Saturday, August 30, 2008

Watch out Joe

"Heeeeyyyyy Joe, where ya goin' with that gun in your hand?" A little bit of Jimi Hendrix folks, cause that's what it's gonna take for joey to win this one. Can he debate Sarah without blowin' his top? Doubt it....can he do it without resorting to 'body slams'....doubt that also. Sarah is probably the best news to hit the air and TV waves in a long damn time, she's a real person who has strong family values, character and a zest and zeal for life; check out the fact that she carried a Downs syndrome baby to full term while still governing Alaska...not an easy task...of course her family helped out, that's more example of family values and the character her and her husband have instilled in their children and live by.
Sarah isn't 'run of the mill' or 'par'...Sarah's well past that, in fact...she brings more to the Republican ticket than either oilslick obama or joey biden; more in character, honesty and knowledge....she has governed a State, had to make the hard decisions and done the right thing....not for show...but because it was right for the residents of Alaska. Y'all better watch how ya handle Sarah, she's a fighter, a straight up fighter....not a 'thief in the night' type fighter like most politicians...Sarah will stand toe to toe with her opponent.
Movin' on to the peanut farmer, jimmy what in the world is wrong with your noggin? That might be a silly question because he's shown time and again that his noggin is E-M-P-T-Y! Your stupit statement that John McCain is 'milking' every chance he can to reference his Vietnam Experience is you not remember john efn kerry? You know, the producer and director of films ala, michael moore. The one who admitted to shooting a wounded VC and saying all Nam Vets were on a killing, pillaging spree like Genghis Khan. Give it a break jimmy, you ain't anything but a tired ol peanut farmer whose only real accomplishment is habitat for humanity...which I salute by the way. Other than that, you failed the USA miserably by doing nothing to free the hostages taken by the now leader of iran....just think for a minute jimmy, had you done the right thing then, he might not be building nukes and threatening Israel; yet the democrats never mention that, only that obl is still around...but is he? A person would think that he or his 2nd in command would have released something relating to the premature inauguration of oilslick hussein obama.
One last thought before ending tonight....where were you joey, when my Bros and I were fightin' and dyin' in The Nam? Back home gettin' stoned at college, maybe kissin' up to some politico to advance your career? Just wondering joey, just wondering.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Just a short Congratulation

John, you hit one outta the park with Sarah Palin....Well Done!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Same old surprises, no disappointments.

Just so no mistakes are made and no copyright infringements are violated, the artist's name is just below the left hand if the image. A beautiful image I might add, just wish I had that kind of talent.

So, wondering why I started this missive with this image? Paying close attention to the World around me and hoping for the best, I tuned into the opening of the democrat national convention opening round of 'making silly'. As I was listening but really doing something else, I heard the announcement that the invocation was to be given....I was literally amazed to say the least. Here at the dnc, the same people responsible for the omission of any reference to our God, Our lord Jesus Christ...were about their convention with a prayer? I thought, well that's all well and good but I'll come un-glued if God Himself is mentioned...lo and behold, He was....I reached for my roll of duct tape, kept handy as advised by Glenn Back, to keep my head from exploding while listening to democrats and other various idiots.

