Tuesday, July 29, 2008

You aren't one of 'Us', you never will be....

This is the second time you've been photographed wearing one of my USMC tee shirts, you didn't earn the right, you do not deserve the right and you do not appreciate what the tee shirt symbolizes. I find you arrogant, un-grateful and useless, not to mention un-fit to Command. I've known many MEN who have worn the insignia of Marine way more qualified to be President than you hussein, many who were not even officers, men like the two pictured below. Either one of whom are better suited than yourself; there are many men whom you didn't visit or acknowledge, that are far more suited to lead our Nation. I take the fact that you wear this tee shirt personally and it is an afront to myself and all who have served as Marines, are serving and will serve...you don't rate it, don't wear it!

These two Marines would never allow you to pass barry, because you do not have what it takes to be a Marine; Integrity, Mental Toughness,Valor and a strong willingness to be the BEST. Simply wearing a tee shirt doesn't give the wearer a pass into the fraternity, it has to be earned, that takes a commitment to hard work and trustworthiness...you are severely lacking in both qualities; this you've shown since you jumped the campaign trail. All you've done in the past 10 days is re-enforce your disqualifications to lead anything, let alone become the Commander in Chief. of Marines or the other Branches of the Military. You've shown your true feelings by dissing our Warriors fighting to preserve what you use to your personal gain, for which you won't even acknowledge. Personally hussein, I'm happy and glad you did not visit our wounded Warriors at Landstuhl...your presence there would do nothing but desecrate these fine young men who are willing to 'put it on the line' because they know and believe we live in the Greatest Nation on Earth and are willing to pay the ultimate to insure it's existence and survival. You, hussein obama, would rather see our Nation under the thumb of the UN, our sovereignty abolished and the USA turned into a 3rd world country..at best. That is the change you speak yo often about, that is the change we do not need; your liberal, socialists ways will do nothing but beat our Citizens down into the dirt and dust left after you would allow our Nation to be destroyed; you Senator, are an abomination, a thief and a profound, pathological liar....a thief of our morality, our resources...human and material...that is quite evident by your professed knowledge of Foreign Affairs, your lack of in-sight and the company you keep here in the USA. "Profound, pathological liar" is shown daily with your stances on the issues but what I'm taking you to task for today is the stream of lies you propagated as to why you did not visit the wounded Warriors. You claimed at first you didn't want a visit to appear political, then you said you weren't granted permission by the Pentagon for a visit, when in truth, you were granted and invited to visit but with no media or campaign workers...you still didn't visit. I went there as a private citizen in 2005 and visited with no problem whatsoever....you, Senator, are a liar of the grandest proportions and no one I know of likes or wants a liar of your caliber in the White House. Senator, you sicken me to the point of physical illness. Watching you parade like you've already been 'crowned' President, you remind me of a pimp, one who has a very successful 'stable of women' who are bound to you as if they were slaves for you to use for your own personal gain. You see barry, I'm not following your line of snake oil and BS, I'm a free thinker and I evaluate by what I see and hear from any given person. I'm not 'lead by the nose' or convinced by what others say....the core values I conduct my life by, you fail miserably. You profess to be Christian but would Christ allow partial birth abortion? Would Christ have tony rezco as a business partner or bill ayers? No obama, you are not the 'second coming', nor are you the person to lead our Country....you are slick, smooth and oily; some will be pulled into your net of deceivery willingly, kicking and screaming or pushed but not I and not anyone I know of that has common sense and sees thru your lies and false persona....Bye Bye barry.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Ize iz, or Ize ain't a Natural-born U.S. Citizen?

