It's really hard for me to comprehend what John McCain, probable Republican nominee for President, is thinking....ahhh, that's the answer, he isn't! As I posted earlier, all Johnny-Boy has to do is run the same ads hussein and billary are running against each other...DING! And keep the gaffes to a minimum. North Carolina and Mississippi are leading the way for McCain's education or should I say re-education into politics; the ads Johnny-Boy tried to censure are legitimate ads, they expose obama for what he really is...after 2 years in the Senate he thinks he's got all the solutions, makes me wonder how he gathered all this intelligence...the Wrong Reverend Jeremiah Wrong? The Rev says they each speak to different groups, delivering two differing subjects; beggin' your pardon Rev, but isn't obama speaking to the same people who attend Religious Services? The Rev says he speaks as a Pastor and obama speaks as a politician...the overall impression of politicians is...they lie a lot...right? So is the Rev calling obama a liar? Or just insinuating it? Other side of the spectrum, Pastors don't lie, at least that's the general impression we have of Men of the Cloth, so is the Rev lyin' when the words he speaks?
"We confuse government and God. Let me tell you something. We believe in this country and we teach our children that God sent us to this promised land, he sent us to take this country from the air back, the Susquehanna, the Apache, the Comanche, the Cherokee, the Seminole, the Choctaw, the Hopi and the Arapahoe. We confuse government and God. We believe God sanctioned the rape and robbery of an entire continent and we believe God ordained African slavery. We believe God makes Europeans superior to Africans and superior to everybody else, too. We could choose God and government. We said in our founding documents as a government we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal. Created? That means God, and endowed with certain inalienable rights. That means given by God. And then we designed Africans in those same documents as 3/5 of a person. We believe God approved of African slavery. We believe God approved segregation. We believe God approved apartheid and a doctrine which said that all men are created more equal than other men and we're talking about other men. We confuse God and government."
Am I, and y'all expected to believe God put us here to take the land, murder, rape and pillage the Native Americans? While I deplore the actions of the descendants of European Settlers, this type thing goes on world-wide and has been since the beginning of time. Is it not going on in Africa as I type and you read? How many slaves are in Africa now? Please do not be naive....the Rev is no more than a cheap politician in the robes of the clergy, hussein obama refers to him as his 'mentor', or teacher would be a better description. The picture of how obama got his 'knowledge' is starting to come into focus...even 2 years in the Senate and that's only between '04 and '06, the rest of his time has been smoke and mirrors on the campaign much has this 'part time' Senator done in the Senate for the people of Illinois? I'd be pretty damn upset if I lived there or if my Senators were doing what obama is.
The Rev insinuates that Church and Politics are two different things, what was that award he and his Church bestowed on Looney Looie Farrakhan? That defining 'line' is getting a little blurry, goes a tad more out of focus when you throw in the million man march participated in by obama, gets even more blurred when you hear that obama's wife lived all her adult life hating America until hubby ran for President. How many of y'all felt billary was in charge when slick-willie was Pres.? Well, you'll be getting more of the same from michelle; and all the time, 24/7/365, the 'race card' is on the table...I kid you not.
So you see Johnny-Boy, neither of them will conduct a non-smearing campaign against'll be dragged thru the mud worse than after you were shot down over Hanoi, they'll bust you up with the MSM helping worse than the 'interrogators' of the Hanoi Hilton did. Take the gloves of Johnny-Boy, cover your 'six' and campaign like you mean it, want it and won't settle for second. It ain't that hard and you already know who, how and with what they'll use to smear you so you're that much farther ahead; just remember, you don't need to smear them, they are already doing that to each other, just keep those ads of theirs fresh and up front.
P5 Driver rollin' up the ramp and ready to roll......
Monday, April 28, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Plastic, Glass, Phonies and other Wannabes...
Plastic people, easy to duplicate and not worth much or stable, Glass people, easy seen thru, transparent, Phonies, anyone who will not admit to themselves that they are easy to duplicate, not worth much, transparent and extremely un-happy with themselves, their lives and even their families. A strange metamorphosis then occurs...they transform themselves into 'wannabes', they pretend to be something they aren't. There is an old saying...'you cannot bullsh*t yourself', these types are so self-centered that they actually believe their lies the more they repeat them; unbeknown'st to them, they are still very transparent, still un-stable and still phony.