After dinner and after watching some evening news, I busied myself helping my 8 year old Son with homework and getting him ready for bed...tuning back into the convention, caroline kennedy came on, introducing her uncle, you know, the one who drove his car off the bridge at Chappaquiddick, saving himself and letting the pregnant MaryJo Kopechne drown. I listened as caroline spoke of her Father JFK, not the most perfect person in the World, but one who staunchly loved and supported our Country....a man whom I did and continue, to admire. I started to gag violently when caroline said that 'uncle teddy' represented love and compassion...I'm sure MaryJo's Family would have a comment or two as to that...I started to leave the room but out of respect for her Father, I listened till the end of her 'invocation' of teddy, a Catholic who is for abortion, for partialbirth abortion, for amnesty for illegal aliens (sue me if that 'term' offends you)....when that fat face, red-nosed and all, filled the screen, I started to get up, then the yacht was shown....I flew out of the room. What a Hippocratic jerk 'uncle teddy' is, all the money he has in out of country, tax sheltered accounts and he's gonna try to convince us....that he is one for the masses, the poor, downtrodden masses? Zip up your fly teddy, I know it's not raining. The audacity of that individual...! I realize that he's fighting a bad (is there a good?) form of cancer and I feel for the innocents who really like the old sh*thead and for all sufferers of that malady but what I feel, because I did not watch or listen, he was doing was all about himself and nothing more. He couldn't even carry his Brother's dirty underwear, JFK I'm meaning. The images of him and his drunken nephew willie k. smith in that Palm Beach courtroom are still showed that, like in 'The GodfatherII', all one has to do, is show up in court to influence either a jury or a words need to be spoken.

Later, against my own better judgement, I listened to the enlightened one's spouse; as Harry Carey would say....'Holy Cow'! Talk about a 'makeover'...the mean-spirited michelle obama started spewing more than I thought I could take. Saying things like...even if we do not agree with one another, we should treat people with dignity and respect; tell that to your hubby's campaign manager sweetheart and have them get off Cindy McCain....I haven't heard, nor heard of, Mrs. McCain saying anything detrimental about our Country like you did. Why are they dragging Cindy thru the mud, the blood and the beer? Mrs. obama said a couple phrases that perked my interest. one about the 'World' not being what it could or should be....when did we, as a Nation, take over the World in order to make it better? Did she mean her oilslick hubby would actually re-make the World into a more better place? History reminds me of an individual who tried doing that back in the late 30's, he wanted to 'cleanse' the World and create a super race; michelle, that would not have included you or your Family. He was defeated in 1945 after wreaking havoc world-wide with his fascist buddies and the imperial japanese leaders.....and madonna wants to liken Geo. W. Bush to that man? Give me a break!

This is not an apology michelle, but I'm sorry....your entire spiel appeared directed more to the black community than to all of America. All the make-up and mooshie words spoken so sweetly cannot dissuade me from the racist image you so ingrained in the minds of Americans, not once, but twice saying for the first time in your adult life you were proud of your Country. Were you an adult on 9/11? Please michelle, enlighten us as to your feelings on and after 9/11....or do you stand by your Minister, the rev. wright?

No one is getting to know barack hussein obama, his cloak is thick as pea-soup fog....the real windows into his heart and soul are the people who are closest to him; his inner-circle of advisers (conspirators if you will)...his past activities that he thought would not be revealed....msnbc along with nbc...are helping these things go much for 'reporters'...should be reporters*; the * signifying editorialists and supporters.

Tonite we get another dose of meaningless rhetoric from billary and no, I'll not go on record saying she would have been better than hussein obama....waaaaayyyyyy too much baggage, right slick willie?

Friday, August 22, 2008

Hey John, Listen up!

All the chatter about VP selection is getting more and more like a damn soap opera, obama is doing his thing ala celebrity/rock star and it's getting sillier and sillier. I'll put a round downrange with this video, then let you John, in on a little secret....every American should view this doubt.


John, you got to where you are in this race now because you've been emphasising conservative values; don't spoil the soup now by screwing up your VP selection. Might be, you and Mitt Romney didn't get along real well in the primary running but Mitt would be a solid Vice President, he has all the credentials...impeccable character, a solid financial background to enable yourself and Mitt to get our economy rolling again. Far as his Mormon, that ain't no no attention to huckabee...JFK got elected in '60 and a big deal was made of his Catholic background, being a Mormon will not alter Mitt Romney's outlook at all; in fact, it will be a positive as he has shown strong Family Values. Stay conservative! Be more conservative! It will be in stark contrast with obama and his socialistic views and practices; we both fought for our country before, we can still fight for it now.