Shakespeare asked...'To be or not to be', we gotta ask hussein obama if he's a natural born citizen or, even if he's a naturalized citizen. If naturalized, he's outta here/there/everywhere; one would imagine if all the things that have been floating around about his non 'authenticity' as a citizen are true, he'll be doin' that 'off the plane strut' in a cell with Bubba, bad luck to be so 'pretty' barry...XinLoi.
The certificate of live birth, pictured at the right here, causes some serious questions; this is the documentation that his campaign supplied for the 'Real McCoy'....does it appear to any of y'all that it's legit? Fathers race, stands out as questionable, 'African' encompasses a whole continent last time I looked....did obama's daddy live in Johannesburg? That's on the continent, Morocco? Liberia? Tanzania? Oh no, that's right, it was Kenya. Let's see now, 4August, '61, date of live birth...the common terminology to describe obama's daddy would have been 'negroid' or negro, not African. Was it done in this fashion to protect his radical mommy? Maybe to enable to pass himself when he entered his mommy's and GrandMommy's world? Maybe to help secure a good primary education? We all remember what the Country was like prior to 'Freedom Summer', obama said that the march to Selma was what encouraged his mommy and daddy to have him...but wait, that would be 3 years after obama was born, how can this be?
There are more things about the birth certificate that are strange but can't be seen on the re-production above...here's a couple of them;
Amy Hollyfield of the St. Petersburg Times
Finally, the campaign released the image (resembling the one at the top of this article). Hollyfield e-mailed it to the Hawaii Department of Health, which maintains such records, to ask if it was real. "It's a valid Hawaii state birth certificate," spokesman Janice Okubo told us.
Then the firestorm started. Israel Insider contacted Okubo several days. She could not refer to Obama's specific case, she said, because no one but an authorized family member can do so. But she did confirm that a valid "certification of live birth" would need to have an embossed seal and signature and that it can only be printed and mailed. There is no such thing as an electronic only certification.
In our previous article on this subject we published an example of a certified birth certificate of another Hawaiian citizen, Patricia DeCosta, reproduced below. The stamp and signature are reversed because the embossing is done from the back as per law, as Okubo noted is required by law.
Speaking to National Review Online, Okubo admitted that the Obama image lacked those required features but thought that perhaps the embossing was applied too lightly. Maybe so, but all the certificates we have seen have the embossed imprint clearly visible, as well as horizontal fold marks.
Strange, eh? John McCain got a great deal of media attention when his citizen status was questioned, he was born in the Panama(Thanks peanut farmer, for giving it away)Canal Zone, to an active duty Father and his maternal Mother....both, citizens. That clears McCain, all hussein obama has to do is show his authentic COLB, right? It's not hard, I had to do it myself when I applied for a passport in '05...lost the original, obtained a certified, embossed, signed copy from the State/County I was born in; had to show it, even though I'd served Our Country in the Marine Corps for 4 years, was a combat Veteran of Vietnam, honorably discharged and held a valid drivers license(COLB was required for that also)....the point is, even with all that, I still had to produce my certificate for the passport; why is it so hard for obama? Here's a tad more light on this;
We got an email yesterday from Bryan Suits who has a radio show on KFI Los Angeles. He writes: "I have just received my State of Hawaii certified birth certificate for my 1964 debut on the planet earth. It looks....nothing like Obama's. We've scanned it at 72dpi, 300dpi. Nuthin. We can't make the emboss disappear. Also, we can't make THE FOLDS disappear!! How did FightTheSmears do it?
I got curious when I compared his (with the 2007 date bleed) to my old beat-up1986 copy. then I went online on June 13 and ordered the thing. It got here yesterday tri-folded in a state of Hawaii envelope. I called the State and asked if I could get an unfolded copy. No dice.
We need Dick Tracy or Sherlock Holmes on this case....un-folded copy not available, folds and emboss can't be photoshopped out, is it real or is it a forgery? Why will the media that is fawning all over this guy, not ask the questions needed? News 'journalists' are reporters, who ask the 5 W's...Who, What, Where, When and Why. When are they gonna pick up their responsibility and do the job of reporting instead of influencing? Conspiracy is easily explained away;
But Hollyfield is mistaken. There would be no need to invent a conspiracy among officials. All Obama needed to do would be to pass off an uncertified document as being certified. He may have done so unwittingly. Then the rest can follow without any need to conspire with any other official. They just take it on faith that the person is an American citizen. They don't check about the embossing requirements of the State of the Hawaii. They believe Obama. Why should they doubt him, certainly after he becomes a lawyer and a state senator? The officials believe that the claimed document is authentic, and therefore issue other documents, based on the phony one, buried deep in the documentary chain. Unwitting or not, however, the high stakes for basing one's citizenship on an uncertified birth certificate must be pretty obvious to the campaign now.
Nothing else explains why Obama's campaign refused to release the original paper document, to make this distracting controversy go way. Because Hollyfield is right about one thing:
"If this document is forged, a U.S. senator and his presidential campaign have perpetrated a vast, long-term fraud."
He didn't release a birth certificate, but an image of a purported "certification of live birth" that contains dubious features, lacks a traceable certificate number and -- as the Hawaiian state official Okubo admits -- lacks the stamp and signature required to make it valid.
There need be no conspiracy by state or federal officials, just a willingness to believe Obama and accept an image that might look real but might not be.
This whole campaign is a farce, the media won't ask the right questions of obama, yet they grill or ignore McCain; McCain is trying his best to run a 'clean' campaign, thing is, the democrats are still furious over the outcome of the 2000 election...for 8 years all they've said is 'we got robbed', they have been Presidential campaigning the whole time, never in my 61 years have I witnessed anything like it. Russia and fatboy chavez are working on an alliance together against the U.S., Russia is putting nuke-capable bombers in cuba, why? Are we about to have a repeat of the cuban missile crisis? And during a Presidential Election year no less; iran is nukeing up and testing long range missiles, they verbally threaten Israel and deny the Israelies their right to a sovereign state. My friends, it's a very narrow path we find ourselves on, the dropoffs left and right are steep and deep; we cannot take a chance for a slip or we'll be in deep chit. I can only pray our Lord will provide the guidance for us, as a Nation, to do what we can to insure that the United States of America survives this election.
It's time to look deep within ourselves as individuals, all the campaign rhetoric aside, we have to decide what kind of people we are...are we a Nation that believes in right and wrong? Are we a Nation with a spine of steel or cooked linguine? hussein obama believes partial birth abortion is ok...use that as a litmus test, partial birth abortion is aborting the baby while it's in the birth canal.....if you feel that it isn't murder like obama, then vote for for him....you will get the 'change' that he preaches. Just remember to search your soul, your inner being, your very heart and 'do the right thing...because it's right'.
Color me Gone, P5 Driver has left the area.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Arsenic and Old Lace..

