Tuesday, July 28, 2009

If it's good for us, it's good for them.

"The house of representatives ... can make no law which will not have its full operation on themselves and their friends, as well as the great mass of society. This has always been deemed one of the strongest bonds by which human policy can connect the rulers and the people together. It creates between them that communion of interest, and sympathy of sentiments, of which few governments have furnished examples; but without which every government degenerates into tyranny."
Federalist No. 57, February 19, 1788
If only the members of the 'elitist group' of Congressional Representatives would pay heed to the above quote....we'd not be having the discussion nor the dispute about nationalized health care. I learned a long, long time ago to 'remember from where I came', to not have anyone who worked under me, do something I hadn't done or wouldn't be willing to do myself. If this pile of buffalo chips health care program is so good, why aren't the legislators and obama snapping it up for themselves? You guessed it....it sucks! We've heard almost 24/7 about the 47 million 'Americans' who aren't covered by health insurance; let's examine that falsehood preached by obama...kick back, pop a top, pour another coffee or have an iced tea and read this little beauty:
1. Obama's '47 Million Uninsured' Claim Is False:

President Barack Obama claimed during his Wednesday (22 July '09) night press conference that there are 47 million Americans without health insurance.

A simple check with the U.S. Census Bureau would have told him otherwise.

Obama said: "This is not just about the 47 million Americans who have no health insurance."

That assertion conflicts with data in the Census Bureau report "Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2007." The report was issued in August 2008 and contains the most up-to-date official data on the number of uninsured in the U.S.

The report discloses that there were 45.65 million people in the U.S. who did not have health insurance in 2007.

However, it also reveals that there were 9.73 million foreigners — foreign-born non-citizens who were in the country in 2007 — included in that number. So the number of uninsured Americans was actually 35.92 million.

And of those, "there were also 9.1 million people making more than $75,000 per year who did not choose to purchase health insurance," CNSNews stated in a report based on the Census Bureau data.

That brings the number of Americans who lack health insurance presumably for financial reasons down less than 27 million.

The Census Bureau report also shows that the number of people without insurance actually went down in 2007 compared to the previous year — from 47 million to 45.65 million — while the number with insurance rose from 249.8 million to 253.4 million.

The next Census Bureau report disclosing health insurance data, with 2008 numbers, is scheduled to be released in August, and could figure in the health care reform debate.
Now I raise this question....of this less than 27 million people, how many really can't get coverage and how many are illegal aliens (sue me, I refuse to be politically correct....they aren't here legally so they are illegal), who are covered by Medicaid? What a thought....illegals receiving medicaid but being touted by the obama administration as 'un-insured'....yes Virginia, only in America! Where the legislators, even the president, do not READ the legislation before signing it into law. When you or I go to a bank or other lending institution for a home or car loan, the contract gets read....when was the last time you, signed a contract for something without knowing what was in it and how much it would cost or obligate you to? That's the point exactly....never! TARP money has been mis-used, stimulus money and a budget that is so extremely out of control and non-functional are this administration's claim to fame.
Hey obama, tell your buddy gates that the next time it appears his home might be being broken in to...to call you instead of the police....after all, you are the 'great one', who would dare go against your wishes or not abide to your will; all the burglars in the world, quake at the mere mention of your name.

Friday, June 12, 2009

From dumb to stupid to ridiculous....and a special mention for the DAY award

"The hour is fast approaching, on which the Honor and Success of this army, and the safety of our bleeding Country depend. Remember officers and Soldiers, that you are Freemen, fighting for the blessings of Liberty - that slavery will be your portion, and that of your posterity, if you do not acquit yourselves like men."

--George Washington, General Orders, August 23, 1776

Here we go again...now hear this! To all the Warriors fighting and dying in Afghanistan and Iraq: when you capture an Islamic Jihadist, be sure to read him his 'miranda rights'. Hereto for, any and all enemy combatants are to be afforded the constitutional rights that you are killing them to protect: Oh the horror! This has got to be a typo you say, why are we fighting to preserve and protect our constitution, our way of life and our citizens when the CinC is giving those very rights to people who are trying to kill us and us them? Way to go hussein obama, fighting a war while affording the enemy our rights and access to our court system, dealing with terrorists in a police type way is definitely not the way to win a WAR...you ditz!

What's next, are you going to supply these people lawyers?

The Fuhrer of the Third Reich said it best hussein, if you're gonna lie, make it a big one...it'll be more believeable because of it's audacity. This is just another way that you mirror Hitler more than anyone in recent history; you liberals were all over Geo. W. Bush, calling him Hitler and a fascist, accusing him of trampling on our constitutional rights while you...give our rights to any illegal and/or enemy of our country...you, I find repulsive and disgusting. Why not just tell your muslim brothers in Iran to go ahead and nuke Israel, that's exactly what you'd like to see; at the same time, bow to the King of Saudi Arabia and wash his feet before you dine on goats eyes and dates. You're all proud now, to call attention to your muslim father, education and the fact you have a muslim name...why were you so 'offended' if anyone mentioned these FACTS during the campaign? Can you spell HYPOCRITE?

This now brings us all to the stupid part of what you're doing hussein...

Dressing down Israel while praising the muslim world for all the good they have done for the world is obnoxious! You say Israel has a 'right to exist' while giving the green light to her enemies smacks of burning the candle from both ends, problem herein lies the fact that our nation is in the middle and about to be destroyed. I'm sure the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, was very impressed with your mention of the way her country had treated the Jews during WWII...you talk about how your uncle was part of the liberating forces freeing Auschwitz, Buchenwald was the main camp he liberated a satellite camp of...you've changed your story so many times on this that it's virtually impossible to keep up with you. You are the epitome of 'if you can't convince the with facts...baffle them with buffalo chips'...double talk and BS are your claim to fame. What's next hussein...a trip to N. Korea to apologize for all the hardship we've caused them? While you're there, how about asking your buddy Kim Jong IL why he has a starving population while his military is growing and thriving...see if you can 'sit down and reason' with the little clown and try to convince him to part some of the cash he gets from selling missiles and nuclear weapons technology and get his people fed...or are they all in the military?


And now I want to bring y'all my presentation of the DAY award (that's Dumb Ass of the Year) to dave letterman. First the obnoxious 'jokes' about Sarah Palin and her daughter, then the half-assed 'apology' that turned into another tirade of obnoxiousness...<----big word dave, you wanna buy it? How about if Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity...even Glenn Beck would 'joke' about your wife or girlfriend calling her 'slutty' and 'joking' about your daughter being 'knocked up' by A-Rod backstage there where you 'work' while waiting to come out to be interviewed by you....yeah dave, you are the DumbAss of the Year.

