Saturday, July 5, 2008

Independence Day

Yesterday was Independence Day, 4July1776 was the birthdate of our Nation; how far have we gone in a short 232 years? I read a piece by Pat Buchanan that got me thinking, independence, just what is it? It means to not be dependent on any Nation, Country or individual other than ourselves; same as when a Son or Daughter leaves their parents home and becomes independent, able to care for and function for themselves. Our Nation declared independence from Great Britain, paid a dear cost for it, stumbled a few times but righted itself to become the most prosperous Nation on earth.
Look around now and ask yourself who we are 'independent' from now...we rely on foreign oil, we borrow from Europe, Japan and is it that we have to borrow from these Nations yet we send billions upon billions of dollars for foreign aid?
"And the questions arise: If the men of '76, who led those small and vulnerable states, were willing to sacrifice their lives, fortunes and sacred honor for America's independence, what is the matter with us"?
The above is one question Pat asked in his column, it's a good one too; how many use the rights and freedoms...the very independence that was fought for through all 232 years...and put nothing back? If you have 10K in the bank and just withdraw without replenishing, you'll be broke real quick, same goes for our freedoms, rights and independence. Out there, on the fringes of humanity, are people who want to see the USA fall flat on it's face, they are more than willing to help that come about...why is that? It's kinda like cuttin' off your nose to spite your face...the USA has always been the beacon of hope world-wide, the symbol of Freedom, a place where hard work and good moral values insured a decent life, if not great wealth....endless hope and the promise of a bright future. Seems too many people have been making withdrawals, and not enough deposits.
"In the Constitution that came out of that convention, the states were prohibited from imposing any tariffs on the products of other states, thus creating the greatest common market in history, the United States of America. Second, the U.S. government was empowered to raise revenue by imposing tariffs on foreign goods, but explicitly denied the power to impose taxes on the incomes of American citizens".
What a novel idea, realizing that this is 2008 and not 1787, we are still way over-taxed, the revenue raised from import tariffs has been swapped out for individual income taxes...Federal and State! I see our independence starting to fade a little.
"Third, in his Farewell Address, the greatest state paper in U.S. history, Washington admonished his countrymen to steer clear of permanent alliances and to stay out of Europe's wars. Rarely in the 19th century did the United States divert from the course set by Washington and Hamilton".
While it's prudent to attempt staying out of war, the most non-prudent thing would be to enter into permanent alliances, with the exception of NATO after WWII, the line should have been drawn. The Allies we had in WWI and II are taking a page from Washington's Farewell Address, with the exception so far of Great Britain, and putting his words about staying out of war to their betterment...let the U.S. do it, they are the lone super-power, let them police the World. There are nations abroad that back-stab us every chance they can get away with it, Israel is our only real ally in the middle east, if they fall it'll be wide open for iran. After the Embassy debacle of '79, they think they can take us on and win, what have we done to have them think otherwise? Nothing.
In closing, think about Independence, think about the Liberties and Rights that our Fore Fathers fought for and the Constitution they crafted. Maybe with enough people taking part, we can become a Nation of the people, by the people and for the people....of the United States of America...not the global hypocrisy of the new world order.
P5 Driver


Anonymous said...

I really liked this one. It was right to the point.

Anonymous said...

Spoken as a loyal and true Patriot. Thank you, and God Bless America!


GrandSon, Nathan