Schools and the problem with them:

The problem with schools is not the schools's the restrictions placed upon the Principals and Teachers, placed by idiots like obama, whose solution seems to be just throw more money at them and they'll get better...not true, way enough money is spent now. The real problem lies with the few 'bad apples' and Parents who do not parent! I don't want to hear about 'It takes two incomes to make ends meet'...that's only because people have a way of 'keepin' up with the Jones', or like big government, throwing money at the kids to keep them occupied: video games instead of books, calculators instead of doing the work in their heads, television instead of study, obesity instead of exercise. To quote Mick Jaegger and The Rolling Stones, "You can't always get what you want, but if you try, you'll get what you need". Our wants are taking precedence over our needs. Wake up America! The mess we have now was and is, caused by the way our children have been raised. We cannot expect Teachers to teach and parent, they are underpaid for their value now...let discipline be re-instated in the schools, trash the stupid PC garbage, if a student doesn't pass the requirements for advancement...let them repeat that grade! Morality has to be emphasised, not ignored and yes, PRAYER needs to be in schools! There is no way that there is a conflict with Church and State by eliminating God, Our Lord Jesus Christ, or any reference to them from schools and other public buildings...that's what our Country was founded by, that's what made our Country great and the lack of it now, is evident in the behavior of our children. They are the future, they are a non-replenishable resource; they cannot be wasted.

Now don't get all 'up in arms', not all families are as described as above, but it's harder on those who raise the children right if they are under constant peer pressure from those that weren't.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Say What!!!!

Haven't posted in a while, needed a break from all the obamatrash and took time to enjoy the last couple of weeks summer vacation with my Son and GrandSon. Well, that's past tense now and it's back to the business as usual....with a twist.


I watched the SaddleBack Debate this past Saturday...what can I say? obama was his usual lying, dance around the questions self; makes me wonder just exactly why anyone would even consider voting for this loser. He was a STATE LEGISLATOR in 2002, how could he have voted for or against the resumption of hostilities in Iraq because hussein defied the 17 resolutions to come clean on WMD's, besides breaking the cease fire agreement. He says it was wrong to go into Iraq then why did he not vote to cut the funding? Never an answer from oilslick obama, just more questions; his objection to a baby birthed live after a failed, induced, late term abortion is simply condoning murder. His statement in the primaries that he was and would, raise his 6 and 9 year old daughters with strong moral convictions but if they made a mistake, he didn't want them "punished" by having to care for and raise a child is another of his obaminations. Good Lord people, what is this individual about?


Then I hear the great biotch (nancy pelosi) of the North, South, East and West has hailed him as the anointed one saying he is exactly what the Country has been waiting for, shouldn't she have said World? Well, if he is 'The Second Coming', he sure has different views than Our Lord, Jesus Christ, who loved children and sinners as that not why he gave his life in sacrifice by being crucified to forgive all mankind's sins? No nancy, no oilslick are not the great saviour, you are a huckster, preying on the bad times we have in this Country's economy. In fact, were you to become President, our economy would tank faster than a lead balloon tossed over the fantail of a sailing vessel. An increase in taxes would stifle employment, place a larger burden on the lower income families who would lose their jobs and inflate the welfare rolls, what's left of our industrial plants will vanish overseas because they won't be able to turn a profit (which is why they went into business in the first place), stockholders want to see a return on their investments; that won't happen with oilslick obama at the helm. More plant closings, more jobs lost, tax revenues will plummet and we will become exactly what obama, billary and the democrats want us to be; a socialist nation. A nation dependant on foreign aide, foreign oil....a nation 'without'. Sound appealing to you? Then vote obama, but I remind you, beware of what you wish for. I feel safe in saying that every citizen of the U.S.A. wants our Troops home, I do, but not at the price of losing, bin laden studied us well, VietNam, Lebanon, Mogidishu; he believes we, as a nation do not have the will to see us thru these times, imagine if the Nation felt this way during think ToJo or Hitler would be good leaders of the 'Free World'? Absolutely not, they wanted to exterminate first the Jews and then do you really think they'd stop there? No, Hitler wasn't real thrilled with blacks and other 'minorities', ToJo was more 'in-tune' with oilslick obama in another way, Japanese soldiers used to play 'catch' with babies using bayonets.


