Thursday, June 26, 2008

Economic Destruction...101...authored by hussein obama.

I don't know about y'all but I know I don't need nor want to see government grow to the tune of $850 billion over 4 years. Just one of obama's energy solvers would be to invest $150 billion over 10 years to promote bio fuels, plug-in hybrids, commercial-scale renewable energy, and more. We're talking more increase in food prices(bio fuels=corn, soybeans and the like), why not collect all the cow patties and road apples from the horses, they give off methane gas. Windmill farms are a good way to go, only drawback is putting them where the most wind is and if that impairs a view from a fat cat liberal, well, you'll just have to move them where people less affluent live; ever notice how they all have these great ideas about how we should sacrifice but they continue livin' high off the hog?

Index the minimum wage to match inflation with annual adjustments, after increasing it from $5.85 to $9.50.....Lord have mercy, damn near every small business nationwide would feel that and have to lay off workers by the thousands just to offset the cost....smooth barry, real smooth. Next coffin nail for the economy is forcing businesses to provide healthcare for all workers or give the money to 'big brother' so they can provide it. Now I ask this that for total cost or does the worker have to kick in something? National Health Insurance Exchange....getting even closer to socialism/communism here...companies agreeing to this could then offer 'affordable health plans'; for who? Businesses or workers? I smell the scent of snake-oil, watch closely...which shell has the pea under it. A cool $50-65 billion for this slight of hand trick....smoooooth barry, real smooth.

Double capital gains tax to nearly 30%, that'll give great incentive for the younger workers to save for retirement....wait! He also wants to raise the ceiling on FICA from $102,000...another smooth one barry. A $4,000 tax credit for tuition and fees(what 'fees'?)in return for community or national service....kinda sounds like an 'enlistment draft'...draftees didn't make that much for 2 years active service, could this be another peace corps? If you're 'middle-class' and making $75,000 per Annam, you get a "genuine" tax cut. How much of that 75 grand is net income? State tax, medicaid, FICA, etc, etc and so on....these middle-class families would also be contributing to doubling the families eligible for earned income....Robin Hood at least gave to the poor, taking from the rich but not hoodwinking anyone...oh yeah, and barry would let the Bush tax cuts expire in 2010...that's like taking 2 steps forward then 5 back; does anyone really want to go back to the late 70's, gas lines when available, no gas most of the time, inflation enough to fill a hot air balloon?

National Taxpayers Union, a non-profit group based in Washington, D.C. rated each candidate on willingness to spend taxpayer(yours and mine)money.

John McCain...NTU rating 88%(fiscal policy votes)...Congressional spending $8.8 billion...proposed spending...$6.9 billion.

barack hussein obama.....NTU rating...5%...Cong. spending...$40.5 billion...proposed spending...$307.2 billion. hillary was way worse, only reason I'm including her is she may be on his ticket....NTU rating 3%....Cong. spending....$170.8 billion....proposed spending...$226.1 billion.

These are your dollars, did you see any for National Defense? No, because there wasn't a report on that...why? One thing ya gotta understand people, is if the islamic extremists win...the economy will not matter, jobs will not matter, healthcare will not matter....nothing will matter because we will cease to exist as a Nation, we are all 'infidels', remember that.

I'm a firm believer that animals - and especially dogs - have keen insights into the Truth.

Simply said, a dog just KNOWS when something isn't right .. . when impending doom is upon us . . they'll always try to warn us.... !!

Move over Fido, my bladder is full!

P5 Driver

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

To trust or not to trust...that is the question...

Above is the type of 'change' obama will bring if elected...John McCain on the other hand, is for making the tax cuts Geo. W. Bush put in place permanent and will probably cut them further. If jobs are the concern, the way to create more jobs and opportunities for Americans, is to have thriving business, they'll be hiring more employees and taxes collected will increase. It's not a difficult concept to understand....a lot paying a little will generate more cash than a very few paying a lot. We're all concerned about job 'out-sourcing', this came about because the taxes levied on business were too high to be able to turn a profit...that is Capitalism...the left wants socialism, that's where the State controls everything...has it worked? Ask the Soviet Union.