Lot of ground to cover, so little time; I watched the ending of G.W. Bush's press conference yesterday, heard a lot of good stuff about how to fight the oil 'crisis'. He's signed off on lifting the ban for off-shore drilling and in the western states, of course the left controlled Congress will not follow suit...makes me wonder why. Are they so indebted to the environmental special interest groups that they value their support more than maintaining a strong USA? A USA not dependent on foreign oil? Common sense tells me that we should be energy independent, the resources are there so why does the democrat controlled Congress continue dragging their a**es? Nancy pelosi says oil companies already have land leased but she won't allow exploration or drilling....off-shore drilling technology has improved to the point that natural seepage caused by the Earth itself is allowing more oil to enter the oceans than man drilling for oil. Sea life in the areas around Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and the panhandle of Florida....where the derricks are is flourishing. Damn it, China is drilling off our shores in International waters! It would seem to me that the left(socialists, marxists and stalinists)like the idea of keep us under their thumb; why do we put up with this crap? obama says we need to focus on conservation, bio-fuels and other forms of renewable energy...I agree, but not to the point of being held hostage by OPEC, the fat kid chavez and surprisingly, our own government. Federal taxes on a gallon of gas are ridiculous, then factor in the state and local tax....damn, if we conserve, they'll lose revenue and just tax us somewhere else. If all the smokers in the USA quit tomorrow, how will all that lost revenue be made up? All the non-smokers who look down their noses at smokers would scream louder that the 'little piggy who cried all the way home'.

