Friday, June 12, 2009

From dumb to stupid to ridiculous....and a special mention for the DAY award

"The hour is fast approaching, on which the Honor and Success of this army, and the safety of our bleeding Country depend. Remember officers and Soldiers, that you are Freemen, fighting for the blessings of Liberty - that slavery will be your portion, and that of your posterity, if you do not acquit yourselves like men."

--George Washington, General Orders, August 23, 1776

Here we go hear this! To all the Warriors fighting and dying in Afghanistan and Iraq: when you capture an Islamic Jihadist, be sure to read him his 'miranda rights'. Hereto for, any and all enemy combatants are to be afforded the constitutional rights that you are killing them to protect: Oh the horror! This has got to be a typo you say, why are we fighting to preserve and protect our constitution, our way of life and our citizens when the CinC is giving those very rights to people who are trying to kill us and us them? Way to go hussein obama, fighting a war while affording the enemy our rights and access to our court system, dealing with terrorists in a police type way is definitely not the way to win a ditz!

What's next, are you going to supply these people lawyers?

The Fuhrer of the Third Reich said it best hussein, if you're gonna lie, make it a big'll be more believeable because of it's audacity. This is just another way that you mirror Hitler more than anyone in recent history; you liberals were all over Geo. W. Bush, calling him Hitler and a fascist, accusing him of trampling on our constitutional rights while you...give our rights to any illegal and/or enemy of our, I find repulsive and disgusting. Why not just tell your muslim brothers in Iran to go ahead and nuke Israel, that's exactly what you'd like to see; at the same time, bow to the King of Saudi Arabia and wash his feet before you dine on goats eyes and dates. You're all proud now, to call attention to your muslim father, education and the fact you have a muslim name...why were you so 'offended' if anyone mentioned these FACTS during the campaign? Can you spell HYPOCRITE?

This now brings us all to the stupid part of what you're doing hussein...

Dressing down Israel while praising the muslim world for all the good they have done for the world is obnoxious! You say Israel has a 'right to exist' while giving the green light to her enemies smacks of burning the candle from both ends, problem herein lies the fact that our nation is in the middle and about to be destroyed. I'm sure the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, was very impressed with your mention of the way her country had treated the Jews during talk about how your uncle was part of the liberating forces freeing Auschwitz, Buchenwald was the main camp he liberated a satellite camp've changed your story so many times on this that it's virtually impossible to keep up with you. You are the epitome of 'if you can't convince the with facts...baffle them with buffalo chips'...double talk and BS are your claim to fame. What's next hussein...a trip to N. Korea to apologize for all the hardship we've caused them? While you're there, how about asking your buddy Kim Jong IL why he has a starving population while his military is growing and thriving...see if you can 'sit down and reason' with the little clown and try to convince him to part some of the cash he gets from selling missiles and nuclear weapons technology and get his people fed...or are they all in the military?


And now I want to bring y'all my presentation of the DAY award (that's Dumb Ass of the Year) to dave letterman. First the obnoxious 'jokes' about Sarah Palin and her daughter, then the half-assed 'apology' that turned into another tirade of obnoxiousness...<----big word dave, you wanna buy it? How about if Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity...even Glenn Beck would 'joke' about your wife or girlfriend calling her 'slutty' and 'joking' about your daughter being 'knocked up' by A-Rod backstage there where you 'work' while waiting to come out to be interviewed by you....yeah dave, you are the DumbAss of the Year.

Hang in there Sarah, there really are more people who appreciate you for who you are and what you stand for, your principles and how you conduct your life with class.


Hey obama, can I hold a fiver...gas is going up or have you not noticed?

Murphy Alpha12 ready to splash...P5 Driver is leaving the area.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

..."Dumb to stupid to ridiculoua..." You could also add "sickening." obama is chillingly nauseating in his blatant and repulsive EVIL. A few liken him to the anti-christ. I call him SATAN incarnate. obama is the absolute worst thing ever to happen to our country.

Well, Driver, thanks for keeping after this scum, and his like. BTW...I love your DAY award. Thanks for your keen insights.

GrandSon, Nathan