Republican Conservatives have been acused of using 'scare tactics' to swing voters their way...that is not the case at all...I'll cite as an example my soon to be 90 year old Mother...after listening to obama talk about all the taxes he'll put in place and what programs he'll finance them with, she came to me and said, "If obama gets elected, I want all my money out of the bank". Now Mom has been a democrat all her life but the current democrats scare hell out of her, why? Because she sees that only rich democrats want to be able to saty that way, that they'll walk all over the 'little guy' to get all the power and control possible...are wee as a Nation, that damn gullible? Think about it...obama wants to take our hard earned money/savings and give it away to illegals, people who are not Citizens of the U.S., people who attach themselves here and bleed our systems of every resource; squatters one and all.

John McCain has changed his outlook and opinions on a few things and he's called a 'flip-flopper', in actuality, he's intelligent enough to see the real change that is needed for the U.S. to continue on as the Greatest Nation under God...think long and hard on this while you are contemplating your choices in November...all the way down from the Presidential election to the local level, because that's where it all the roots.

It would seem that hussein obama wants us all to write a blank check and trust him to hold it; blindly trusting someone is a precarious slope...I do not recommend it whatsoever...especially in the case of barack hussein obama. He speaks of 'change' yet all that is evident from him is the same old BS politics, lies and more lies. I posted here a few days ago after hearing obama say on TV that he'd take no public money, he reneged. Same as running a 'clean campaign...I heard him play the race card on radio yesterday...shame on you, shame on your 'feisty' two faced wife...'feisty' was your word to describe michelle, I watched he on 'The View' the other day (at least till I could hold no more regurgitation down) my, how sweet and sincere she appeared, but like you...she's a snake oil you? Trust michelle?...Not on your muslim praying rug. You say you aren't muslim, that's a lie...example:

But wait a minute! Twelve years earlier Obama stated in his book, "Dreams of My Father:"
"In Indonesia, I had spent two years at a Muslim school, two years at a Catholic school. In the Muslim school, the teacher wrote to tell my mother that I made faces during Koranic studies."

So which is it? Christian or muslim? 2 years of Catholic School and membership in Reverend wright's 'church' for 20 years doesn't qualify you as Christian and then there's the matter of leaving the islamic faith...can you not be be-headed for that? Or has there been a change that I'm un-aware of that exempts Christians from being infidels?

Again, it doesn't really matter whether Barack Hussein Obama WAS a Muslim or not. The important question is CAN WE TRUST HIM?
obama has said he's a 'uniter', wants to unite our Country, in reality, he's a divider...he has fired off a salvo against Republicans that included the race card..."Oh yeah, and he's black". It ain't the color of the skin that's what you have in your chest and between your ears that matters...heart and brains...unlike John McCain, obama has little if any experience in global matters, he's only pulled 143 days in the Senate...that my friends is only 53 days longer than a probationary period of a new well did you know your job with no experience and after only 143 days?
Both obamas are racists and race baiters, just a tad smoother at it than jesse and al. John McCain is not the 'dream candidate' by any stretch but way more trustworthy than obama, way more experienced than obama.
Think about it...think long and hard; there is a lot at stake here, the U.S. as we konow and knew as children will cease to exist in less than 2 generations if the right decisions are not made. Not scare tactics, just pure and simple truth, if you don't water and fertilize your lawn and plants, they die; take care of them and they live on.
P5 Driver

Saturday, June 14, 2008

What and Where did we go wrong and who is responsible?

If the above photo don't rankle you and set your butt on fire, there's gotta be something very wrong with you. High School students in California doing this is just plain '64 I got a week of detention because a teacher over-heard me talking about forming a 'student union'...these dirtbags got access to the flagpole and have the mexican national flag flyin' ABOVE Ol Glory, which is upside down! That being a distress signal normally but in this case it's asignal that the Stars n Stripes mean 'oppression and discrimination'...the very fact that these 'mongrels' are doing this is proof positive that that is not the case! Cinco de Mayo my A**, just another 'holiday' forced on us by a minority group and the merchants wanting to make a quick buck everyday of the year. If I had my way, that pinata would be loaded with det-cord, C4 and detonators, let them bang on that and they'll get the 'reward' they so richly deserve. Here's a quote from Thomas Jefferson, that drives the point of this missive directly home.