I received a call this morning from a very close, longtime(almost lifetime)friend of mine; he was very agitated as he related what he'd seen on FNC this morning, hussein obama playing some roundball with people and obama was wearing a tee shirt with USMC on it. Now to almost every person in the world, the reaction would be 'so what?' Well I'll tell you 'what', be it true enough that anyone can wear whatever they so desire, wearing an article of clothing implies that you either were, are a part of or support that organization. Marines in particular are very Proud of this, full of Esprit de Corps and 'earn' their Title as Marines by graduating from Boot Camp...either Parris Island or San Diego. obama to my knowledge, hasn't earned that title, doesn't support the Marine Corps or any other branch of the Military, he simply does NOT RATE wearing anything associated with my Beloved fact, he despises the Military and, if elected, would damage it so bad a 2.5 world Country would be able to have it's way with our Freedom. obl would win, the U.S. and the rest of the Free World would be placed under sharia law....look at your Mother, your Sisters, your Aunts and would you like seeing them in burkas? obama is a classic example of a 'wannabe'...he ain't got nothin', never will be anything and how the people of Illinois even elected him is beyond comprehension....I'll say the same for billary xlinton.....yet they are vying for the top rung in our Country's Political ladder and no credentials for either one. The Rock Group 'Nazareth' had a song out a while back, in it they asked the question: "What's your claim to Fame"? I'd ask the same of both democrat Presidential hopefuls.
There is another aspect of hussein obama I feel needs addressed, that is, if he was born a Muslim, attended a whabbi school and then converted to not the muslim extremists and sharia law have the death penalty for this? I understand it's a required be-heading; if I'm mistaken about this, I'd like a known, true and accepted rule as to why hussein obama is still walking around with his head attached to his neck.
No, obama, I do not like you, nor respect you as a viable candidate I take great umbrage with you wearing an article of clothing representing my Beloved Marine Corps, and believe you insult every Marine wearing the Eagle, Globe and, in the past and any in the future.
And there you have it from the P5 Driver on Saturday, 26 April in the year of our Lord, 2008.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Well, Happy Days are here Again!
Seems I've passed the anti-spam test, I'm so happy I could do headstands and back-flips! But I reckon I'll just continue on doin' what I do...for now, here's a little something to occupy your mind whilst I get my Son up and off to school:
"No country upon earth ever had it more in its power to attain
these blessings than United America. Wondrously strange, then,
and much to be regretted indeed would it be, were we to neglect
the means and to depart from the road which Providence has pointed
us to so plainly; I cannot believe it will ever come to pass."
-- George Washington (letter to Benjamin Lincoln, 29 June 1788)
Reference: George Washington: A Collection, W.B. Allen, ed. (403)
"The citizens of the United States of America have the right to
applaud themselves for having given to mankind examples of an
enlarged and liberal policy worthy of imitation. All possess
alike liberty of conscience and immunities of citizenship. It
is now no more that toleration is spoken of as if it were by
the indulgence of one class of citizens that another enjoyed
the exercise of their inherent natural rights, for happily
the Government of the United States, which gives to bigotry no
sanction, to persecution no assistance, requires only that they
who live under its protection should demean themselves as good
citizens in giving it on all occasions their effectual support."
-- George Washington (letter to the Hebrew Congregation of Newport,
Rhode Island, 9 September 1790)
Reference: Our Sacred Honor, Bennett (330)
Given these two quotes from The Father of Our Country, I wonder how it is that we've gotten so far off course from what was instituted and plotted by our Founding Fathers. Do any of y'all know the real meaning of Freedom? The real cost of that Freedom so cherished by all of mankind?
"No country upon earth ever had it more in its power to attain
these blessings than United America. Wondrously strange, then,
and much to be regretted indeed would it be, were we to neglect
the means and to depart from the road which Providence has pointed
us to so plainly; I cannot believe it will ever come to pass."
-- George Washington (letter to Benjamin Lincoln, 29 June 1788)
Reference: George Washington: A Collection, W.B. Allen, ed. (403)
"The citizens of the United States of America have the right to
applaud themselves for having given to mankind examples of an
enlarged and liberal policy worthy of imitation. All possess
alike liberty of conscience and immunities of citizenship. It
is now no more that toleration is spoken of as if it were by
the indulgence of one class of citizens that another enjoyed
the exercise of their inherent natural rights, for happily
the Government of the United States, which gives to bigotry no
sanction, to persecution no assistance, requires only that they
who live under its protection should demean themselves as good
citizens in giving it on all occasions their effectual support."
-- George Washington (letter to the Hebrew Congregation of Newport,
Rhode Island, 9 September 1790)
Reference: Our Sacred Honor, Bennett (330)
Given these two quotes from The Father of Our Country, I wonder how it is that we've gotten so far off course from what was instituted and plotted by our Founding Fathers. Do any of y'all know the real meaning of Freedom? The real cost of that Freedom so cherished by all of mankind?