Hang in there Sarah, there really are more people who appreciate you for who you are and what you stand for, your principles and how you conduct your life with class.


Hey obama, can I hold a fiver...gas is going up or have you not noticed?

Murphy Alpha12 ready to splash...P5 Driver is leaving the area.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

What's it all about?

Well, here he is...the 'saviour' of the Muslim World...oh those eyes; the only eyes I can think of in comparison belonged to the Fuhrer of the Third Reich: yes, that exactly what I meant to say! What a lot of people are thinking, I'm willing...in fact, more than willing, to say it loud. This individual is not dumb, naive or anything other than intelligent...he's doing exactly as he planned it out; destroy the USA and allow the Muslim Extremists the access and ability to wreak havoc in order to justify their existence. The leader of Iran is nothing more than a criminal terrorist, one who was involed directly with the takeover of our Embassy in Tehran in '79, he's broken agreements on nuclear proliferation, developing nuclear weapons and financing proxy wars against Israel (Hezbollah, Hamas and probably way more little known groups along with arming insurgents in Iraq and Afghanistan). All the while, hussein obama is giving the green light to any and all Muslim Extremist groups, bowing to his King in Saudi Arabia, denouncing Israel's right to defend itself from all the aggressors surrounding it while acting the part of 'peacemaker'...Lord have Mercy, how blind and stupid are we?
Now, as I move on to things happening here by our liberal fanatics, the name contessa green (if her name isn't green, it should be) doing an interview with some conservative whose name escapes me, gets all up in arms and insulted because she was asked questions that in her feeble mind, Sarah Palin, should be able to absorb as humor by david letterman...the late night 'hitman' of the left. Any woman out there that would not get upset being called 'slutty' and having to hear that her daughter was 'knocked up by A-Rod at Yankee Stadium while she was watching a ball game'...please step forward; you, I have to meet. Sarah Palin is a Governor, a past Vice-Presidential candidate and above all, a woman with class; for her to have to endure being ridiculed like that even if she is a public figure, goes beyond the pale. If any find that it's acceptable then I find it acceptable to refer to letterman, madonna, britney and paris as filthy trash, along with the females mentioned as being sluts and letterman a pimp in the same fashion as obama...fair enough?
We, as a nation, had better wake the hell up before we find ourselves in a gulag, konzentration kamp or ghetto run by Muslims and/or black panthers (obama's new gestapo); we already have to hear from some black convert to Islam about why he's not guilty of murder in killing an American Serviceman...Pvt. Long...and at the same time, we hear from the left wing media that Dr. Tiller was a hero and the guy who shot him is an extremist and guilty of murdering any pregnant woman's 'best friend' and 'last hope' for a decent life...give me a break, if pregnancy is not wanted by these women for choice, keep your knees together girlies and give up that 'slutty' life you lead....or, get the f**k on the pill!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Random thoughts covering current events

"History affords us many instances of the ruin of states, by the prosecution of measures ill suited to the temper and genius of their people. The ordaining of laws in favor of one part of the nation, to the prejudice and oppression of another, is certainly the most erroneous and mistaken policy. An equal dispensation of protection, rights, privileges, and advantages, is what every part is entitled to, and ought to enjoy... These measures never fail to create great and violent jealousies and animosities between the people favored and the people oppressed; whence a total separation of affections, interests, political obligations, and all manner of connections, by which the whole state is weakened."

--Benjamin Franklin, Emblematical Representations


"It has long, however, been my opinion, and I have never shrunk from its expression ... that the germ of dissolution of our federal government is in the constitution of the federal Judiciary; ... working like gravity by night and by day, gaining a little today and a little tomorrow, and advancing its noiseless step like a thief, over the field of jurisdiction, until all shall be usurped."

--Thomas Jefferson, letter to Charles Hammond, August 18, 1821


"Men, to act with vigour and effect, must have time to mature measures, and judgment and experience, as to the best method of applying them. They must not be hurried on to their conclusions by the passions, or the fears of the multitude. They must deliberate, as well as resolve."

--Joseph Story, Commentaries on the Constitution, January 6, 1833


"Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing."

--Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, 1791


"We have heard of the impious doctrine in the old world, that the people were made for kings, not kings for the people. Is the same doctrine to be revived in the new, in another shape -- that the solid happiness of the people is to be sacrificed to the views of political institutions of a different form? It is too early for politicians to presume on our forgetting that the public good, the real welfare of the great body of the people, is the supreme object to be pursued; and that no form of government whatever has any other value than as it may be fitted for the attainment of this object."

--James Madison, Federalist No. 45


The above, relevant thoughts from very wise men, remain as a way to guide our elected officials to this very day; apparently, those in power do not see them that way or more likely do not realize they exist. I wonder as I re-read these wise words, how we managed to get into the situation of today; our Constitution was written to set down the way we would be governed based on individuals rights, state's rights and how involved the federal government was to be in regards to those rights. The federal government was put in place to safeguard the individuals, state's rights along with protection from interference and/or interference from foreign powers; how then did we come to the point of the federal government being 'in charge' of our everyday lives?

The Supreme Court of the land has one sole purpose....to interpret and apply the laws as written in the Constitution, not to set policy or legislate from the bench. If we feel our inalienable rights, guaranteed by the Constitution, are being infringed on we have the right of appeal, all the way to the Supreme Court. This is all well and good but poses another question in my mind; why can't the lower courts do what their reason for being do what is right and constitutionally right before the appeal has to get presented to the highest court in the land? Is it (as I believe) that these lower federal courts are politicized? Why wait until a judge is appointed to the supreme court to properly vest these judges when they should be more closely scrutinized at these lower levels? It's the same principal as I see it, as to how a politician moves up the 'ladder' to run for Congress or Senator...including President. The incompetent, the biased, those with chips on their shoulders should be weeded out early but we've grown accustomed to the 'political grease' ascending the 'favorites of the lobbyists' up the political ladder.

Corruption isn't reserved for only the highest offices, it starts early and has become acceptable. Are we so gullible as to believe campaign rhetoric, then turn the other cheek while our rights, our right for pursuit of happiness, get trampled under? Way more people than not, do not think of themselves as gullible, why then, is more attention not paid to the action and right of voting for our leaders? Why is settling for one over the other considered 'the lesser of two evils'? Why do voters say things like, 'he or she is good looking, so they get my vote'? The latter isn't being gullible, it's plain ridiculous! Same as voting for someone who promises the impossible...yes, I'm speaking of universal health care....but doesn't explain where they'll get the cash funds to pay for all our 'wants' over all our 'needs'. Mick Jagger said it best..'You can't always get what you want...but if you try sometimes, you'll get what you need'. Next time y'all decide to buy something and are short of finances...ask yourself this question...do I need it or do I just want it?