"My confidence is that there will for a long time be virtue andgood sense enough in our countrymen to correct abuses."

-- Thomas Jefferson (letter to Edward Rutledge, 1788)

Now the photos below show the 'gratitude' these illegals bring with them, they do this to the land they suck the very blood from and our politicians coddle them with all kinds of freebies...medicaid, ssi, a free education(that they want taught in Spainish), drivers licenses and bi-lingual polling places for GrandFathers have to be rolling over in their graves....

this is how they did it:

Maybe we should turn to our history books and point out to people why today's American is not willing to accept this new kind of immigrant any longer. Back in 1900 when there was a rush from all areas of Europe to come to the United States, people had to get off a ship and stand in a long line in New York and be documented.. Some would even get down on their hands and knees and kiss the ground. They made a pledge to uphold the laws and support their new country in good and bad times. They made learning English a primary rule in their new American households and some even changed their names to blend in with their new home.

No 'shortcuts, no forced citizenship', all immigrants entered and assimilated in the above fashion...why and who changed all this? A democrat by the name of lyndon baines johnson, who I'm proud to say is absolutely no kin to me, opened the floodgates with his 'Great Society'. Things went downhill rapidly, first basic rights as to persuing happiness, then the moral fabric was decimated by the aclu and the thriving porn we have kids in middle schools(6th thru 8th grades)bragging about being pregnant, rebelling against their teachers who are in fear most of the time of these miscreants because their is no 'punishment to fit the action' allowed anymore. The 'great society' is not so great, it's a rotting society with no one held accountable or responsible for their actions...instead, we have sensitivity traing, anger management, frivilous lawsuits because 'common sense' has died with the real and accurate interpretation of our Constitution. This raises another point: the Supreme Court ruled this past Thursday that illegal combatants, captured on the battlefield or around the globe(don't kid yourselves, this is a global conflict)are entitled to the same rights and protections our Constitution provides for our REAL citizens! Something has gone totally wrong here folks, can you imagine hitler, mussolini or tojo being offered these protections? And in what position do our Warriors, fighting the good fight to preserve our Nation and it's Constitution, find themselves in? A taliban fighter, drops his weapon, puts his hands in the air and is taken prisoner...then released by the very court that we hold as the last and final appeal to interpret our Constitunal in the hell did we get so far out of line? How was our focus, so clear after WWI & II, become so foggy? Kruschev said the soviet union would bury us...well, he's pretty close to the mark...they won't do it in the conventional way, but they'll be standing beside our Nation's can bet your dumb, liberal, marxist A** on that. And doing the eulogy will be reverend jeremiah wright, fr. pfleger and hussein obama....refreshments will be served by billary and slick-willie xlinton and michelle obama.....are you really gonna stand by and watch as that scenario unfolds? Or will you stand up to this blatant hypocracy and beat them back in November? Come on America....sound off like ya have a pair!

Look closely again, this is not mexico, it's the Sonoran Desert in Arizona, home state of John McCain; wake up Johnny...your State needs you, your Country needs you. Stand up and be counted, expose what the leftist, marxist groups are doing...keep Gitmo open, be a leader instead of an appeaser....don't coddle these democrats, these socialists...confront them for what they are and help clean this infestation up.

Just Some of What Defines Barack Obama:
1) He voted against banning partial birth abortion.
2) He voted no on notifying parents of minors who get out-of-state abortions.
3) Supports affirmative action in colleges and government.
4) In 2001 he questioned harsh penalties for drug dealing.Says he will deal with street level drug dealing as minimum wage affair.
5) He is willing to meet with Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Kim Jung Il andMahmoud Ahmadinejad.
6) Has said that one of his first goals after being elected would be to have aconference with all Muslim nations.
7) Opposed the Patriot Act.
8) Voted No on prohibiting law suits against gun manufacturers.
9) Voted yes on providing habeas corpus for Guantanamo detainees.
10) Supports granting driver licenses to illegal immigrants.
11) Supports extending welfare to illegal immigrants.
12) Voted yes on allowing illegal aliens to participate in Social Security.
13) Wants to make the minimum wage a "living wage".
14) Voted with Democratic Party 96 percent of 251 votes.
15) Opposed to any efforts to privatize Social Security and instead supportsincreasing the amount of tax paid.
16) He voted No on repealing the Alternative Minimum Tax
17) He voted No on repealing the "Death" Tax
18) He wants to raise the Capital Gains Tax.
19) He is ranked as the most liberal Senator in the Senate today and that takessome doing.
“Character is the single most important ingredient of leadership.” —Gen. H. Norman Schwartzkopf
Listen to Gen. Schwartzkopf are not a 'Maverick' any longer, the MSM will attempt to crucify you....let's see some Character and Courage displayed on your part...By God, you were a Naval Aviator...the most respected and fearless pilots in the World...act like one.