After Dubya came part deux....the barak hussein obama comedy hour....listening to him was more than I could manage, I got physically ill. During the primaries, while he courted the left wing kooks, he was for immediate withdrawal from Iraq, then he was for a scheduled withdrawal within 16 months...well barry, we are on that course already...the draw down will happen according to how well things are progressing on the ground and then we'll be able to concentrate on the border region of Pakistan and Afghanistan...things already on the table. He conveniently left out iran(which borders with Iraq)and a U.S. presence there is definitely necessary until Iraq can repulse whatever iran throws their way. The iranians already have a number of missiles that will cover all of Iraq and soon will be nuclear...gee, that's a comforting thought. In all the times I've listened to obama speak I still marvel at his ability to sound like he has 'original thoughts'; campaigning as a new breed of politician, he sure as hell reverted back to the samo-samo political garbage. He'll throw the race card in a heartbeat, he'll appeal to all 'for the sake of the children'...his wifey goes out and makes outrageous statements and he screams 'FOUL', you can't do that. As a Nation, we do need a 'uniter'...obama is not a uniter...I'm not real sure John McCain is one either...even if he was or is, the left will continue saying electing McCain is the same as 4 more years of Bush and their only real reason for saying that is sour-grapes after the '00 election....get over it or, as george soros likes to say...move-on-dot-org.

Back in the 70's(I really hate to think that far back...I start tripping over peanut shells)Reggie Jackson of the NY Yankees was quoted or mis-quoted as saying he was the straw that stirred the drink....well, I believe obama is the arsenic in the drink and michelle is the lace that she'll drape over both of them in order mask their real intentions....obama and michelle are dividers, not uniters.

Pay heed in the up-coming months, Denver is in for one hell of a time next month and November will tell the tale.....Lord, I pray we can survive obama's, the twin evils.

P5 Driver

Friday, July 11, 2008

Well, here we go again...is he a Roadie or just the set-up guy?

Where and when will it all end? The 'word police' are out again; I just learned that besides all the other words spoken that are found by blacks to be offensive or racist, there are more added practically on a daily basis.
As a kid growin' up in the 50's, I loved to have 'angel food cake' with strawberries, Hostess 'Devil's Food' cupcakes with the creme filling...when I grew older and Star Wars burst upon the scene, I heard of the 'Black Hole' in space...this was a matter eater, things got swallowed up never to be seen or heard of from again. Was I raised in a racist home by racist parents? No, I wasn't...now if I ask for either 'angel food cake' or devil's food cake', am I considered a racist? Or if I refer to 'the Black Hole', am I a racist? If I choose not to vote for hussein obama because I don't go along with his politics, am I a racist? From what I've been reading on-line and seeing on TV, not to forget radio, it seems that by using the above listed words/phrases, I am. I've always been taught by my Parents to treat all people the same, no biases at all...I do this to this day...it's the only right thing to do, but when someone shows that they are biased or judgemental or just plain wrong, I form my opinion of that person by what he practices and says.
My opinion of the pictured individual is extremely low, I read on-line this morning that 'angel food cake' is a white girl, 'devil's food cake' is a black girl and the 'black hole' somehow became a racist remark....common sense must have been a victim of the black hole as I don't see many using it.
The following came from the Commissioners in the Dallas area:
Later, John WileyPrice told MyFOXdfw.com that he believed it and other terms were racist.

"So if it's 'angel food cake,' it's white. If it's 'devil's food cake,' it's black. Price said people should watch their words when it comes to stereotypes.
Now, I'm curious why he didn't mention 'yellow cake' or 'red velvet cake'...would he be 'cherry picking'?
The racial divide in this Country will never go away unless tolerance is used...white racism towards blacks is a real thing but not like it was 20-30 years ago; it's been replaced by black racism towards whites and way overboard at that, the race card is dealt by blacks so much that I don't think there are any other cards in the deck; jesse jackson recently played his 'version' of the race card on hussein obama...saying that obama 'talks down to black folks', well rev, hussein obama talks 'down' to all folks....black, white, oriental, native American...you name the denomination and he's head n shoulders above them. Rev, if you have the bolitos, I'll give you the knife...your apology was no more than a sieve for as much water as it would have held....you, reverend jackson, are a phony
Ok, I'm off to do what needs done today, I'll run to the market and get some angel food cake and devil's food cake so I won't be accused by the cashier of being biased...and on my way home, I hope the black hole won't 'see' me and suck me in.
P5 Driver

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Taking the Time always pays off.