The democrats want Sonia Sotomayor on the Supreme Court...but I ask you, based on her biased, racist comments, do we really need her on that Bench?


Now, I want to touch on the situations in Iran and N. Korea...BatMan's sidekick said it best..."Holy Moley BatMan"...if N. Korea gets off with doing what they've been doing these past few weeks, how can we expect Iran to 'take a more positive, in the world's interests', approach to acquiring a nuclear weapon'? IMHO, they are on the final approach to acquiring one as I type and you read; also IMHO, Israel should not be scolded by our government about removing Iran's nuclear capability to date, just as we cannot sit idly by and put up with the threats from N. Korea considering they already have a nuclear capability. They no longer are obliged to be bound by the cease-fire agreement of 1953, that interprets into a resumption of hostilities, that needs to be addressed....aggressively and soon. There'll be more on this later.

Hey obama, can I hold a dollar?

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Stupid is, as Stupid does....

"It is Religion and Morality alone, which can establish the Principles upon which Freedom can securely stand....The only foundation of a free Constitution, is pure Virtue, and if this cannot be inspired into our People, in a great Measure, than they have it now, They may change their Rulers, and the forms of Government, but they will not obtain a lasting Liberty."

--John Adams, letter to Zabdiel Adams, 21 June 1776

....Today is National Prayer Day: all over the country Christian folks paused to pray this morning, wherever they were....the pimp decided to pray in private; I wonder why, could it be the act of someone whose hiding what he believes in? For me, in my humble opinion, it would be a way of uniting the country in the common principle's our Founding Fathers based our independence and freedoms on; could it be that the pimp prayed kneeling, facing east? Wouldn't a public prayer ceremony have done more to unite the people of our country? Come to think of it, the pimp don't give one hoot about the USA, his interests are with himself and paying back the 'debts' owed to those who pushed him into the office that he disgraces on a daily basis. He campaigned as a uniter, when in fact, he's a divider who is hell-bent on destroying the USA. He's run up national debt and borrowing like none before him while on the other hand, has weakened us as a nation so that those who plot our demise have the upper hand. What does his overseas contingency plan do to hold the taliban in check....nothing! Once again, he campaigned that he'd handle these situations as his predecessor, George W. Bush did but he's backed completely away from those campaign words and appeases those who intend us harm and/or extinction. The taliban is on the verge of over-powering Pakistan and acquiring nuclear weapons, make no mistake in their intent; he's sent billions of U.S. dollars in aid to the enemies of Israel who are bent on Israel's destruction....why is that? Does he not realize that money will be used to purchase weapons to destroy Israel along with any country that does not share their totalitarian beliefs? His own VP pick stated before the election in November that their administration would be tested within 6 months and not to be surprised if they made the wrong decisions. We cannot wait for the pimp to graduate from presidency 101, he has to make the right decisions/choices NOW, or we pay dire consequences. Enough with the lousy choices and 'pretend naivety', any rational thinking person would not be doing what the pimp is doing unless they have ulterior motives....which I believe are the destruction of the USA as we know it now and in the past....the USA that many lives were lost over the history of our country protecting our nation and it's way of life; barack hussein obama, I consider you a traitor to this Nation....if you are indeed a citizen in the first place....and if not a citizen, then you are an out right menace and enemy to be dealt with as any enemy of the USA.
....Another part of the 'culture' being forced upon us is the way freedom of speech and expression are being mutilated by so called 'progressives'. Carrie Prejean has been vilified, first because she spoke out as in favor of marriage being between one man and one woman; carrying the vilification further, the diseased media digs up semi-nude pictures of Miss Prejean and calls it porn. The only image I've seen that even remotely comes close to that definition can be seen at any beach, on any given day....some are even more revealing, are these women beach goers also porn queens? You see, any time a rational thinking person goes with their own thoughts that do not match those of the left, politically correct media, they become targets for ridicule....and by whom? The 'queer rights' movement in this free and open society that we enjoy (supposedly) living in here in the USA, hilton perez for example, what business does he have judging the beauty of a woman when, in fact, he prefers MEN? He is shown calling Miss Prejean a "blonde bitch"; well, there are those who will let perez know exactly what he is, and it isn't a liver of an 'alternative lifestyle'....he's a flaming queer.

....Above is an image of Carrie Prejean, Miss California, she finished 2nd because hilton perez did not like her stated opinion, the definition of marriage did not go along with his.....when did the few, become the driving force behind our Democracy? Why is it that if a person states an opinion that is not 'politically correct', they become evil, a homophobe, a racist or a bigot? Another point to be made here on this topic of 'culture' and 'political correctness' was revealed last evening as I watched a segment of The Glenn Beck show on FNC...the national spokesman for a.c.o.r.n., a radical wing of the liberal left, asked Glenn if he was "afraid of black people". This came about as Glenn asked this individual about the charges of voter registration fraud commencing next month in Nevada....there are other states that will follow suit I'm sure. Point is, just because a.c.o.r.n. is predominately a black community organizer group, how did the question of being "afraid of black people" come to be? Could it be a way of insinuating that Glenn Beck is racist? Or that anyone who has their own misgivings about a.c.o.r.n. a racist also? Is this not another form of intimidation? I believe it is....it's intimidation in the way of altering freedom of speech and expression, both of which are being eroding daily....even hourly.

Tomorrow I'll get into the media's treatment of Sarah Palin and her family and weigh in on the Tea Party attacks the left really loves to participate in.

Hey obama, let me hold a dollar....I want to hang out at a burger joint for lunch.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Specter....or....Spectre? Along with other incompetent types.

"History affords us many instances of the ruin of states, by the prosecution of measures ill suited to the temper and genius of their people. The ordaining of laws in favor of one part of the nation, to the prejudice and oppression of another, is certainly the most erroneous and mistaken policy. An equal dispensation of protection, rights, privileges, and advantages, is what every part is entitled to, and ought to enjoy... These measures never fail to create great and violent jealousies and animosities between the people favored and the people oppressed; whence a total separation of affections, interests, political obligations, and all manner of connections, by which the whole state is weakened."

--Benjamin Franklin, Emblematical Representations

"An unlimited power to tax involves, necessarily, a power to destroy; because there is a limit beyond which no institution and no property can bear taxation."