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Might be flak time now...I have a few words to say on and illegal...two words, two different meanings. I believe we all feel legal immigration is good for America, after all, I wouldn't be here if my GrandParents(both sides)had not immigrated from Europe. They did it right, came thru Ellis Island, were screened and checked physically for disease....all 4 adapted to our American Culture at the same time, not , abandoning their Native Culture. They all learned to speak English so they could function in the 'New World'; did they forsake their Native language? No, they did not.....they blended in, adapted to their new surroundings; did they live in their ethnic neighborhoods? Yes, they did...untill they provided themselves a way to move out and get established in the neighborhood of their choosing; was it easy? Hell No, it wasn't easy but they did it and without the governmental hand-outs and without getting TV, newspapers and phonebooks in their Native language. In a manner of speaking, they were like the pioneers that settled the West, overcoming any and all obstacles in their path...not leaving trash and rubbish behind them, whether intended or un-intended. They prospered and made great contributions to America, even defending her from their Native Countries who began wars with America....they were Americans first, then whatever ethnic background they came from. It galls me to no end to hear the phrase 'Mexican-American' or African-American etc., all this hyphenated stuff does is divide America to the point where we could very well face another civil war. Ask yourself; are you an American or are you a German? This goes for all the Countries that have immigrants living in the United States of America. In the years I've lived, I haven't seen such division among Americans...even back in the Sixties and Seventies, Watts, Detroit, Cleveland and Washington D.C., things were not as bad as now. You ask, why? Simply put...there's no respect given, no respect earned and everyone thinks of #1 first...screw the other guy, as long as I get what I want. Neighbors were friends, not strangers, the 'bad element' was dealt with quickly and if necessary, harshly. Today, the 'bad element' has more 'rights' than the Citizen...the Texas Border Patrol guys come to mind....Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California are being over-run by this element on their way to all the other States, look around you...what do YOU, see?
Is there anything left to be said? Trash was left by not only Mexican illegals but any and all who use our southern border to crossover, including islamic extremist terrorists, schooled and indoctrinated by hugo chavez in Venezuela to fit in with the Hispanic illegals.
To all immigrants who enter the U.S. legally, I the others...get legal or get out. Immigrants choose to come here for a more better life, that is good, even great...but when you get here, by all means keep your Native Culture, teach your young but don't try changing our American Culture or shove your beliefs and languages down our throats.
When in Rome...DO, as the Romans do.
P5 Driver
Is there anything left to be said? Trash was left by not only Mexican illegals but any and all who use our southern border to crossover, including islamic extremist terrorists, schooled and indoctrinated by hugo chavez in Venezuela to fit in with the Hispanic illegals.
To all immigrants who enter the U.S. legally, I the others...get legal or get out. Immigrants choose to come here for a more better life, that is good, even great...but when you get here, by all means keep your Native Culture, teach your young but don't try changing our American Culture or shove your beliefs and languages down our throats.
When in Rome...DO, as the Romans do.
P5 Driver
Monday, April 21, 2008
Stupid is, as stupid does.......
So, while billary and hussein obama are slicing, dicing and shredding each other, what happens after the democrat Convention? Will the nominee then pay tribute to the loser as being a fine, respectable, truthfull individual? Or will both continue the 'shredding'? How can either of them expect voter support in November, according to each, neither is qualified for a multitude of reasons. Anyone out there want to call either of them at 0300 with an urgent phonecall? I sure wouldn't....hussein would be taking his calls thru Rev. jeramiah wright(wrong, actually)and billary will be too busy looking for slick-willie and dodging imagined thanks.
Next on the block is jimmy peanut carter; what the hell can this imbecile be thinking? Not until G.W. Bush was elected have former Presidents come public with such disparaging remarks, Bush '41 didn't say anything about slick-willie while he was in office, why do slickie and nutty think it's ok for them to trash Dubya? And for that matter, al gore....can he really be taken seriously? Has the whole democrat party turned into the KeyStone Kops? The likes of harry reid, nancy pelosi, Chappaquiddick teddy, Swiftboat johnny(world traveler and explorer of Cambodia)included...not to mention elliot spitzer, corzine, feingold, durbin, et al.
The garden's planted and the fertilizer is being applied thanks to the democrats, liberals and environmental screwballs. Fellow Americans, this is not buffalo-chips!
