This past year there have been a lot of 'changes' politically in our many of them have been good? In the past I have categorized Barrack Hussein Obama as a 'divider' not a 'uniter', I feel compelled to re-address that at this point....BHO has managed to do us all a great service, he has 'united' us in a way that slipped under the radar, he didn't unite us along racial lines, ethnic lines, nor social lines....he united us as a country against the government take-over of our Democratic Republic.
It started this past November with the Gubernatorial elections in New Jersey and Virginia, culminating in the special election held yesterday in Massachusetts for the seat in the Senate long held by teddy kennedy. All along the way, the people have been voicing their opinions at Tea Party Rallies, Town Hall meetings, letters, emails and phone calls to their various representatives in Congress. They have, for the most part, been ignored....the only response from the left was negative in one way or the other; ranging from 'astro-turf' to 'un-ruly mobs of nazis'. They moved along doing what they thought 'best for us'...not caring one way or the other how we felt or what was being said. Will they listen now and can they be trusted to stay on track? To this I say, maybe they'll listen a little better but only till after the next election this coming November (they hold their positions in government as 'rights', not 'privilege') ... as far as trusting them, can a traitor ever really be trusted once they've switched sides?
There comes to mind a few elected Senators who have 'sold out' the very people they represent, Senator Ben Nelson, Senator Blanche Lincoln, Senator Landrieu, Senator Bill Nelson (my favorite turncoat, only because he is supposed to be representing me and my fellow Floridians), these and others of their ilk need to be replaced, post-haste.....personally, I've written Bill Nelson two times and called his office once in the past four weeks....response was nil. Far as I am concerned he's a lame duck Senator....he has 'screwed the pooch' for the last time in my opinion.
Any elected official, who now backtracks, cannot be trusted and should not be re-elected...ask yourself where are their hearts, really? They will revert to their own ways as soon as the 'storm' passes....believe me they will
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GrandSon, Nathan
Yo, Brown !!!.... Well, Driver, take advantage of this action...after the 60 year tradition upset in Massachusetts last night, Bill Nelson may be more receptive to your contact... with you and a few more Floridian conservatives coming on... on the tail of this latest upset, you just might scare the cold, bold arrogant, egotistical SOB into realizing that y'all have the power take him down.
It occurred to me recently that BHO may have, indeed, done Americans a big favor. Seems we needed him. Before his advent, the citizens had been lulled to sleep. For more than 60 years we accepted whatever the politicians handed out without question. Alarm bells were all over the place, but we didn't hear them. I know I didn't. Not until obama came on the scene did I wake up, and I think this is true of much of the electorate. I don't want to say "Thank you" to the likes of obama, but I think at this point, I should. "Thank you, obamanator for waking me up!"
Better yet: "Thank you, Good Lord, for Scott Brown!"
What a difference 24 hours makes! Scott Brown came on the scene, seemingly out of nowhere... took Massachusetts by storm, and despite all the remarks about 'only recognition is Cosmo' by his opponent, 'anyone can drive a truck' by BHO.. after 24 hours of bashing, like Obama had nothing better to do in the wake of the 2nd hit on Haiti... and STILL... at the end of the day....
Fox ticker comes across with 'plans' for what was only this morning a twinkle in my eye.... Brown 2012.... Great minds DO think alike...huh?... LOL... wish I had had the foresight to purchase that ScottBrown2012 website... megabucks will turn over on that! .... this has been more exciting than the 2008 election.. for this is a 'win/win'.... today the 'Kennedy' seat.. tomorrow, the Obamacare bust!.... 'What Can Brown Do For You'
'Backtrack' is MILD .... circles is more like BHO did tonight (State of the Union) ..... did he say ANYTHING that meant anything... just more rhetoric!
What about those 'earmarks'... continue REFORM??? CONTINUE reform?
What reform? More like a downhill slide... where do we go from here?
Who's he gonna blame 'it' on this year? He has worn out Bush... even with his own!
HIS 'created' and/or 'saved' jobs INCREASED unemployment to double digits?
Does he have 'transparent' locked doors at midnight... thought it was suppose to be CSPAN?
Pardon me, but, do we have a language barrier here... ???
Or is he just one cocky, arrogant, conceited, lying elitist, who needs a 'fact finder', like you, Rick, to aid in loading his teleprompter!
God, please, just get us through the next three years!
Funny how soon many minds have changed. Their so called "savior" has definitely let them down.
.... time to bring on the 'Barracuda'! Last night, the Tea Party in Nashville, far surpassed ANYTHING we have EVER heard from "the ONE"... She is coming on strong for 2012.... and just look at what SHE will be inheriting... but, rest assured, Sarah will make no excuses.
How could anyone trust Obama after all the lies he has been cought telling?
Barack Obama is the best President this country has ever seen. Obama is slowly wading through the mess that Dubya left us and is making great strides in helping the American people.
The teaparty is silly and small.
Mark Fillmore
Willy trusts no one that has politician in their title.
10-4 Willy
it appears that all we CAN do now is ride the waves and hold on tight.... we shall soon see who will be'coming on strong' for 2012... God Bless America!
Mark is deluded. Obama will go down in history as our first 'black' president and quite possibly as the worst president ever.
The last time America was so divided, we had a disastrous and most uncivil war that changed the face of the nation.
We live in interesting times.
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