--John Marshall, McCullough v. Maryland, 1819
"The apportionment of taxes on the various descriptions of property is an act which seems to require the most exact impartiality; yet there is, perhaps, no legislative act in which greater opportunity and temptation are given to a predominant party to trample on the rules of justice. Every shilling which they overburden the inferior number is a shilling saved to their own pockets."

--James Madison, Federalist No. 10

Breaking news from yesterday revealed that arlen specter, fled the Republican Party to seek refuge from 'forced(by the people of Pennsylvania who vote)retirement'. In my humble opinion, that's a good thing simply because Senator specter did not represent Pennsylvania nor the nation, as a whole, in the Senate; he was however, a 'wolf in sheep's clothing', an unscrupulous 'loose cannon' and self appointed 'important person'. Goodbye arlen...all people bring joy to a group, whether by joining the group or leaving the group...goodbye arlen!

All one can hope for now, is an awakening of the populace(there have been a number of wake-up calls recently)to rid our Senate, House of Representatives and the White House of all that would take part in destroying the nation our Founding Fathers fought to create. The fathers realized the impact of over-burdening the populace with taxes, went as far as sending a message to the King of England by staging the Boston Tea Party....of which the theme was 'no taxation without representation'. We now have 'representatives' in Washington that no longer really represent the populace...instead, they seek only riches for themselves along with status and power. The recent 'Tea Parties' held across the nation in towns, large and small, signal to Washington that the people, have had enough of no representation....on both sides of the aisle! I anticipate a gigantic upheaval come November 2010 as the leeches get tossed out on their collective arses, let the 'thuds' begin! As we all know, those very same 'leeches' will rise to the occasion and promise all sorts of 'reform', lying about this and that and continue to blame conservatives along with George W. Bush for the incompetent mess we have on our hands to sort out and clean up. Truth be known, these same 'saviours' are the ones responsible for the current mess...are you listening jamie gorelick, barney frank, chris dodd?

How incompetent is it that Air Force One, did a fly-over NYC and no one knows who set it in motion? AF-1 is the personal 'taxi cab' for the White House pimp and he doesn't have a clue? Was michelle out with her card or garden club joy riding for a couple hours at taxpayer expense? Was arlen specter taking in the sights of what he thought could be future treasure for him to accumulate? The idiot White House press secretary, stumbled and bumbled for answers, coming forth with none...maybe he should have borrowed the pimp's tele-prompter...we could call it the gibbs-prompter...seeing how he speaks with the same 'nuances' the pimp uses, which are not nuances, but mindless word searches in an empty head. The pimp has never had an original thought in his entire life.

How incompetent is it to name a treasury secretary that cheated on paying his own taxes....and was not held accountable for late fees and fines that a regular citizen would be burdened with the rest of their lives? Or a Secretary of Homeland Security that doesn't acknowledge 'terrorism' but instead calls it a 'man made disaster' and calls the war on terrorism an 'overseas contingency operation'? As Govenor of her own state, Arizona, allowed things at the mexican border to deterorate to the point that Phoenix is the kidnappers capital of the U.S. In the pimp's administration, incompetence abounds, from top to bottom with one exception...General James Jones, and I'm sure he's only in place without a voice as a token to the people who really care about the future of the U.S.

Dire straits are before us people and unless we stand tall and rebuke the policies of the pimp we will go down in history as a people who were blinded byempty promises and led by the nose into oblivion.

Wake up America....our future as a nation is at stake!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Food for thought...or, indigestion

"The reformation was preceded by the discovery of America, as if the Almighty graciously meant to open a sanctuary to the persecuted in future years, when home should afford neither friendship nor safety."

--Thomas Paine, Common Sense, 1776

I don't think Thomas Paine meant to open the USA up to illegals, terrorists or any of the other criminals who enter our country.....oh if he could see what's become of the sovereign country he helped create. We have a president that says the USA is not a Christian country, he bows to the king of Saudi Arabia but disses the Queen of England; I wonder if Queen Elizabeth has even bothered to look at that Ipod the pimp handed her or if she did what I would do and just flat shitcan the stupid thing loaded with all his teleprompter enabled speeches this pimp has made.

It is my belief, and I'm sure that of a lot of my fellow Americans, that this pimp has gone way too far....out of control, un-necessary spending...tax increase proposals that will cripple the heart and soul workers of America...those that made the USA a great and powerful nation; those that shed blood, paid the ultimate price so that we could live our lives in relative freedom with security. Yet the descendants of those Warriors that made and protected our country for so many years are the ones who elected the pimp; why? Because they thought as a country, we could shed the guilt of slavery, or impress upon the world that we're really nice people that mean no harm to another nation? The pimp goes to the G20 summit, hat in hand...begging like a pauper, sends messages around the world that say loud and clear....America is a weak nation, that we have to beg, borrow and hope other nations, dictators and terror groups will not attack us again.

The answers came quick and strong....while the pimp was ordering the missile defense program dismantled N. Korea launched a ballistic missile, shortly thereafter, Somali pirates seized an American flagged merchant vessel...hey pimp! These people have no interest in negotiating, no interest in living in a peaceful world unless it's on their terms! You say you aren't naive...maybe you aren't...maybe you're just flat out stupit or......you are doing exactly what you intended to do...enable these terror states to continue unabated. Under jimmy carter, Iran over ran our Embassy in Tehran...an act of war by the way...what did the peanut farmer do? A weak, unsuccessful attempt to retake the Embassy and you want to sit down and talk with these rogues?

Think about it pimp...just what have you accomplished in the first months of your presidency? N. Korea is a click away from being able to hit the U.S. with a ballistic missile, Iran is on the verge of becoming nuclear capable(N. Korea already is pimp, they just go through the motions of convincing the world they aren't) and Somali pirates have hijacked one of our ships....what have you really done? Do you need a couple more days to think things thru to make up your mind? You are not showing anything even close to resembling leadership, even your teleprompter knows better what to do than your dumba**! Russia is frothing at the mouth with the thought that they will persevere and overcome the loss of the cold war....have you no idea who they are aligned with? N. Korea, Communist China, Cuba, Iran and the terror groups that are plotting our demise as a nation. Do I have disdain for you? You bet! Do I hold you in disgust? You bet!

You dared to wear one of my Marine Corps tee shirts to play roundball in but you slice n dice my Corps with your massive defense cuts....all it would have taken pimp, is one call and the Warriors that descended from Lt. Presley O'Bannon would have re-taken that ship, then wiped out any and all pirates....have you no cajones? I think not.