How can a political party, with a leader like howard 'the duck' dean be taken seriously? I heard the 'duck' say that the democrats provide for more and have more minorities who are successful than the "white, excuse me, I mean the Republican party". Hey duck, you gonna overplay that race card, how many do you have in your deck? Who you gonna recommend to succeed you, loonie louie farrakan? Or the reverend wright? You need to 'go west' old man and play with your toy horses...YeeeeHawwww


P5 Driver...gone but not forgotten. Hey buddy, let me hold a dollar.

Friday, August 1, 2008

These things peaked my curiosity

I find myself extremely vexed, and am sure there are more indicators were I to look a little farther, of how hussein obama would be taxing and spending our money. In my experience, these planes used for the respective campaigns are either bought or rented with campaign donor funds. John McCain opted for a Boeing 737, not a really small plane but highly used a a kind of 'super commuter'; obama on the other hand, opted for a Boeing 757 AE200 I believe it is. The 757 is a really big plane, uses a lotta fuel (hey al gore, obama's carbon footprint is way bigger than McCain's), costs more to maintain and I'm wondering how much it cost to have the original 757 re-painted, sans American Flag. I don't see one on McCain's plane either but there is this only one pic I have of it. hussein obama had his plane re-painted and delivered to him at Amman Jordan with the symbol of his campaign along with 3 red stripes; what that signifies is anyones guess.

As you see pictured below, compared to McCain's plane, obama's is quite larger; raises the question in my mind that if this is an example of his spending habits, we damn sure do not need him in the White House, matter of fact...we do not need him in Washington D.C. at all. He calls himself an American, he's running for the most powerful position in the Free World, yet he replaces 'Old Glory' with some kind of strange symbol that, if it's supposed to represent the U.S., it does a very bad job. On the other hand, is it what hussein obama perceives the World would/should be represented by? Is obama running for World President? I mean, you really gotta question this guy's motives and agenda; everyday he sounds more arrogant, more like he's 'the one we've all been awaiting'. Well Senator, I for one heard you speak at the '04 democrat convention, you said all the right words, laid the ground work like a Generalissimo for this very campaign. Yes Senator, you scare me...but not because 'you don't look like any of the Presidents on our currency', but because each day along with showing more and more arrogance, your 'covers' are slipping off, exposing you for what you really are: a hate monger, a socialist bent on taking every aspect of the 'free market' and capitalism that has built, maintained and benefited every U.S. citizen. You Senator, are also racist, just the same as your wife, jeremiah wright, pfledger, loonie farrakhan (including his entourage), jesse jackson, al sharpton and your rapper bro, ludicrous.

Does this white patch in your 'symbol' represent a burqua? Are you that ashamed of Old Glory, the same Flag that flew over Ft. McHenry when the British were bombarding Baltimore and didn't fall; the same Flag designed and sewn by Betsy Ross to represent, identify and support our Revolution against the British? Is it the same Flag that you said represented oppression to other Countries in the World, the same flag that you refused to wear as a lapel pin till the heat got too hot for you? Your plane doesn't display our Flag proudly but you 'wrap' yourself in it every time you have a campaign speech....what a prime example of hypocrisy you portray. There's more barry but I am getting physically ill just thinking of what the United States of America would be like with your sorry, racist butt in the Oval Office, slick willie was bad, real bad, but you would most assuredly be an abomination. Are you starting to feel the draft and chill of your covers slipping away?
P5 Driver.....color me gone till next time.

GrandSon, Nathan