LVT's launced and fast approaching the L.O.D.

P5 Driver

Friday, June 6, 2008

So barak barry hussein obama...which is it?

It appears that obama is going to get the democrat nomination in the poke, rumours abound about billary on the same ticket, sometimes referred to as the 'dream ticket'. Well, it'll be a 'nightmare ticket' for our Nation and especially for obama....never forget that the xlintons want back in the White House, they've shown that they are viscious, unscrupulous and tenacious when it comes to getting what they want...obama is the only obstacle left in their way at the moment. I'd be very wary of having billary on as VeeP if I was obama, it would be like signing his own death warrant...that being said, it's time to move on to the question of the day, maybe the question of the fate of our Nation.....Which is it hussein obama? Islam or Christianity?

"Reading, reflection and time have convinced me that the interests of society require the observation of those moral which all religions agree."

-- Thomas Jefferson (Westmoreland County Petition, 2 November 1785)

obama was born a muslim, for him to turn away from islam is punishable by death, after all...he became an 'infidel' when he says he 'found Jesus Christ'. I would just like to know where you are...muslim or Christian? There have been so many contradictions to your statements on the 'trail', "iran is a small country and doesn't pose any threat or danger to us", then, within hours..."iran poses a grave danger to us, something I've been saying for years." Again, which is it? You say jeremiah wright was your mentor, spiritual advisor...when he's exposed a hate speech racist, you say "That's not the jeremiah wright that I knew." Well, you hung out with him for 20 years, donated mucho dinero to his 'church', he married you and your 'charming' wife and Baptized your children and you say you had no clue what was in his mind? Why was he dis-invited to your announcement ceremony for being a candidate for the Presidency? You, as well as any thinking American, knows the answer to that. Then there is your good buddy tony rezco, again you say that's not the tony you knew...well barry how in the hell do you expect to be CinC of the greatest, most powerfull Nation on Earth if any and everyone you 'know' now, aren't the 'ones you knew' before? Explain to the People barry, why you have the endorsement of iran, hammas, hezbollah, syria, castro, et al. Are they terrorist supporting states or groups or were they something else before? Your two-faced speech to the Israelis the other day was flagrant can't have the above endorsements and still pledge support for Israel; only an idiot or a glutton will eat bread that's buttered on both sides of the bread...barry, you've told so many lies, how can one believe anything you say? Did you, billary and diane feinstein have a 'kissy and make up party' last night? The one you've been so critical of on the trail and an empty headed Jew? Party Unity? You have got to be back doin' the cocaine barry, or have you moved on to more powerful drugs? Your dnc can't accept money(donations)from lobbyists or special interest directed by you. Now, begs the question...where will you get the money to run your campaign? hammas? hezbollah? iran? syria? The host state democrats can't come up with the 20 mil(by the way, 40 to 45 mil just for a convention, how wasteful is that?)shortage but the 'Friends of New Orleans' charity group said they'd cover the shortage, makes me wonder how it is they have that kinda tape to lay on you, is New Orleans all re-built and flourishing again? You see, you democrats take generous amounts of money...contributions, taxes and such and use it as if it were your own....what'd you do to help the victims of Katrina? Did you donate to whatever fund your buddy loonie louie farrakhan had to investigate G.W. Bush to see if he had the levees blown up to destroy the black community? Tell ya what barry, they destroy their own communities, help for that isn't needed. I've seen evidence of that first hand...saw a lo income housing apartment complex go up one year('69, I believe)and saw it one year later, looking like it had been there for 50 years....some people just can't stand prosperity but are always looking for someone else to make their lives more meaningful....I find that reprehensible and disgusting.

