So, while billary and hussein obama are slicing, dicing and shredding each other, what happens after the democrat Convention? Will the nominee then pay tribute to the loser as being a fine, respectable, truthfull individual? Or will both continue the 'shredding'? How can either of them expect voter support in November, according to each, neither is qualified for a multitude of reasons. Anyone out there want to call either of them at 0300 with an urgent phonecall? I sure wouldn't....hussein would be taking his calls thru Rev. jeramiah wright(wrong, actually)and billary will be too busy looking for slick-willie and dodging imagined thanks.
Next on the block is jimmy peanut carter; what the hell can this imbecile be thinking? Not until G.W. Bush was elected have former Presidents come public with such disparaging remarks, Bush '41 didn't say anything about slick-willie while he was in office, why do slickie and nutty think it's ok for them to trash Dubya? And for that matter, al gore....can he really be taken seriously? Has the whole democrat party turned into the KeyStone Kops? The likes of harry reid, nancy pelosi, Chappaquiddick teddy, Swiftboat johnny(world traveler and explorer of Cambodia)included...not to mention elliot spitzer, corzine, feingold, durbin, et al.
The garden's planted and the fertilizer is being applied thanks to the democrats, liberals and environmental screwballs. Fellow Americans, this is not buffalo-chips!
P5 Driver
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GrandSon, Nathan
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