Friday, June 6, 2008

So barak barry hussein obama...which is it?

It appears that obama is going to get the democrat nomination in the poke, rumours abound about billary on the same ticket, sometimes referred to as the 'dream ticket'. Well, it'll be a 'nightmare ticket' for our Nation and especially for obama....never forget that the xlintons want back in the White House, they've shown that they are viscious, unscrupulous and tenacious when it comes to getting what they want...obama is the only obstacle left in their way at the moment. I'd be very wary of having billary on as VeeP if I was obama, it would be like signing his own death warrant...that being said, it's time to move on to the question of the day, maybe the question of the fate of our Nation.....Which is it hussein obama? Islam or Christianity?

"Reading, reflection and time have convinced me that the interests of society require the observation of those moral which all religions agree."

-- Thomas Jefferson (Westmoreland County Petition, 2 November 1785)

obama was born a muslim, for him to turn away from islam is punishable by death, after all...he became an 'infidel' when he says he 'found Jesus Christ'. I would just like to know where you are...muslim or Christian? There have been so many contradictions to your statements on the 'trail', "iran is a small country and doesn't pose any threat or danger to us", then, within hours..."iran poses a grave danger to us, something I've been saying for years." Again, which is it? You say jeremiah wright was your mentor, spiritual advisor...when he's exposed a hate speech racist, you say "That's not the jeremiah wright that I knew." Well, you hung out with him for 20 years, donated mucho dinero to his 'church', he married you and your 'charming' wife and Baptized your children and you say you had no clue what was in his mind? Why was he dis-invited to your announcement ceremony for being a candidate for the Presidency? You, as well as any thinking American, knows the answer to that. Then there is your good buddy tony rezco, again you say that's not the tony you knew...well barry how in the hell do you expect to be CinC of the greatest, most powerfull Nation on Earth if any and everyone you 'know' now, aren't the 'ones you knew' before? Explain to the People barry, why you have the endorsement of iran, hammas, hezbollah, syria, castro, et al. Are they terrorist supporting states or groups or were they something else before? Your two-faced speech to the Israelis the other day was flagrant can't have the above endorsements and still pledge support for Israel; only an idiot or a glutton will eat bread that's buttered on both sides of the bread...barry, you've told so many lies, how can one believe anything you say? Did you, billary and diane feinstein have a 'kissy and make up party' last night? The one you've been so critical of on the trail and an empty headed Jew? Party Unity? You have got to be back doin' the cocaine barry, or have you moved on to more powerful drugs? Your dnc can't accept money(donations)from lobbyists or special interest directed by you. Now, begs the question...where will you get the money to run your campaign? hammas? hezbollah? iran? syria? The host state democrats can't come up with the 20 mil(by the way, 40 to 45 mil just for a convention, how wasteful is that?)shortage but the 'Friends of New Orleans' charity group said they'd cover the shortage, makes me wonder how it is they have that kinda tape to lay on you, is New Orleans all re-built and flourishing again? You see, you democrats take generous amounts of money...contributions, taxes and such and use it as if it were your own....what'd you do to help the victims of Katrina? Did you donate to whatever fund your buddy loonie louie farrakhan had to investigate G.W. Bush to see if he had the levees blown up to destroy the black community? Tell ya what barry, they destroy their own communities, help for that isn't needed. I've seen evidence of that first hand...saw a lo income housing apartment complex go up one year('69, I believe)and saw it one year later, looking like it had been there for 50 years....some people just can't stand prosperity but are always looking for someone else to make their lives more meaningful....I find that reprehensible and disgusting.

CinC barak hussein obama...hail to the Chief? I don't think so barry, all the rest of your lies will come crashing down all over you before that ever happens.

P5 Driver, all topped off and ready to launch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very well done Rick!!!! You pull no punches and you tell no lies when it comes to Obama.

Unfortunately, we needed Huckabee in as the Republican candidate for President because he would have at least tried to stop illegal immigration and seen to it that millions of illegal immigrants currently in OUR country were deported. Instead it looks like we are stuck with McCain that wants to give the illegals a free ride at the American taxpayers expense. That's pretty sad when a politician stands up for foreigners against their own countrymen!

Sharon Sederwall

GrandSon, Nathan