P5 Driver
Next on the block is jimmy peanut carter; what the hell can this imbecile be thinking? Not until G.W. Bush was elected have former Presidents come public with such disparaging remarks, Bush '41 didn't say anything about slick-willie while he was in office, why do slickie and nutty think it's ok for them to trash Dubya? And for that matter, al gore....can he really be taken seriously? Has the whole democrat party turned into the KeyStone Kops? The likes of harry reid, nancy pelosi, Chappaquiddick teddy, Swiftboat johnny(world traveler and explorer of Cambodia)included...not to mention elliot spitzer, corzine, feingold, durbin, et al.
The garden's planted and the fertilizer is being applied thanks to the democrats, liberals and environmental screwballs. Fellow Americans, this is not buffalo-chips!
P5 Driver
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Are We Stupid?
For what it's worth, I'm not an old hand at this stuff although I do have a few thoughts, opinions, questions and views about Our Country and World and the state of both.
I find myself amazed at the situation of our Country; What happened in the past 4 decades? We went from a united Nation, making progress with improving racial relations to a Country so divided it's similar to the division during the Civil War...Brother against Brother, Father against Son, Daughter against Mother. Our Society has been downgraded, educational wise, to almost the lowest common denominator, where just showing up for classes in primary and high schools is enough to be 'pushed through' or as it's called, 'graduated'. We are raising another generation of semi-illiterate children whose only real values are with sex, drugs and hip-hop. An example: while working for the USPS for 18.5 years I had the mis-opportunity of experiencing high school students who had no concept of the phrase 'sign your name'; Why is it in one of the most advanced Nations worldwide this can be? The schools cannot be blamed, after all, they teach a curriculum far more advanced than when I went to public school. The students are sent to school but are they encouraged to learn by anyone other than their teachers? Parents lead by example, not by 'telling' their children what they should do...this is not to say that rules aren't worth the trouble of laying down and enforcing(it's highly necessary for this to be done), children will do as they 'see', not always what they're 'told'. In my opinion, the problem lies in the home, with the Parents; using the 'toob' and video games as babysitters is not the way to go, all that happens is the minds turn to mush with over-exposure. The 'toob' is another culprit of the degenerating of our Society, slowly, without a great fanfare, it has eroded the moral fabric that was instilled into America by our Founding Fathers...a belief in A Supreme it Jehovah, God, Allah, Buddah or my favorite, The Great Spirit alluded to by our American Indians.
We now find ourselves as a Country, at war with those that would impose their 'religion' upon the same time, being free to practice their own religion without hinderence in America; Why is this? And why are we so willing as a Nation to allow it? Why are the wishes of a minority imposed on the majority? Why is it that people coming into our Country illegaly afforded the the same rights as bonafide Citizens?
Rome was destroyed from within, will we follow the same path? Your comments are invited and welcomed.
P5 Driver
I find myself amazed at the situation of our Country; What happened in the past 4 decades? We went from a united Nation, making progress with improving racial relations to a Country so divided it's similar to the division during the Civil War...Brother against Brother, Father against Son, Daughter against Mother. Our Society has been downgraded, educational wise, to almost the lowest common denominator, where just showing up for classes in primary and high schools is enough to be 'pushed through' or as it's called, 'graduated'. We are raising another generation of semi-illiterate children whose only real values are with sex, drugs and hip-hop. An example: while working for the USPS for 18.5 years I had the mis-opportunity of experiencing high school students who had no concept of the phrase 'sign your name'; Why is it in one of the most advanced Nations worldwide this can be? The schools cannot be blamed, after all, they teach a curriculum far more advanced than when I went to public school. The students are sent to school but are they encouraged to learn by anyone other than their teachers? Parents lead by example, not by 'telling' their children what they should do...this is not to say that rules aren't worth the trouble of laying down and enforcing(it's highly necessary for this to be done), children will do as they 'see', not always what they're 'told'. In my opinion, the problem lies in the home, with the Parents; using the 'toob' and video games as babysitters is not the way to go, all that happens is the minds turn to mush with over-exposure. The 'toob' is another culprit of the degenerating of our Society, slowly, without a great fanfare, it has eroded the moral fabric that was instilled into America by our Founding Fathers...a belief in A Supreme it Jehovah, God, Allah, Buddah or my favorite, The Great Spirit alluded to by our American Indians.
We now find ourselves as a Country, at war with those that would impose their 'religion' upon the same time, being free to practice their own religion without hinderence in America; Why is this? And why are we so willing as a Nation to allow it? Why are the wishes of a minority imposed on the majority? Why is it that people coming into our Country illegaly afforded the the same rights as bonafide Citizens?
Rome was destroyed from within, will we follow the same path? Your comments are invited and welcomed.
P5 Driver
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