You Mr. obama make me sick and disgusted.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Sudden Sam

I spoke with a very close friend last nite, it'd been a few months since we'd had contact; Eric and I worked at the Post Office together for over 18 years. It is a real heartbreaker to type this up because I remember when 'Sam' came into Eric's home and he's gone now without my having(or taking)the time to see him before Sam left us. When I got full custody of my son Zach, the daycare I took him to was across the street from Eric's home....in fact, Eric recommended 'Miss Vee' to me. Zach and Sam became close friends immediately, we'd stop after I picked him up and go sit with Eric, his wife and Sam....was a beautiful thing, Sam was far bigger than Zach but ever so gentle and Zach would let Sam have treats from his little hands. On mornings that I worked and Eric was off, I'd find Sam in my van, sitting in the driver's seat as I'd return to go to work....I will miss Sam, as much as I miss Sally and Eric's Son...tragically taken way too early in life. As you can see in the above photo, Sam was as much a 'joker' as the rest of us.....I pray our Lord will embrace Sam along with Sally and Dane until we can all be together again. Below is a letter Eric wrote to the local paper, not sure if it was published because I don't read it any longer, I do want to ensure however, that Sam's passing and the story of how Eric got Sam, will be known. For you Sam, one last 'WOOF!'

Sam gets treats from Zach...they were tight!


I would like to thank whomever "dumped" the little brown boy dog with the black face, and the too small red collar in the neighborhood north of Lake Margaret and Conway road about thirteen years ago. At the time, I was the mailman that delivered mail in that neighborhood. When I first met the year old puppy, there were two kids screaming in their yard about the dog that (in their minds) was sure to tear them up. I picked the little dog up, and carried it to the next yard. I explained to the dog that the kids didn't want him in their yard, and that he didn't belong there, and that he should find someplace else to be. I put the dog down, and told him again not to go back there, and to be careful where he wandered.

I continued along my route until I came upon a fenced yard with a dog inside the fence barking at me when suddenly appeared that little brown dog with the black face and the too small red collar standing between me and the fence, facing the dog in the yard that was barking at me. The little dog was barking at the other, larger dog, as if telling it to back off. I delivered the mail, and continued on my way. The little dog disappeared, of on other adventures, I thought.
I didn't think much of it, until the next yard where another dog was barking at me, and there again appeared that little brown dog with the black face, and to red collar. This happened at least once more while I delivered mail in that area.

I moved the mail truck up a short street, around the corner, where I had to continue walking, delivering mail. Apparently the little dog had followed my truck, as the next time there was a large dog chained in a yard barking at me, there again was that little brown dog with the black face, and the too small red collar, again facing the offending dog, barking for all he was worth at the larger dog.

I finished walking my route, got in my truck, and proceeded on to my next area. I looked in the mirror as I started down the street, and there was that little brown dog chasing my mail truck. I didn't want him chasing me into the next, larger street, so I stopped, and talked to a man at his house, trying to figure out how to get that dog to stop following me. As I talked the the man, the little dog began eating birdseed in the man's carport, so I slipped back to my truck, and continued on my way.

Throughout the day, that little brown dog started working in my head. By the end of my deliveries, I was sure that the puppy was going to starve, get hit by a car, get picked up by animal control and put to sleep. Something bad was bound to happen to that little, so I went to the place where I had "ditched" him. I went up and down the streets, but I couldn't find him anywhere. I finally stopped at a house where the people there "adopted" many dogs. I explained to them that I was looking for that little brown dog with the black face, and the too small red collar, and that if they found it, The lady on the corner had my phone number, and to please call me.

I finished out my shift, and returned home. When my wife came home, I told her about my day, and the little brown dog, and that I had not been able to find it when I went looking. She told me it was just as well, as we already had a dog (Sally).

I was doing some work out front, when my wife appeared with the telephone, saying it was for me. I answered the phone with a hello, and the lady on the other end said "This is Mrs. K--- I have your dog". Well, I told my wife that we may have another dog, anyway. I got in my car, and headed for the lady's house, not far from my home. Upon arriving, she came out of her house with that little brown dog with the black face, and too small red collar on a leash. I told her that was the one I was looking for, so she took the leash off the dog, and it sat down.

I walked to my car door, with the dog following me. He sat down until I opened the door, and stood aside, he then got in the car, went to the passenger seat, and sat facing forward. He stayed there until I got home, got out of the car, and stepped aside. Only then did he stand, walk to my door, got out, and sat, until I shut the car door. I walked to my house, with the dog walking beside me, got to my front door, where the dog, again sat down. My wife had heard me pull up in the driveway, and came to the front door, looked at me, and then looked down at the little brown dog with the black face, and the too small red collar, and her eyes got big, and glassy.
I had just watched her fall for him, and we had just been adopted by him.

Anyway, the puppy, who was about one year old at the time, eventually named Sam, became an integral part of our family, and our whole neighborhood. He was well loved by everybody that ever met him, family, friends, neighbors, and strangers all accepted Sam as their friend. For the last thirteen, or so years Sam has lived with us, loved us, been loved by us, been my friend, confidant, and protector.

I also did away with the too tight red collar, and he received a new tan one that fit him.
His black face eventually turned white with age.

Nobody, including his veterinarians, could ever tell me what breed, or combination of breeds he may be, so he just became "a brown dog" whenever anybody asked.

He has gone through good times and bad times, the losses of Sally (his sister), and our oldest son (his brother).
He has watched our younger son (his other brother) go off to war, and start a family of his own.
Sam has been by my side all this time, never wanting anything more than to be with his family. He would follow me anywhere, and wait for me to finish whatever I had to do, and want to go with me to wherever I was going next.

When I stood, he would stand. When I sat, he, too would sit.

A month and a half ago, Sam lost the use of his legs, and eventually the use of his back muscles, too. His vet said that we could try this, and that, which, of course we have. My wife and I have been carrying him outside to use the bathroom, carrying him back in, cleaning him up, and sometimes having to spoon feed him when he was unable to eat for himself.

I may be a little slow, but I've been holding out hope that Sam would get up and meet me at the door, as always, when I return home, but it just hasn't happened.
Yesterday I had to make one the hardest decisions of my life, when my wife and I took Sam for his last ride to the vet.
I took him out of my truck, laid him in the grass, and we sat talking with him until they had an open exam room inside...
Sam had a good, safe life with us. Sam went peacefully a little past six o'clock last night.
I am sad. My wife is also sad. His brother is sad, too.
Anyway, I want to thank you for not wanting that little brown dog with the black face, and the too tight red collar.
Thank you for giving me, and us the opportunity to share our lives with Sam.
Everyone Sam has met for the last thirteen years has been blessed to have met Sam, and to have been part of his life, and to have had him as a part of theirs.
Sam has been a great joy to be around. Everybody has always remarked about how polite he is (has been).
He has helped me to be the man I am today.
We have done everything possible to postpone the day that Sam would no longer be with us.
Well, now is that time, and I am struggling to adjust.
I have had people tell me to "Just get a new dog", and I will, but there will be no replacing my friend Sam.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Give me a couple days, I'll get back to you.