You don't know the meaning of the true joy of Parenthood until your little girl asks for some 'Hose Time' with her.

My youngest 'Daddy's Girl', spent weekends and summers with me growing up. How I long for those 'simple days' again; we went every-where together, spent days at the beach...played board games and competed with each other in naming songs on the radio the quickest.

There were three songs that really stand out in my memory; 'The Great White North' by Bob and Doug MacKenzie with Rush's Geddy Lee helping with the vocals; 'Twilight Zone' by Golden Earring and 'In the Air Tonight' by Phil Collins. When the big drummer part started, we'd both bang away on our 'air drums', when we'd hear the start of the great white north, we'd always try to be the first to tell the other to 'take off, you hoser'; I still to this day refer to her as 'The Hose' and the two super grand sons she's blessed me with as 'The Sons of Hose'. Twilight Zone was included because of the video on MTV (back when MTV was worth watching), the chorus girls would dance and there was one who 'caught my eye', I'd say, I like that one and The Hose would say she had 'fat legs', I'd say no she don't, yes she does, no she don't...this routine carried over to the Van radio. To this day, all three things are a part of our lives.

My 'little girl' is 32 now and it's like there has been no time elapse...we're just as 'slap-stick' as ever.
The point of all this is simply this, if as a parent, you spend time..real time...with your children as they grow up, show an interest in them and what they do, be there when they need guidance...they'll grow up as productive, well adjusted adults. They won't be like you see (and I'm sure it's not the majority) on TV where the teens and now even the elementary schoolers are doing things most of us won't do as adults...killing homeless people, raping, doing all kinds of drugs and then dieing before they have a chance to live. They grow much too fast, never having time to enjoy their childhood, we have to tell them things about the world before they are really old enough to understand what's going on.

It will make little difference if the parents are divorced as long as they are civil with each other; caring for the children should be first and foremost, keeping the arguments (hell, you're divorced), to a minimum, not 'bad talking' the 'other parent' or using the kids as pawns, this will only damage the kids, you may feel good about yourself, but at the cost of the children? That's extreme selfishness, no matter who was 'in the right' or who was 'in the wrong'.

Same goes for parents who both work, you must sacrifice to be with your children instead of them being 'latch-key' kids. If you have to, work different shifts, work out of the home...just remember that you also have to make time for each other; 'date' your wife or husband on weekends, keep the spark alive, your family will be healthier for it.

Do these things, they are simple things not difficult so keep it that way. Don't live beyond your means, keeping up with the 'Jones', time spent laughing and playing with your children are worth way more than any material thing you want...see to your 'needs', not your 'wants'.

Keep in mind, there is more at stake today, in this world, than at any other time; our Country will need our young to grow strong in mind, be able to deal with life's problems and be independent. As a country,we were that before, we can be that again and still...but it has to start in the home...Respect, Responsibility and Discipline must be earned and taught by Parents, Teachers will be able to teach better and the schools will be able to re-enforce these values if the kids have a good start and support from the home.

