Friday, March 20, 2009

Titanic and our Ship of State

"A fondness for power is implanted, in most men, and it is natural to abuse it, when acquired."
--Alexander Hamilton, The Farmer Refuted, 23 February 1775
When I look out and around and see the direction our Nation is heading, I'm reminded of the Titanic....the unsinkable Titanic....that went to the bottom in just around three hours. What made the ship builders believe Titanic was unsinkable? A series of water tight doors, now you're asking what does Titanic and the USA have in common....first of all, both are and were sinkable!
Imagine if you will, the water entering Titanic as the outrageous spending, Constitutional abuses going on as the water gushing into Titanic; the water went above the water tight doors, sealing Titanic's doom in the same fashion as the pimp in Washington D.C. is doing with all the reckless spending and entitlement programs that he's farming out to lady macbeth and harry Gollum reid to draft into bills, then force votes from Congress and the Senate without even reading the damn things! Like deaf, dumb and blind lemmings, they pass these bills and the pimp signs them into law! Now, the house passes a bill demanding that bonuses(that were know about as far back as 08 November 08) be paid back and if kept, taxed at 90%. We have wolves in the henhouse...geithner lied, dodd lied, the pimp lied and we are going down like Titanic. If the 90% tax bill goes all the way to the pimp's desk for signature, we may as well just flat out burn the Constitution.....enough! I say enough, we need to rise up as a nation and demand our voices are heard....these political hacks running the show are paid a salary by us, the tax payer they work for us but aren't fulfilling their oath to protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign or domestic!
I've been hearing about pitch forks, sending tea bags to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave that will ultimately be ignored by those in power, they are refusing to deliver the tea bags because they say the envelopes contain a controlled substance....buffalo chips! They are slapping us in the face and we let them; and in the midst of all the economic tribulations...the pimp sends an I'm sorry video to Iran! What a wuss...Iran then tells us in answer, that WE, have to straighten up.
; more buffalo chis...they are the ones making ready to blow Israel off the map, they are the ones sponsoring terror groups, sending arms into Iraq and Afghanistan to kill Americans...along with training more foreign fighters. Y'all remember when that jerk president of Iran led the take-over of our Embassy in Tehran? Now he has the nerve(thanks jimmy carter)to tell us what the rules are. Taking our embassy was an act of war and nothing was done but botch a mission because the Military and intelligence community had been decimated by Billy Beer's brother, jimmy.
As a country and nation we need to wake the hell up and demand our employees, work for us instead of going on Jay Leno's show and make tasteless jokes...the pimp sits and smiles....why? Because he knows, he has his and we are about to get the shaft. There are so many things to write here but it won't happen tonite; I'm so fed up with the callousness of the politicos in power that I'm unable to put all my thoughts Michael Corleone in GF III, every time I start to feel better....the pimp brings it all back....why is he still in office? He's broken his oath of office, turned the economy into scrambled eggs and this jerk still smiles.....just like a pimp that does nothing, yet collects off his 'working girls'.....yeah barry, I'm talking about you!

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GrandSon, Nathan