Might be flak time now...I have a few words to say on Immigration...legal and illegal...two words, two different meanings. I believe we all feel legal immigration is good for America, after all, I wouldn't be here if my GrandParents(both sides)had not immigrated from Europe. They did it right, came thru Ellis Island, were screened and checked physically for disease....all 4 adapted to our American Culture at the same time, not , abandoning their Native Culture. They all learned to speak English so they could function in the 'New World'; did they forsake their Native language? No, they did not.....they blended in, adapted to their new surroundings; did they live in their ethnic neighborhoods? Yes, they did...untill they provided themselves a way to move out and get established in the neighborhood of their choosing; was it easy? Hell No, it wasn't easy but they did it and without the governmental hand-outs and without getting TV, newspapers and phonebooks in their Native language. In a manner of speaking, they were like the pioneers that settled the West, overcoming any and all obstacles in their path...not leaving trash and rubbish behind them, whether intended or un-intended. They prospered and made great contributions to America, even defending her from their Native Countries who began wars with America....they were Americans first, then whatever ethnic background they came from. It galls me to no end to hear the phrase 'Mexican-American' or African-American etc., all this hyphenated stuff does is divide America to the point where we could very well face another civil war. Ask yourself; are you an American or are you a German? This goes for all the Countries that have immigrants living in the United States of America. In the years I've lived, I haven't seen such division among Americans...even back in the Sixties and Seventies, Watts, Detroit, Cleveland and Washington D.C., things were not as bad as now. You ask, why? Simply put...there's no respect given, no respect earned and everyone thinks of #1 first...screw the other guy, as long as I get what I want. Neighbors were friends, not strangers, the 'bad element' was dealt with quickly and if necessary, harshly. Today, the 'bad element' has more 'rights' than the Citizen...the Texas Border Patrol guys come to mind....Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California are being over-run by this element on their way to all the other States, look around you...what do YOU, see?
Is there anything left to be said? Trash was left by not only Mexican illegals but any and all who use our southern border to crossover, including islamic extremist terrorists, schooled and indoctrinated by hugo chavez in Venezuela to fit in with the Hispanic illegals.
To all immigrants who enter the U.S. legally, I say...Welcome...to the others...get legal or get out. Immigrants choose to come here for a more better life, that is good, even great...but when you get here, by all means keep your Native Culture, teach your young but don't try changing our American Culture or shove your beliefs and languages down our throats.
When in Rome...DO, as the Romans do.
P5 Driver
Is there anything left to be said? Trash was left by not only Mexican illegals but any and all who use our southern border to crossover, including islamic extremist terrorists, schooled and indoctrinated by hugo chavez in Venezuela to fit in with the Hispanic illegals.
To all immigrants who enter the U.S. legally, I say...Welcome...to the others...get legal or get out. Immigrants choose to come here for a more better life, that is good, even great...but when you get here, by all means keep your Native Culture, teach your young but don't try changing our American Culture or shove your beliefs and languages down our throats.
When in Rome...DO, as the Romans do.
P5 Driver
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