Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Of Common Sense and Justice

Heavy heart, mind racing, wondering how the hell all the things that happened today happened at all. How could a 'jury' of 7 women and 5 men possibly return a verdict today of 'not guilty'? How could one of the alternate 'jurors' say that George Anthony was not 100% believable(is it necessary to have to believe someone 100% to accept their testimony as believable?), how could one of the 'jurors'(don't know if it's the same one or not)say there wasn't a body decomposing in casey's car trunk? Does common sense go out the window or be left at the doorway of the jury deliberation room after the judge says 'find your verdict in accordance with the law'? Are we reduced to a level so low that we react like robots, not human beings and choose not to use common sense when evaluating evidence? God help us if that's the way it is.

We do we have to have warning labels on any product purchased, from McDonalds coffee to simple aspirin.....WHY? Because common sense has died in our society along with a moral fabric that has decomposed as sure as Caylee Marie Anthony's body has decomposed. People either vegetate in front of the TV daily or bury their heads in the ground like so many ostriches, all the while losing sight of their God given ability to reason; seems a 'live for today' attitude has consumed so damn many Americans that they are willing to accept the acts of selfish, evil people like Casey Marie Anthony and just take the easy way out by saying....'Oh, that's ok, I really don't want to be involved'. I would hope that justice be served in this case for little Caylee, I would also hope that those 12 'jurors' and 5 'alternate jurors' realize the mistake and miscarriage of justice they delivered today after only deliberating for a tad over 10 short hours and that realization comes back to haunt them to their graves. You think me harsh? Well, I assure you.....I'm not as harsh as what casey did to her daughter Caylee nor as harsh as casey's family will find life after this day.....the day that common sense and justice died in The United States of America.

For those of you that may be wondering why there was not more DNA evidence recovered, look at the above photo, you'll notice the drop from the street level to where Caylee's remains were recovered....that drop is about 4 to 5 feet and during the time Caylee was thrown there tropical storm Faye had that area flooded up to street level and at times, covered the street. Couple that with the heat and humidity of Central Florida from June to late September, and you'll have a semi understanding as to why things were found the way they were. I'll also call into question the Orange County Fl. Sheriff's Department.....why didn't the Deputy responding to Roy Kronk's night time call just rope off the area until morning to allow other deputies using proper gear to enter that wooded area and conduct a proper search. Instead he gets irritated with Kronk, berates him and shuffles off for donuts and hot coffee; this is where you'll find shoddy work, not with the M.E or States Attorney.

Casey Anthony was found not guilty today but her Father George was found guilty....therein lies the travesty............


HighCotton said...

ALL so true... as one friend posted on FB, following the devastating result, "they must be the only 12 people in the world that believe the Earth is flat"

If only... the jury had had a quick course in Psychology 101, and knowledge of the character of the cunning/controlling/convincing sociopath, just maybe they would have found the 'motive' they needed.... only then could they know that the 'sweetness' is the bait to gain control, and 3-5% of them DO kill when their agenda is challenged ...

Also, upon viewing the chart of Casey's 'imaginary friends' ..... I now wonder if Casey also has multiple personalities .... and she IS 'Zanny the Nanny' and that is the personality that murdered Caylee... ??? That makes the pieces of the whole bizarre event fall into place.... I have such a strong 'gut' feeling that this is the reality, I am consumed with wanting this theory to be weighed, and have messaged to Jeff Ashton, Linda Drane-Burdick, and a new lawyer who was also commenting... I do not know how/what could possibly be pursued .... I am just telling myself that Caylee's little life has already been snuffed out.... perhaps to save her from what was to come... and Casey WILL strike again... and we will all be 'with eyes wide open'..... next time!

jmich1235 said...

It always boils down the the rights of the guilty, poor Caylee, she has no rights. When you are a child and so small, I guess you are disposable. Everyone was so busy protecting Casey's rights, even her Mom, that they let the rights and the heart of poor little Caylee go. They let her rights just dissolve, like her body. The fact that Casey will eventually get hers, does not even satisfy me. The fact that she will be out and able to strut around again truly bothers me. The girl has no conscience. So,I hope all the future boyfriends and people in her life are very wary of this person because you, too, could be disposable.
Well, written Driver. I know you and I feel you are truly mourning for little Caylee now.

GrandSon, Nathan