Friday, July 11, 2008

Well, here we go he a Roadie or just the set-up guy?

Where and when will it all end? The 'word police' are out again; I just learned that besides all the other words spoken that are found by blacks to be offensive or racist, there are more added practically on a daily basis.
As a kid growin' up in the 50's, I loved to have 'angel food cake' with strawberries, Hostess 'Devil's Food' cupcakes with the creme filling...when I grew older and Star Wars burst upon the scene, I heard of the 'Black Hole' in space...this was a matter eater, things got swallowed up never to be seen or heard of from again. Was I raised in a racist home by racist parents? No, I wasn' if I ask for either 'angel food cake' or devil's food cake', am I considered a racist? Or if I refer to 'the Black Hole', am I a racist? If I choose not to vote for hussein obama because I don't go along with his politics, am I a racist? From what I've been reading on-line and seeing on TV, not to forget radio, it seems that by using the above listed words/phrases, I am. I've always been taught by my Parents to treat all people the same, no biases at all...I do this to this's the only right thing to do, but when someone shows that they are biased or judgemental or just plain wrong, I form my opinion of that person by what he practices and says.
My opinion of the pictured individual is extremely low, I read on-line this morning that 'angel food cake' is a white girl, 'devil's food cake' is a black girl and the 'black hole' somehow became a racist remark....common sense must have been a victim of the black hole as I don't see many using it.
The following came from the Commissioners in the Dallas area:
Later, John WileyPrice told that he believed it and other terms were racist.

"So if it's 'angel food cake,' it's white. If it's 'devil's food cake,' it's black. Price said people should watch their words when it comes to stereotypes.
Now, I'm curious why he didn't mention 'yellow cake' or 'red velvet cake'...would he be 'cherry picking'?
The racial divide in this Country will never go away unless tolerance is used...white racism towards blacks is a real thing but not like it was 20-30 years ago; it's been replaced by black racism towards whites and way overboard at that, the race card is dealt by blacks so much that I don't think there are any other cards in the deck; jesse jackson recently played his 'version' of the race card on hussein obama...saying that obama 'talks down to black folks', well rev, hussein obama talks 'down' to all, white, oriental, native name the denomination and he's head n shoulders above them. Rev, if you have the bolitos, I'll give you the knife...your apology was no more than a sieve for as much water as it would have, reverend jackson, are a phony
Ok, I'm off to do what needs done today, I'll run to the market and get some angel food cake and devil's food cake so I won't be accused by the cashier of being biased...and on my way home, I hope the black hole won't 'see' me and suck me in.
P5 Driver

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GrandSon, Nathan