"If in the opinion of the people the distribution or modification of the constitutional powers be in any particular wrong, let it be corrected by an amendment in the way which the Constitution designates. But let there be no change by usurpation; for though this in one instance may be the instrument of good, it is the customary weapon by which free governments are destroyed. The precedent must always greatly overbalance in permanent evil any partial or transient benefit which the use can at any time yield."

--George Washington, Farewell Address, 1796

Now, with the above words from the Father of Our Country in mind, think about what this pimp to the left is trying to accomplish.He is all upset at AIG about paying bonuses but has he mentioned those in his administration(sic),that received bonuses from CitiGroup before they came into his pack of parasites? Nah, didn't think so even though they knew they were about to join AliBabba and his 40 thieves. He is throwing out the Constitution in an effort to have maximum control over our financial institutions(Lord knows they do need to be better controlled, but not by the government in the fashion the pimp wants), isn't that why we already have the banking oversight committee? Oh yeah, I forgot about chrissy dodd, if this bozo is re-elected I think we should consider throwing Connecticut out of the Union, along with Massachusetts if the barney is re-elected, do ya think caroline kennedy might run for fat teddies Senate seat after the murderer croaks(no, I don't like the SOB!)....talk about a travesty.

But I gotta get back to erkel the pimp, can't afford to get side tracked; this clown has done more to incapacitate the economy than anyone ever could and in less time than many thought it would take....the CBO has figures that show a major increase in our economic defecate, er deficit, the Republicans have another set of figures and the pimp his own set, incredible! I'm missing Johnny Carson from the old TV show...Who do you Trust? The Republicans spent way too much the past 8 years, but that pales in comparison with the pimp's budget in just under 70 days! I guess I'll go along with the CBO, I still remember doing fractions in school and having to choose a common denominator and of the 3, I'll go with the CBO thank you. Of the 3, none show much promise but we, as a people, can voice ourselves and be heard...enough is enough but this is way too much....stop spending and stop now. Insinuating that health care is the major driver in our economic woes is a ridiculous statement pimp, absolutely ridiculous....we spend way too much now with Medicare and Medicaid...making both available to a lot of immigrants, legal and illegal...the legals get SS and Medicare even though they didn't contribute into the Social Security Fund....can someone please, tell me why? Another of the pimp's pets is spending more on education....I have a couple points on this to address, maybe more; for one thing, the school system in place would work a lot better if their administrators had more power to enforce discipline! The kids that go to school to get a good education are cheated from it by the hooligans that disrupt classes, the ones who aren't capable of speaking english properly and insist on bi-lingual classes. Give me a break, let them learn english in remedial classes and if they end up a year or two behind their peers....so what? When I went to school, kids 'flunked' and were held back....this was not a good thing; one, you were made fun of by the other students, big deal...it made you try harder....and two; your parents would tattoo you....send you to summer school and/or ground you for the summer....but oh, now parents don't 'parent' anymore, either because of Dr. Spock or because they will be held as child abusers...one more time...give me a break! So tell me pimp, why did you end the DC scholarship program? Why don't you look into the states that adopted a lottery on the pretense of sending money to the schools? And the lottery brags about how much they've given schools, their operating budget is probably higher than that amount. I pass a lot of elementary, middle and high schools daily when I drive my son to school....all the schools are new, well maintained but all, have a sign out front urging citizens to contact legislators to help with more money....like I'd be a 'bad guy' if I didn't do it, don't try laying' a guilt trip on the Ol P5 Driver pimp, I am not buying into it.

So now I have to finish this and wait for a day or two so the pimp can go over it and then, after he's loaded his answers/explanations into his tele-prompter, he can get back to me or go back on Jay Leno and tell the Americans what the deal really is; and I haven't even called him out on hamass or iran yet....whoa Nellie!

Enjoy your tea pimp, you might want to use sweetener but stay away from the lemon, you sir, are sour enough.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Titanic and our Ship of State

"A fondness for power is implanted, in most men, and it is natural to abuse it, when acquired."
--Alexander Hamilton, The Farmer Refuted, 23 February 1775
When I look out and around and see the direction our Nation is heading, I'm reminded of the Titanic....the unsinkable Titanic....that went to the bottom in just around three hours. What made the ship builders believe Titanic was unsinkable? A series of water tight doors, now you're asking what does Titanic and the USA have in common....first of all, both are and were sinkable!
Imagine if you will, the water entering Titanic as the outrageous spending, Constitutional abuses going on as the water gushing into Titanic; the water went above the water tight doors, sealing Titanic's doom in the same fashion as the pimp in Washington D.C. is doing with all the reckless spending and entitlement programs that he's farming out to lady macbeth and harry Gollum reid to draft into bills, then force votes from Congress and the Senate without even reading the damn things! Like deaf, dumb and blind lemmings, they pass these bills and the pimp signs them into law! Now, the house passes a bill demanding that bonuses(that were know about as far back as 08 November 08) be paid back and if kept, taxed at 90%. We have wolves in the henhouse...geithner lied, dodd lied, the pimp lied and we are going down like Titanic. If the 90% tax bill goes all the way to the pimp's desk for signature, we may as well just flat out burn the Constitution.....enough! I say enough, we need to rise up as a nation and demand our voices are heard....these political hacks running the show are paid a salary by us, the tax payer they work for us but aren't fulfilling their oath to protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign or domestic!
I've been hearing about pitch forks, sending tea bags to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave that will ultimately be ignored by those in power, they are refusing to deliver the tea bags because they say the envelopes contain a controlled substance....buffalo chips! They are slapping us in the face and we let them; and in the midst of all the economic tribulations...the pimp sends an I'm sorry video to Iran! What a wuss...Iran then tells us in answer, that WE, have to straighten up.
; more buffalo chis...they are the ones making ready to blow Israel off the map, they are the ones sponsoring terror groups, sending arms into Iraq and Afghanistan to kill Americans...along with training more foreign fighters. Y'all remember when that jerk president of Iran led the take-over of our Embassy in Tehran? Now he has the nerve(thanks jimmy carter)to tell us what the rules are. Taking our embassy was an act of war and nothing was done but botch a mission because the Military and intelligence community had been decimated by Billy Beer's brother, jimmy.
As a country and nation we need to wake the hell up and demand our employees, work for us instead of going on Jay Leno's show and make tasteless jokes...the pimp sits and smiles....why? Because he knows, he has his and we are about to get the shaft. There are so many things to write here but it won't happen tonite; I'm so fed up with the callousness of the politicos in power that I'm unable to put all my thoughts together....like Michael Corleone in GF III, every time I start to feel better....the pimp brings it all back....why is he still in office? He's broken his oath of office, turned the economy into scrambled eggs and this jerk still smiles.....just like a pimp that does nothing, yet collects off his 'working girls'.....yeah barry, I'm talking about you!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tale of a not so tangled web

"If Congress can do whatever in their discretion can be done by money, and will promote the General Welfare, the Government is no longer a limited one, possessing enumerated powers, but an indefinite one, subject to particular exceptions."