P5 Driver

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Independence Day

Yesterday was Independence Day, 4July1776 was the birthdate of our Nation; how far have we gone in a short 232 years? I read a piece by Pat Buchanan that got me thinking, independence, just what is it? It means to not be dependent on any Nation, Country or individual other than ourselves; same as when a Son or Daughter leaves their parents home and becomes independent, able to care for and function for themselves. Our Nation declared independence from Great Britain, paid a dear cost for it, stumbled a few times but righted itself to become the most prosperous Nation on earth.
Look around now and ask yourself who we are 'independent' from now...we rely on foreign oil, we borrow from Europe, Japan and China...how is it that we have to borrow from these Nations yet we send billions upon billions of dollars for foreign aid?
"And the questions arise: If the men of '76, who led those small and vulnerable states, were willing to sacrifice their lives, fortunes and sacred honor for America's independence, what is the matter with us"?
The above is one question Pat asked in his column, it's a good one too; how many use the rights and freedoms...the very independence that was fought for through all 232 years...and put nothing back? If you have 10K in the bank and just withdraw without replenishing, you'll be broke real quick, same goes for our freedoms, rights and independence. Out there, on the fringes of humanity, are people who want to see the USA fall flat on it's face, they are more than willing to help that come about...why is that? It's kinda like cuttin' off your nose to spite your face...the USA has always been the beacon of hope world-wide, the symbol of Freedom, a place where hard work and good moral values insured a decent life, if not great wealth....endless hope and the promise of a bright future. Seems too many people have been making withdrawals, and not enough deposits.
"In the Constitution that came out of that convention, the states were prohibited from imposing any tariffs on the products of other states, thus creating the greatest common market in history, the United States of America. Second, the U.S. government was empowered to raise revenue by imposing tariffs on foreign goods, but explicitly denied the power to impose taxes on the incomes of American citizens".
What a novel idea, realizing that this is 2008 and not 1787, we are still way over-taxed, the revenue raised from import tariffs has been swapped out for individual income taxes...Federal and State! I see our independence starting to fade a little.
"Third, in his Farewell Address, the greatest state paper in U.S. history, Washington admonished his countrymen to steer clear of permanent alliances and to stay out of Europe's wars. Rarely in the 19th century did the United States divert from the course set by Washington and Hamilton".
While it's prudent to attempt staying out of war, the most non-prudent thing would be to enter into permanent alliances, with the exception of NATO after WWII, the line should have been drawn. The Allies we had in WWI and II are taking a page from Washington's Farewell Address, with the exception so far of Great Britain, and putting his words about staying out of war to their betterment...let the U.S. do it, they are the lone super-power, let them police the World. There are nations abroad that back-stab us every chance they can get away with it, Israel is our only real ally in the middle east, if they fall it'll be wide open for iran. After the Embassy debacle of '79, they think they can take us on and win, what have we done to have them think otherwise? Nothing.
In closing, think about Independence, think about the Liberties and Rights that our Fore Fathers fought for and the Constitution they crafted. Maybe with enough people taking part, we can become a Nation of the people, by the people and for the people....of the United States of America...not the global hypocrisy of the new world order.
P5 Driver

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

When will it all end...looks like sooner rather than later

In my humble opinion, the 'sooner' was activated by the '06 mid-term election returning the liberals to power in both Housres. They campaigned on bi-partisanship, they said they would run a 'clean' Congress, they said they'd work to lower gas prices...their approval rating doesn't bear any of their 'campaign promises' out. There has been less done to the positive than I have ever witnessed, unity that was promised turned into a greater divide; they have weakened our Country by the few things they have done, same goes for the Supreme Court. Nancy pelosi and dirty harry reid are prime examples that BS can actually walk and talk, pelosi pandered to iran, her home state of California has allowed fairy weddings, not fairy tale weddings, just plain fairy. Dirty harry reid has prospered by sweet land deals rivaled only by hussein obama and tony rezko; dirty harry reid is pulling the rug out from under our Warriors in Iraq, claiming we can not win there...harry either needs ne glasses or hearing aides, a few more brain cells for the both of them probably wouldn't help either; it'd be like throwin more good after bad. Both are wasted individuals who care only about themselves and not the Country...if that is interpreted as unpatriotic, then so be it, I think they are and it's my right to think, feel and say as I will.

Here is a missive that will underline where we are heading and the Legislative Branch is hurrying it along.....................From the UK. Most of what I glean from the following is, the security measures are working and the bad guys(islamic extremists')are attempting to use their Religion to skirt the security in place....common sense folks, just use a little common sense.


POLICE sniffer dogs trained to spot terrorists at railway stations may no longer come into contact with Muslim passengers – after complaints that it is against the suspects’ religion.A report for the Transport Department has raised the prospect that the animals should only touch passengers’ luggage because it is considered “more acceptable”.

