Above is the type of 'change' obama will bring if elected...John McCain on the other hand, is for making the tax cuts Geo. W. Bush put in place permanent and will probably cut them further. If jobs are the concern, the way to create more jobs and opportunities for Americans, is to have thriving business, they'll be hiring more employees and taxes collected will increase. It's not a difficult concept to understand....a lot paying a little will generate more cash than a very few paying a lot. We're all concerned about job 'out-sourcing', this came about because the taxes levied on business were too high to be able to turn a profit...that is Capitalism...the left wants socialism, that's where the State controls everything...has it worked? Ask the Soviet Union.
Republican Conservatives have been acused of using 'scare tactics' to swing voters their way...that is not the case at all...I'll cite as an example my soon to be 90 year old Mother...after listening to obama talk about all the taxes he'll put in place and what programs he'll finance them with, she came to me and said, "If obama gets elected, I want all my money out of the bank". Now Mom has been a democrat all her life but the current democrats scare hell out of her, why? Because she sees that only rich democrats want to be able to saty that way, that they'll walk all over the 'little guy' to get all the power and control possible...are wee as a Nation, that damn gullible? Think about it...obama wants to take our hard earned money/savings and give it away to illegals, people who are not Citizens of the U.S., people who attach themselves here and bleed our systems of every resource; squatters one and all.
John McCain has changed his outlook and opinions on a few things and he's called a 'flip-flopper', in actuality, he's intelligent enough to see the real change that is needed for the U.S. to continue on as the Greatest Nation under God...think long and hard on this while you are contemplating your choices in November...all the way down from the Presidential election to the local level, because that's where it all starts...at the roots.
It would seem that hussein obama wants us all to write a blank check and trust him to hold it; blindly trusting someone is a precarious slope...I do not recommend it whatsoever...especially in the case of barack hussein obama. He speaks of 'change' yet all that is evident from him is the same old BS politics, lies and more lies. I posted here a few days ago after hearing obama say on TV that he'd take no public money, he reneged. Same as running a 'clean campaign...I heard him play the race card on radio yesterday...shame on you, shame on your 'feisty' two faced wife...'feisty' was your word to describe michelle, I watched he on 'The View' the other day (at least till I could hold no more regurgitation down) my, how sweet and sincere she appeared, but like you...she's a snake oil saleswoman...trust you? Trust michelle?...Not on your muslim praying rug. You say you aren't muslim, that's a lie...example:
But wait a minute! Twelve years earlier Obama stated in his book, "Dreams of My Father:"
"In Indonesia, I had spent two years at a Muslim school, two years at a Catholic school. In the Muslim school, the teacher wrote to tell my mother that I made faces during Koranic studies."
So which is it? Christian or muslim? 2 years of Catholic School and membership in Reverend wright's 'church' for 20 years doesn't qualify you as Christian and then there's the matter of leaving the islamic faith...can you not be be-headed for that? Or has there been a change that I'm un-aware of that exempts Christians from being infidels?
Again, it doesn't really matter whether Barack Hussein Obama WAS a Muslim or not. The important question is CAN WE TRUST HIM?
obama has said he's a 'uniter', wants to unite our Country, in reality, he's a divider...he has fired off a salvo against Republicans that included the race card..."Oh yeah, and he's black". It ain't the color of the skin that matters...it's what you have in your chest and between your ears that matters...heart and brains...unlike John McCain, obama has little if any experience in global matters, he's only pulled 143 days in the Senate...that my friends is only 53 days longer than a probationary period of a new job....how well did you know your job with no experience and after only 143 days?
Both obamas are racists and race baiters, just a tad smoother at it than jesse and al. John McCain is not the 'dream candidate' by any stretch but way more trustworthy than obama, way more experienced than obama.
Think about it...think long and hard; there is a lot at stake here, the U.S. as we konow and knew as children will cease to exist in less than 2 generations if the right decisions are not made. Not scare tactics, just pure and simple truth, if you don't water and fertilize your lawn and plants, they die; take care of them and they live on.
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