Friday, August 1, 2008

These things peaked my curiosity

I find myself extremely vexed, and am sure there are more indicators were I to look a little farther, of how hussein obama would be taxing and spending our money. In my experience, these planes used for the respective campaigns are either bought or rented with campaign donor funds. John McCain opted for a Boeing 737, not a really small plane but highly used a a kind of 'super commuter'; obama on the other hand, opted for a Boeing 757 AE200 I believe it is. The 757 is a really big plane, uses a lotta fuel (hey al gore, obama's carbon footprint is way bigger than McCain's), costs more to maintain and I'm wondering how much it cost to have the original 757 re-painted, sans American Flag. I don't see one on McCain's plane either but there is this only one pic I have of it. hussein obama had his plane re-painted and delivered to him at Amman Jordan with the symbol of his campaign along with 3 red stripes; what that signifies is anyones guess.

As you see pictured below, compared to McCain's plane, obama's is quite larger; raises the question in my mind that if this is an example of his spending habits, we damn sure do not need him in the White House, matter of fact...we do not need him in Washington D.C. at all. He calls himself an American, he's running for the most powerful position in the Free World, yet he replaces 'Old Glory' with some kind of strange symbol that, if it's supposed to represent the U.S., it does a very bad job. On the other hand, is it what hussein obama perceives the World would/should be represented by? Is obama running for World President? I mean, you really gotta question this guy's motives and agenda; everyday he sounds more arrogant, more like he's 'the one we've all been awaiting'. Well Senator, I for one heard you speak at the '04 democrat convention, you said all the right words, laid the ground work like a Generalissimo for this very campaign. Yes Senator, you scare me...but not because 'you don't look like any of the Presidents on our currency', but because each day along with showing more and more arrogance, your 'covers' are slipping off, exposing you for what you really are: a hate monger, a socialist bent on taking every aspect of the 'free market' and capitalism that has built, maintained and benefited every U.S. citizen. You Senator, are also racist, just the same as your wife, jeremiah wright, pfledger, loonie farrakhan (including his entourage), jesse jackson, al sharpton and your rapper bro, ludicrous.

Does this white patch in your 'symbol' represent a burqua? Are you that ashamed of Old Glory, the same Flag that flew over Ft. McHenry when the British were bombarding Baltimore and didn't fall; the same Flag designed and sewn by Betsy Ross to represent, identify and support our Revolution against the British? Is it the same Flag that you said represented oppression to other Countries in the World, the same flag that you refused to wear as a lapel pin till the heat got too hot for you? Your plane doesn't display our Flag proudly but you 'wrap' yourself in it every time you have a campaign speech....what a prime example of hypocrisy you portray. There's more barry but I am getting physically ill just thinking of what the United States of America would be like with your sorry, racist butt in the Oval Office, slick willie was bad, real bad, but you would most assuredly be an abomination. Are you starting to feel the draft and chill of your covers slipping away?
P5 Driver.....color me gone till next time.


Anonymous said...

You said I'd love this one. You said it right!

Anonymous said...

Oorah on this one too Rick! Nobama no more deserves to be President of the United States than bin Laden does!

Sharon Sederwall

Anonymous said...

Haven't checked for a while. True quality and informative as usual....Keep'em coming.

GrandSon, Nathan