CinC barak hussein obama...hail to the Chief? I don't think so barry, all the rest of your lies will come crashing down all over you before that ever happens.

P5 Driver, all topped off and ready to launch.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Terror, Racism and Lies

Been awhile since my last missive, not because I wanted it, but because I was getting really tired of all the negativity created by the hussein obama camp. Not to forget all the lies and innuendo that has come about in the past few days as the picture above is an example of. Was jeremiah wright just the 'Pastor' hussein obama claims now, or was/is the mentor and spiritual advisor that obama said he was in the first place? Ya know, it's a funny thing about lies, half-truths, miss-spoken words and innuendo...and that is, you can't remember what you said before without the help of a notebook..going by just the number of lies hussein obama has said in the last week, there isn't a notebook big enough in this world, nor anyone capable of researching the words he's already spoken. Day to day I ask myself, 'Did he say that?' 'Because that isn't what I heard him say yesterday.' For instance...barry said in July of '07 that he would sit with the heads of state of iran, cuba, venezuela...and that iran was not a serious threat to the U.S., later amended to, they are a grave threat and that he's been saying that for years. So, which is it? Are they a grave threat or not a serious threat? Will you sit down and talk with no pre-conditions, the the heads of these rouge, terror sponsoring states, or won't you? It's absolutely amazing what comes out of these mouths that are politicians running for office, the only time 'Fred Flintstone' matters, is during a campaign...after that, it's back to the gravel pit...these 'people' no longer 'care, want to protect or govern by the Constitution nor by the will of the People. Campaigning against hrc, barry had nothing nice or good to say about her...well, I can't argue that point, as she had nothing nice to say about him; now, we're supposed to believe that they will support each other once the primaries and convention are over. Balderdash! That is one of the biggest lies propagated by BOTH of them! And, yes, they do think the population is gullible enough to swallow condescending, arrogant and egotistical is that?

Now on to the next phase...the above cartoon depiction is so close to how both, barry and hrc feel, it's scarry....coached and prodded by al gore, soon we'll all be riding bicycles and be back to burning candles for light, using palm fronds for fans to cool us, snares to capture the food from animals that p.e.t.a. says is 'ok with them' to eat. We'll be without a Constitution except for what the ding-bats will call 'the green constitution', and they'll be riding around in their S.U.V.'s, private jets(Well, they'll be the big ones like the 737, 747, etc.)because they'll control everything...gas, oil, natural gas...but, the rest of the World will 'like us' and not think us 'arrogant and wasteful'. The elitists will be running the whole she-bang, you don't think they'll give anything up do you? The U.S. of A. will be a 3rd or 4th world country before you can say Jackie Robinson.

Hearing obama speak, reminds me of what I saw watching the TV show, 'The 20th Century' as a kid growing up after WWII...hearing hitler speak to the cheering masses about National Pride, about jobs, about how he'd make a better I ain't saying that barry is hitler, although hitler, like barry, were thought to be the Anti-Christ; what I'm saying is how similar they sound, promising one thing but delivering something else. We all know what hitler did, how racist he was, how 'elite' he thought he and his cohorts were...right to the bitter end; well, that's another point I feel needs addressed....RACISM! Much as it get discussed, the attention that it still exists because too many people will not admit that great strides have been made to exterminate it, if a successful black man or woman makes a name for themselves...they are labeled as 'uncle toms or aunt jemimahs', not by white America but by black America, by jesse jackson, al sharpton, loonie louie farrakhan, et al. Even those that are successful, michelle comes to mind. Is there white racism? Yes, anyone would be a fool to think otherwise, but even that would seem to have pushed by the wayside as the nomination for barry gets closer and closer. Will I vote for obama....simply put, no....not because of skin color but because I don't think he's got the credentials to become President, he hasn't been in politics long enough to have suitable knowledge on World Affairs and his choice of 'friends, acquaintances, backers and political advisers are some of the most racist, terroristic and coat-tail hangers on that I've ever seen listed....when the time comes, be sure you have done all your research, asked and received all answers to questions so you'll be a legitimate voter, not a voter that only says "I want to be part of History."

That's the way I see it....agree disagree...we all have our own opinions.

P5 Driver crossing the LOD.....

GrandSon, Nathan