Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tale of a not so tangled web

"If Congress can do whatever in their discretion can be done by money, and will promote the General Welfare, the Government is no longer a limited one, possessing enumerated powers, but an indefinite one, subject to particular exceptions."

--James Madison, letter to Edmund Pendleton, 21 January 1792

In the situation the United States finds itself after November's election, James Madison's words are prophetic; our congress is running amok and the senate isn't too far behind. Our elected president possesses no governing experience or skills so he has basically turned the office of president over to the witch of San Fransisco, nancy 'of the jet set'(I think she resembles a jack-in-the-box more)pelosi....even dumbo joe biden was getting irritated by the way the witch kept jumping up as mr. obama gave his quasi 'state of the union' address, it seemed to me that the witch was actually applauding her own words! You see, I believe obama has never had an original thought in his life and appears to have turned over to harry 'Gollum' reid and the witch pelosi, the power to govern in his stead...think about that for a minute, in just 50 days obama has sucked us, as a nation, into a deeper recession(1997 value at 2009 prices), signed an order to close GITMO(where will all the bad guys go?), and deceived the country into thinking he's putting us on a road to recovery(stimulus bills, record setting budget proposals), all in the guise of 'change'. He did promise change campaigning and has in fact, delivered on that promise....but 'change we need', 'change we can believe in' and 'hope' are starting to unravel. Almost every economist has stated publicly that obama has done everything economically wrong but still want to and will, support him, that's the same as renouncing the Devil but welcoming him into your home and life! Anyone who dares to criticize obama or his policies gets a stabbing that would be the envy of every street gang this country has seen. Under this administration, private citizens are being targeted, this is absolutely intolerable! Freedom of speech is being squashed by intimidation tactics; xlinton's started this crap using IRS audits against those on their 'enemy list', this is America people....these rights have been bought, paid for and defended with the blood of patriotic Americans! 51% of democratz wanted G. W. Bush's policies to fail, they wanted...even stated, that the Iraq theatre of war was lost! Now we have a president taking us down the road to socialism....does anyone but me see that? We fought the Cold War from 1945 till the USSR was dismantled and beaten and then turn around and elect the same type people who we fought all those years against!

The president is a master at double talk and buffalo-chips, while the nations economy tumbles uncontrollably downward, he shifts focus on piddly things...merit pay for teachers(actually it's not based on the 'merits' of the teacher, it's based on how much education, the teacher has), embryonic stem cell research.....I gotta find out just where these stem cells come from.....which will, in my humble opinion, only lead to a way devious people can make a quick buck at the expense of an aborted human life. Our borders are as porous as cheesecloth and obama appoints as Homeland Security Secretary, a woman who hasn't done anything as the governor of her state to stem the flow of illegals; drug cartels are conducting an open war against the Mexican government and it's spilling over the border into the U.S., what exactly is being done? And this president wants to close GIMO?

We have a guy assigned the task of Secretary of the Treasury that was guilty of not paying his own taxes! Now he's coming out saying how he's going to make sure what he did will not be never was, has he paid the back taxes along with the penalties and accrued interest? How about charlie rangel, chairman of the House Ways and Means committee....has he anted up? How about tom daschle and the rest of the cabinet crooks? Secretary of State is totally out of her level and bumbling everything she does overseas, what a travesty.

These are just some of the examples of obama's 'chickens coming home to roost', political favors owed for political donations and support for this pimp to get elected....yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus and yes America, corruption has reached the highest level in our government than ever before. Makes a person want to gag and puke.

Alan Keyes has this to say....check it out.

So America, you see the web of deceit isn't tangled at all, it's in plain view, all one has to do is open their eyes and stay informed...burying your head like an ostrich will only harm the country and you'll have your head buried forever....without your body attached.

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GrandSon, Nathan