--James Madison, letter to Edmund Pendleton, 21 January 1792

In the situation the United States finds itself after November's election, James Madison's words are prophetic; our congress is running amok and the senate isn't too far behind. Our elected president possesses no governing experience or skills so he has basically turned the office of president over to the witch of San Fransisco, nancy 'of the jet set'(I think she resembles a jack-in-the-box more)pelosi....even dumbo joe biden was getting irritated by the way the witch kept jumping up as mr. obama gave his quasi 'state of the union' address, it seemed to me that the witch was actually applauding her own words! You see, I believe obama has never had an original thought in his life and appears to have turned over to harry 'Gollum' reid and the witch pelosi, the power to govern in his stead...think about that for a minute, in just 50 days obama has sucked us, as a nation, into a deeper recession(1997 value at 2009 prices), signed an order to close GITMO(where will all the bad guys go?), and deceived the country into thinking he's putting us on a road to recovery(stimulus bills, record setting budget proposals), all in the guise of 'change'. He did promise change campaigning and has in fact, delivered on that promise....but 'change we need', 'change we can believe in' and 'hope' are starting to unravel. Almost every economist has stated publicly that obama has done everything economically wrong but still want to and will, support him, that's the same as renouncing the Devil but welcoming him into your home and life! Anyone who dares to criticize obama or his policies gets a stabbing that would be the envy of every street gang this country has seen. Under this administration, private citizens are being targeted, this is absolutely intolerable! Freedom of speech is being squashed by intimidation tactics; xlinton's started this crap using IRS audits against those on their 'enemy list', this is America people....these rights have been bought, paid for and defended with the blood of patriotic Americans! 51% of democratz wanted G. W. Bush's policies to fail, they wanted...even stated, that the Iraq theatre of war was lost! Now we have a president taking us down the road to socialism....does anyone but me see that? We fought the Cold War from 1945 till the USSR was dismantled and beaten and then turn around and elect the same type people who we fought all those years against!

The president is a master at double talk and buffalo-chips, while the nations economy tumbles uncontrollably downward, he shifts focus on piddly things...merit pay for teachers(actually it's not based on the 'merits' of the teacher, it's based on how much education, the teacher has), embryonic stem cell research.....I gotta find out just where these stem cells come from.....which will, in my humble opinion, only lead to a way devious people can make a quick buck at the expense of an aborted human life. Our borders are as porous as cheesecloth and obama appoints as Homeland Security Secretary, a woman who hasn't done anything as the governor of her state to stem the flow of illegals; drug cartels are conducting an open war against the Mexican government and it's spilling over the border into the U.S., what exactly is being done? And this president wants to close GIMO?

We have a guy assigned the task of Secretary of the Treasury that was guilty of not paying his own taxes! Now he's coming out saying how he's going to make sure what he did will not be tolerated....it never was, has he paid the back taxes along with the penalties and accrued interest? How about charlie rangel, chairman of the House Ways and Means committee....has he anted up? How about tom daschle and the rest of the cabinet crooks? Secretary of State is totally out of her level and bumbling everything she does overseas, what a travesty.

These are just some of the examples of obama's 'chickens coming home to roost', political favors owed for political donations and support for this pimp to get elected....yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus and yes America, corruption has reached the highest level in our government than ever before. Makes a person want to gag and puke.

Alan Keyes has this to say....check it out.

So America, you see the web of deceit isn't tangled at all, it's in plain view, all one has to do is open their eyes and stay informed...burying your head like an ostrich will only harm the country and you'll have your head buried forever....without your body attached.

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Klingon Kloak....or how the Pres is backstabbing a Nation

"When the resolution of enslaving America was formed in Great Britain, the British Parliament was advised by an artful man, - who was governor of Pennsylvania, to disarm the people; that it was the best and most effectual way to enslave them; but that they should not do it openly, but weaken them, and let them sink gradually, by totally disusing and neglecting the militia."

--George Mason, speech in the Virginia Ratifying Convention, 14 June 1778

Here he is once again in all his arrogant splendor...Mr. Magic. Please Mr. obama, tell us all once again how you are bringing 'change' to America's political scene; I seem to remember during the campaign that there would be no new taxes and 95% of Americans would receive a tax break....did I take your campaign pledge out of context or were you just 'campaigning'(in other words, lying)?

Your 'stimulus bill' smells like pork chops but you say there are no earmarks or 'pork' in that little gem; re-paving airport runways, making sidewalks, teaching birth control....if I were to name all the pork(read, pay back all the favors rendered for getting your dumba** elected), I'd be typing here till doomsday or till my fingers were wore plum down to the nubs.

Now you start talking 'fiscal responsibility'....are you on the same planet as the rest of us? A tax levied on mileage by way of a GPS system installed in our cars....are you insane? What else will these beauties be monitoring? When I worked for the USPS, we had scanners that we had to scan bar codes at certain locations...had nothing to do with customer service, it was all about tracking us and checking to ensure that we weren't sitting under a shade tree taking a nap...but that's another story. You aren't going to make permanent the tax cuts Geo. W. Bush instated, when that expires what will happen then is a TAX HIKE dumba**! And if I'm not mistaken, there will be way more to contend with tax wise as far as you and your cohorts are concerned.

Top of this column is mentioned the way to 'enslave' a nation or the people....let me remind you Mr. obama, any infringement on our 2nd amendment rights is a violation....that includes forced insurance, imposing excessive taxes on gun purchases and shooting supplies. As a matter of fact, your policies so far are very reminiscent of national socialist party policies in 1930's Germany. How's that grab ya? Ol Adolph always said, if you're gonna lie, make it a big one...they'll fall for it better that way, have you been reading Mein Kampf? Thinking of adding any amendments to it?