In the Muslim faith, dogs are deemed to be spiritually “unclean”. But banning them from touching passengers would severely restrict their ability to do their job. The report follows trials of station security measures in the wake of the 2005 London suicide bomb attacks. In one trial, some female Muslims said the use of a body scanner was also unacceptable because it was tantamount to being forced to strip.British Transport Police last night insisted it would still use sniffer dogs – which are trained to detect explosives – with any passengers regardless of faith, but handlers would remain aware of “cultural sensitivities”.

Critics said the complaints were just the latest example of minority religions trying to force their rules and morals on British society.Tory MP Philip Davies said: “As far as I am concerned, everyone should be treated equally in the face of the law and we cannot have people of different religious groups laying the law down. I hope the police will go about their business as they would do normally.”

News of the security setback came as the Government yesterday admitted that installing 100 per cent airport-style screening at rail and Tube stations was “not feasible”.Instead extra sniffer dogs and X-ray machines will be used to search passengers.During the trials, passengers stopped in London had the exterior of their bags checked by dogs. But in Brighton, dogs patrolled the station concourse and were walked past passengers by their handlers.The report concluded: “The use of sniffer dogs was generally problem­atic for Muslim respondents on rel­igious grounds if there was the potential for the dog to make direct contact with them.”

When Muslims have washed for certain forms of worship, they would have to repeat the ritual if they came into contact with a dog.One young Asian man told re­searchers: “We are not supposed to have dogs. It is against our religion.”Another Asian man said: “I don’t mind dogs in the park or walking near me, but sniffer dogs? I don’t think that’s right, on the station, the way they use them.”Massoud Shadjareh, chairman of the Islamic Human Rights Com­mission, said even dogs touching baggage would be an issue for a Muslim preparing to pray. But he stressed that it should be easy to allow dogs to check passengers without physical contact.“There is a way of dealing with this and we just need to be sensitive,” he said.

In another trial on the Heathrow Express platform at Paddington station in London, there were inst­ances when the body scan – which creates an image on a monitor – was considered unacceptable by female Muslims, the report said.One Muslim woman complained: “Sometimes I wear clothing which is not so tight. It will be shown on (the monitor) and somebody is looking at it. It defeats the whole purpose of me covering up.”The report, on five rail security trials in 2006, also showed that some Asians and black people felt they could be selected for tests because of their ethnicity.A Transport Department spokes­man said the use of sniffer dogs was a matter for the police. But he stressed that the report was only a conclusion of passengers’ views.

A British Transport Police spokes­man said sniffer dogs would continue to be used with any passenger but officers would be considerate where appropriate.He added: “We are obviously aware of, and sensitive to, cultural sensitivities. BTP officers do have the power to stop and search anyone under Section 44 of the Terrorism Act.“This also covers the use of dog handlers and dogs, which are used to ‘indicate’ any substance they have been trained to detect.“As a force we obviously look at any or all feedback about how people from all faiths and backgrounds view the use of dogs, and how we can incorporate that into how the dogs and their handlers interact with people.”

Announcing new security measures to screen Tube and mainline rail passengers, the Government said yesterday that surveys had shown the public would be unlikely to accept major delays to journeys.People also wanted to ensure their personal privacy was protected.British Transport Police said it was enhancing its existing stop and search capabilities with the use of X-ray equipment for screening bags, along with the deployment of more sniffer dogs. It said a proportion of passengers and their bags would be searched with minimal delay and inconvenience to the public.Transport Minister Tom Harris said: “We will continue to work with British Transport Police and rail operators to assess the effectiveness and impact of these new measures.“We will use this evidence, and that from elsewhere in the UK and abroad, to develop further ways of keeping the travelling public secure using proportionate measures.”

A Parting shot of dirty harry reid...he is pathetic.


