Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Arsenic and Old Lace..

Lot of ground to cover, so little time; I watched the ending of G.W. Bush's press conference yesterday, heard a lot of good stuff about how to fight the oil 'crisis'. He's signed off on lifting the ban for off-shore drilling and in the western states, of course the left controlled Congress will not follow suit...makes me wonder why. Are they so indebted to the environmental special interest groups that they value their support more than maintaining a strong USA? A USA not dependent on foreign oil? Common sense tells me that we should be energy independent, the resources are there so why does the democrat controlled Congress continue dragging their a**es? Nancy pelosi says oil companies already have land leased but she won't allow exploration or drilling technology has improved to the point that natural seepage caused by the Earth itself is allowing more oil to enter the oceans than man drilling for oil. Sea life in the areas around Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and the panhandle of Florida....where the derricks are is flourishing. Damn it, China is drilling off our shores in International waters! It would seem to me that the left(socialists, marxists and stalinists)like the idea of keep us under their thumb; why do we put up with this crap? obama says we need to focus on conservation, bio-fuels and other forms of renewable energy...I agree, but not to the point of being held hostage by OPEC, the fat kid chavez and surprisingly, our own government. Federal taxes on a gallon of gas are ridiculous, then factor in the state and local tax....damn, if we conserve, they'll lose revenue and just tax us somewhere else. If all the smokers in the USA quit tomorrow, how will all that lost revenue be made up? All the non-smokers who look down their noses at smokers would scream louder that the 'little piggy who cried all the way home'.

After Dubya came part deux....the barak hussein obama comedy hour....listening to him was more than I could manage, I got physically ill. During the primaries, while he courted the left wing kooks, he was for immediate withdrawal from Iraq, then he was for a scheduled withdrawal within 16 months...well barry, we are on that course already...the draw down will happen according to how well things are progressing on the ground and then we'll be able to concentrate on the border region of Pakistan and Afghanistan...things already on the table. He conveniently left out iran(which borders with Iraq)and a U.S. presence there is definitely necessary until Iraq can repulse whatever iran throws their way. The iranians already have a number of missiles that will cover all of Iraq and soon will be nuclear...gee, that's a comforting thought. In all the times I've listened to obama speak I still marvel at his ability to sound like he has 'original thoughts'; campaigning as a new breed of politician, he sure as hell reverted back to the samo-samo political garbage. He'll throw the race card in a heartbeat, he'll appeal to all 'for the sake of the children'...his wifey goes out and makes outrageous statements and he screams 'FOUL', you can't do that. As a Nation, we do need a 'uniter'...obama is not a uniter...I'm not real sure John McCain is one either...even if he was or is, the left will continue saying electing McCain is the same as 4 more years of Bush and their only real reason for saying that is sour-grapes after the '00 election....get over it or, as george soros likes to say...move-on-dot-org.

Back in the 70's(I really hate to think that far back...I start tripping over peanut shells)Reggie Jackson of the NY Yankees was quoted or mis-quoted as saying he was the straw that stirred the drink....well, I believe obama is the arsenic in the drink and michelle is the lace that she'll drape over both of them in order mask their real intentions....obama and michelle are dividers, not uniters.

Pay heed in the up-coming months, Denver is in for one hell of a time next month and November will tell the tale.....Lord, I pray we can survive obama's, the twin evils.

P5 Driver

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you make the point about gasoline taxes. Back in the 1960's the oil industry had a slogan: "Gas is a buy; only the tax is high." Maybe they should trot that one out again. National, states, even counties and some cities seem to levy gasoline taxes. and the motorist pays and pays and pays. . .

GrandSon, Nathan