eh? John McCain got a great deal of media attention when his citizen status was questioned, he was born in the Panama(Thanks peanut farmer, for giving it away)Canal Zone, to an active duty Father and his maternal Mother....both, citizens. That clears McCain, all hussein obama has to do is show his authentic COLB, right? It's not hard, I had to do it myself when I applied for a passport in '05...lost the original, obtained a certified, embossed, signed copy from the State/County I was born in; had to show it, even though I'd served Our Country in the Marine Corps for 4 years, was a combat Veteran of Vietnam, honorably discharged and held a valid drivers license(COLB was required for that also)....the point is, even with all that, I still had to produce my certificate for the passport; why is it so hard for obama? Here's a tad more light on this;
We got an email yesterday from Bryan Suits who has a radio show on KFI Los Angeles. He writes: "I have just received my State of Hawaii certified birth certificate for my 1964 debut on the planet earth. It looks....nothing like Obama's. We've scanned it at 72dpi, 300dpi. Nuthin. We can't make the emboss disappear. Also, we can't make THE FOLDS disappear!! How did FightTheSmears do it?
I got curious when I compared his (with the 2007 date bleed) to my old beat-up1986 copy. then I went online on June 13 and ordered the thing. It got here yesterday tri-folded in a state of Hawaii envelope. I called the State and asked if I could get an unfolded copy. No dice.
We need Dick Tracy or Sherlock Holmes on this case....un-folded copy not available, folds and emboss can't be photoshopped out, is it real or is it a forgery? Why will the media that is fawning all over this guy, not ask the questions needed? News 'journalists' are reporters, who ask the 5 W's...Who, What, Where, When and Why. When are they gonna pick up their responsibility and do the job of reporting instead of influencing? Conspiracy is easily explained away;
But Hollyfield is mistaken. There would be no need to invent a conspiracy among officials. All Obama needed to do would be to pass off an uncertified document as being certified. He may have done so unwittingly. Then the rest can follow without any need to conspire with any other official. They just take it on faith that the person is an American citizen. They don't check about the embossing requirements of the State of the Hawaii. They believe Obama. Why should they doubt him, certainly after he becomes a lawyer and a state senator? The officials believe that the claimed document is authentic, and therefore issue other documents, based on the phony one, buried deep in the documentary chain. Unwitting or not, however, the high stakes for basing one's citizenship on an uncertified birth certificate must be pretty obvious to the campaign now.
Nothing else explains why Obama's campaign refused to release the original paper document, to make this distracting controversy go way. Because Hollyfield is right about one thing:
"If this document is forged, a U.S. senator and his presidential campaign have perpetrated a vast, long-term fraud."
He didn't release a birth certificate, but an image of a purported "certification of live birth" that contains dubious features, lacks a traceable certificate number and -- as the Hawaiian state official Okubo admits -- lacks the stamp and signature required to make it valid.
There need be no conspiracy by state or federal officials, just a willingness to believe Obama and accept an image that might look real but might not be.
This whole campaign is a farce, the media won't ask the right questions of obama, yet they grill or ignore McCain; McCain is trying his best to run a 'clean' campaign, thing is, the democrats are still furious over the outcome of the 2000 election...for 8 years all they've said is 'we got robbed', they have been Presidential campaigning the whole time, never in my 61 years have I witnessed anything like it. Russia and fatboy chavez are working on an alliance together against the U.S., Russia is putting nuke-capable bombers in cuba, why? Are we about to have a repeat of the cuban missile crisis? And during a Presidential Election year no less; iran is nukeing up and testing long range missiles, they verbally threaten Israel and deny the Israelies their right to a sovereign state. My friends, it's a very narrow path we find ourselves on, the dropoffs left and right are steep and deep; we cannot take a chance for a slip or we'll be in deep chit. I can only pray our Lord will provide the guidance for us, as a Nation, to do what we can to insure that the United States of America survives this election.
It's time to look deep within ourselves as individuals, all the campaign rhetoric aside, we have to decide what kind of people we are...are we a Nation that believes in right and wrong? Are we a Nation with a spine of steel or cooked linguine? hussein obama believes partial birth abortion is ok...use that as a litmus test, partial birth abortion is aborting the baby while it's in the birth canal.....if you feel that it isn't murder like obama, then vote for for will get the 'change' that he preaches. Just remember to search your soul, your inner being, your very heart and 'do the right thing...because it's right'.
Color me Gone, P5 Driver has left the area.

1 comment:

jjjjjjjj;;;;; said...

Hard to read some of the posts because of the print. Gone? No more posting?

GrandSon, Nathan