On to apologies: An apology doesn't really mean much if it has to be solicited, it doesn't come from the heart which means it's just words...not sincere. The below cartoon illustrates just how sad our Society has become, political correctness be damned; we are turning into a bunch of damn sissies so as not to 'offend' anyone...not too much 'offends' me, there are a few things that make me very upset(read:pist)here is an example...she may sing well, her heart may be in the right place but she is arrogant and wrong...there is no substitute for Our National Anthem....there is no excuse for any U.S. Citizen to desacrate, change or bring shame to our Anthem...y'all remember the Olympic Games in mexico city? I do and it's getting worse instead of better....a raised black fist, symbolizing 'black power' will be taking the place of Lady Liberty if we do not stand up and wrest ourselves from this diabolical BS.


Black national anthem' stirs controversy for city

DENVER - Mayor John Hickenlooper's annual State of the City address may get more attention for what wasn't included than what was.At the start of the event Tuesday morning, City Council President Michael Hancock introduced singer Rene Marie to perform the national anthem.Instead, she performed the song "Lift Ev'ry Voice and Sing," which is also known as the "black national anthem."

When she finished, the audience responded with mild applause. The national anthem was never performed.Marie told 9NEWS she kept her plans to switch songs quiet until the very last moment. She says only she, her husband and a friend knew she was going to sing something other than the "Star-Spangled Banner."She says she wanted to express her love of her country by mixing the lyrics of "Lift Ev'ry Voice and Sing" with the melody of the "Star-Spangled Banner.""When I decided to sing my version, what was going on in my head was: 'I want to express how I feel about living in the United States, as a black woman, as a black person,'" said Marie.Hickenlooper's staff picked Marie to sing the national anthem. The mayor says he believes Marie did not intend to offend anyone or make a political statement.When asked if he was offended, Hickenlooper said, "You know I was more confused and I think I was more - what I was, was disappointed and confused and that's why I wanted to talk to her."

"Lift Ev'ry Voice and Sing" was written as a poem by James Weldon Johnson in 1899 and set to music by his brother in 1900.City Councilman Charlie Brown took to talk radio Tuesday afternoon to criticize the absence of the national anthem at the State of the City proceedings."There is no substitute for the national anthem, period," Brown said. "And that's what really bothered me. You know when we fly the flag, the American flag, it's always the highest flag, as it should be. And that didn't come across today, that didn't happen today."

In hindsight, both Brown and Hickenlooper say they should have stopped Marie or began singing themselves.

Marie says if she had the benefit of doing it over, she would sing the same song.When asked if she would apologize for what happened she said, "No I do not."Marie has been singing professionally for 10 years.Brown says he doesn't have a problem with people expressing their views, but he says Marie chose the wrong venue.Below are the full lyrics to "Lift Ev'ry Voice & Sing"LIFT EV'RY VOICE AND SINGAlso known as "The Black National Anthem"by James Weldon Johnson.

Lift ev'ry voice and sing,Till earth and heaven ring.Ring with the harmonies of Liberty;Let our rejoicing rise,High as the list'ning skies,Let it resound loud as the rolling sea.Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us,Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us;Facing the rising sun of our new day begun,Let us march on till victory is won.Stony the road we trod,Bitter the chast'ning rod,Felt in the days when hope unborn had died;Yet with a steady beat,Have not our weary feet,Come to the place for which our fathers sighed?We have come over a way that with tears has been watered,We have come, treading our path through the blood of the slaughtered,Out from the gloomy past,Till now we stand at lastWhere the white gleam of our bright star is cast.God of our weary years,God of our silent tears,Thou who has brought us thus far on the way;Thou who has by Thy might,Led us into the light,Keep us forever in the path, we pray.Lest our feet stray from the places, our God, where we met Thee,Lest our hearts, drunk with the wine of the world, we forget Thee,Shadowed beneath thy hand,May we forever stand,True to our God,True to our native land.

How 'bout it reverends al and jesse? You still gonna preach 'intolerance' by white folks? You still gonna argue that the white man is holding back the black man. The two of you are sick, hypocritic bums.

Y'all excuse me for a spell, the bilges are full and they gotta get a good flushin'...

P5 Driver

GrandSon, Nathan