Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Paranoid, Stupid or just plain gullible?

Well, here goes another chapter of the incredibly dumb, dumber and dumbest.

Seems everyone on the left is calling for billary to exit the race for Presidential nominee, hussein obama is havin' wet dreams thinking about it, his wife, michelle, might just get happy and proud; Looney howie dean will be doing cartwheels and believe it, even the MSM is begging billary to drop out 'for the good of the party'. Excuse me, but where, when, who, how and why, are the things news reporters are supposed to be concerned about...not one party's unity or welfare. Talk about liberal media listenin' danny boy, chris matthews and larry king?

Ya see, if billary stays in and somehow cajoles the 'super-delegates' to give her the nomination...then we all gotta hear about the race card, not that we won't if obama gets the nomination. Does anyone remember the "Trial(sic)of The Juice"? Jury nullification if I've ever witnessed it...he did it, but because Detective Mark Furhman lied about using that racial ephitat, RACE, played the big role in that trial, not evidence and it'll play out pretty much the same, either in Denver or November or both. Give me a break! obama has no credible experience to be even considered for the Presidency, let alone win it and if he does it'll be tantamount to 'jury nullification'....or, 'well, it's time we have a black President', just for the sake of political correctness. Now PC is where we, as a Nation, become 'gullible' can a People who cleared, fought for and settled this vast Country be as dumb as to fall for this PC crap? What's the right thing to do? Well, we can start by doing our own 'soul-searching'...evaluate the candidates on their merits and vote with knowledge instead of political correctness...if this means doing a little research, then get off your collective lazy arses and find out who we are to chose from...not just their names or what color their skin is...what do they stand for? What are their motives, qualifications, are there things in their past that will hamper them from conducting the job of President of the USA? This ain't rocket science people, it's plain old common sense, it ain't bigotry, once again, it's plain old common sense.....something that has gone the way of common courtesy, respect and decency.

In the name of political correctness, we follow the lead of al gore and the greenies, ms pelosi wants 400 mil to make the Capital Building and all government buildings 'Green'...change all light bulbs to fluorescent, like sheep the left will give her her wish, we'll be paying 4 or 5 bucks a gallon and she blows 400 mil on light bulbs....why aren't we authorizing more refineries, nuclear power plants? Y'all know the reason, greenpeace, treehuggers and political correctness....What's your carbon footprint al gore? And yours pelosi, reid, kennedy, kerry, et al? Why are we taxpayers paying the tab for our 'representatives' leased cars, gas and oil for them, insurance and we know they don't just drive themselves around, their cheaper for the taxpayer to have them use cabs. Come on charlie really need to lease a Caddy?

Closing tonite with a final thought on the race issue...we all know that there is a racial bias in this Country, what we don't know is WHY? Where does the largest majority of racial bias come from? Why are there Americans, and African-Americans, Mexican-Americans, Asian-Americans? Why aren't we all Americans first? Which begs the question...are these hyphenated Americans ashamed to be plain old Americans? If that's the reason and you feel that the 'old country' was/is better...then by all means....please return to your true roots.

P5 Driver

1 comment:

jjjjjjjj;;;;; said...

Love the Americans comment. Never really thought about that before. People live off the fruit of this land shouldn't want to be called anything else.

GrandSon, Nathan