Yessir, the only thing you didn't lie about was the fact that you were going to redistribute the wealth...Ol Joe the Plumber nabbed ya on that one but the voters musta been wearing their 'blindman's bluff' sunglasses, along with not cleaning out their ears cause you sure pulled that bunny out of the hat....stimulus my butt, fiscal responsibility, my butt....you are 'transparent', I'll give you that....just like the Emperor and his new clothes....we're starting to see right thru your kloak, the mirrors are starting to crack and the smoke is clearing. I just hope and pray to Our Lord that our Nation can survive however long your term turns out to be. You sir, are not 'Joe Cool', you are though, an empty suit without an original thought of your own in your entire life, you want to close Gitmo, where are those enemy combatants going to reside...maybe san francisco, maybe western Pennsylvania with your pals pelosi and murtha....why not let them stay with you at the White House? Joe Cool my butt...Joe Pathetic is more accurate.

Mr. obama, I will not be led around by the slick rhetoric your flute plays, nor will I be fooled into thinking you might ever tell the truth. You and your minions will realize one day what a nation can and will do when they finally come together and rid themselves of the pox you and they have visited upon our Nation....you were a long time coming and I hope you'll be a long time gone.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

It's so hard to comprehend...

I recently visited the site where little Caylee Anthony's remains were discovered, found 2 Eagles nesting in the area and felt that they were sentinels that had been there the whole time watching over little Caylee...it did offer some comfort and I learned that Eagles are a Spirit Guide. These Eagles were nesting not more than 10 yards from where Caylee was found, normally when the amount of commotion that the discovery of Caylee caused, these fine birds of prey would have found a more solitude place to inhabit, yet they remain still....Angels from the Lord Jesus? That would be my guess.

These 3 crosses mark the place where Caylee was found, the area under normal conditions would be under water but since we've been under drought conditions since the summer storms, all the water has dried up. A privacy fence is no more than 15 yards to the right of these crosses, marking the back property line of a residence....how near to people yet so far and un-discovered. How is it possible that a neighborhood dog did not pick up the scent of little Caylee? In the below picture you'll see just how close to the street (Suburban Drive) ..maybe 6 or 7 yards, little Caylee rested so uncomfortably....I am incapable of understanding how a mother could take the life of her own Daughter, let alone leaving her in such a place as this. How is it that our nation has suffered such moral decay that the life of a little girl or boy, such as Caylee can be just tossed aside so the mother or parents can enjoy their lives without caring for the life they brought into this world? Where do we turn to find the means to correct such defects other than Our Lord, Jesus Christ?

This memorial to little Caylee grows each day, residents and visitors from all over come by regularly to leave a little something for Caylee....she deserved better, may the Angels and Eagles forever watch over her.

It does gall me to no end that while Caylee lay out in the elements, crawled over by all kinds of animals, insects and whatever other creatures, her mother had shelter, food, clothing and comfort...even though it was in jail...she wasn't treated as she had treated her own Daughter...with grave indifference. I certainly hope that whatever Judge and Jury deliberate this crime keep those thoughts in mind while trying to untangle the web of deceit and indifference the mother's defense puts forth....may Justice be served and may Caylee find peace and happiness at last with Our Lord God Almighty.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Curosity killed the cat, will the curosity created by obama kill our Nation?

"The President is the dignified, but accountable magistrate of a free and great people. The tenure of his office, it is true, is not hereditary; nor is it for life: but still it is a tenure of the noblest kind: by being the man of the people, he is invested; by continuing to be the man of the people, his investiture will be voluntarily, and cheerfully, and honourably renewed."

--James Wilson, Lectures on Law, 1791
"History affords us many instances of the ruin of states, by the prosecution of measures ill suited to the temper and genius of their people. The ordaining of laws in favor of one part of the nation, to the prejudice and oppression of another, is certainly the most erroneous and mistaken policy. An equal dispensation of protection, rights, privileges, and advantages, is what every part is entitled to, and ought to enjoy... These measures never fail to create great and violent jealousies and animosities between the people favored and the people oppressed; whence a total separation of affections, interests, political obligations, and all manner of connections, by which the whole state is weakened."

--Benjamin Franklin, Emblematic Representations
Curiosity...now that word in itself can spur mankind on to great things; it can also lead mankind down a trail best left untrod upon. The mania created by the candidacy of barack obama for president was of a nature I have never witnessed, the promise of 'change' so far has been the only thing that I see was a mislead or more factually, a lie....there has been no change in the way politics are run in D.C., more 'cronyism' than I can think of, less transparency than has ever been and the assembled cabinet is one of the most corrupt and self-interest serving bunch that has ever been assembled.
For instance: have you ever been ticketed by an officer of the law for an infraction that he himself was guilty of while ticketing you? I don't mean speeding....although I've been passed by quite a few that were traveling well beyond the limit...but say, a burned out head or tail light? Small thing you say but you put enough of the 'small things' together and you have a big thing, you have those enforcing the laws thinking they are above it....our new treasury secretary, the man in charge of the IRS is guilty of not paying his own taxes and only attempted to pay what might satisfy the vetting process so he could take his seat at the cabinet level....his name escapes me at the moment but y'all know who I'm talkin' about. Then cometh tom daschle, his conveniently leaving out over $100,000 of unpaid taxes and looking to be confirmed as what, commerce secretary? The guy in charge of the ways and means committee, charley rangel owes over $75,000 in taxes but there's no out cry for him to step down from being the committee chairman....I guess he's above the law like daschle and the other guy. Now a few words about our new secretary of state, hillary rodham clinton who's hubby...you know, slick willie of cigar smoking fame...receiving contributions from foreign countries that his wifey will be dealing with as sec. of state....that's encouraging isn't it? What happens when she has to get tough with a country that has contributed beaucoup money to hubby? Will she keep the best interests of America in mind or worry about maybe owing a 'debt of gratitude' to that particular country for it's financial generosity to hubby?
obama has sworn to protect and uphold our Constitution, I sincerely hope he does but there are nagging questions in my mind...too cynical or skeptical you think?, maybe but it's hard for me to understand, let alone accept a politician from Chicago, an unknown one at that, to rise so high, so fast without owing someone or group of 'someones' a few favors. Mr. obama, will you be a guardian of the Constitution or a destroyer of it? Our founding fathers were adamant about the role of the Federal Government and the role of State's Government...making States fall subject to the Fed in so many different instances creates animosity, same as trampling the People's rights, clearly defined by our Bill of Rights. To turn your back on either will only kill both, destroy our country/republic and lead us down the path to socialism/communism....barry, just do the right thing because it's right.

GrandSon, Nathan