Thursday, May 28, 2009

Random thoughts covering current events

"History affords us many instances of the ruin of states, by the prosecution of measures ill suited to the temper and genius of their people. The ordaining of laws in favor of one part of the nation, to the prejudice and oppression of another, is certainly the most erroneous and mistaken policy. An equal dispensation of protection, rights, privileges, and advantages, is what every part is entitled to, and ought to enjoy... These measures never fail to create great and violent jealousies and animosities between the people favored and the people oppressed; whence a total separation of affections, interests, political obligations, and all manner of connections, by which the whole state is weakened."

--Benjamin Franklin, Emblematical Representations


"It has long, however, been my opinion, and I have never shrunk from its expression ... that the germ of dissolution of our federal government is in the constitution of the federal Judiciary; ... working like gravity by night and by day, gaining a little today and a little tomorrow, and advancing its noiseless step like a thief, over the field of jurisdiction, until all shall be usurped."

--Thomas Jefferson, letter to Charles Hammond, August 18, 1821


"Men, to act with vigour and effect, must have time to mature measures, and judgment and experience, as to the best method of applying them. They must not be hurried on to their conclusions by the passions, or the fears of the multitude. They must deliberate, as well as resolve."

--Joseph Story, Commentaries on the Constitution, January 6, 1833


"Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing."

--Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, 1791


"We have heard of the impious doctrine in the old world, that the people were made for kings, not kings for the people. Is the same doctrine to be revived in the new, in another shape -- that the solid happiness of the people is to be sacrificed to the views of political institutions of a different form? It is too early for politicians to presume on our forgetting that the public good, the real welfare of the great body of the people, is the supreme object to be pursued; and that no form of government whatever has any other value than as it may be fitted for the attainment of this object."

--James Madison, Federalist No. 45


The above, relevant thoughts from very wise men, remain as a way to guide our elected officials to this very day; apparently, those in power do not see them that way or more likely do not realize they exist. I wonder as I re-read these wise words, how we managed to get into the situation of today; our Constitution was written to set down the way we would be governed based on individuals rights, state's rights and how involved the federal government was to be in regards to those rights. The federal government was put in place to safeguard the individuals, state's rights along with protection from interference and/or interference from foreign powers; how then did we come to the point of the federal government being 'in charge' of our everyday lives?

The Supreme Court of the land has one sole interpret and apply the laws as written in the Constitution, not to set policy or legislate from the bench. If we feel our inalienable rights, guaranteed by the Constitution, are being infringed on we have the right of appeal, all the way to the Supreme Court. This is all well and good but poses another question in my mind; why can't the lower courts do what their reason for being do what is right and constitutionally right before the appeal has to get presented to the highest court in the land? Is it (as I believe) that these lower federal courts are politicized? Why wait until a judge is appointed to the supreme court to properly vest these judges when they should be more closely scrutinized at these lower levels? It's the same principal as I see it, as to how a politician moves up the 'ladder' to run for Congress or Senator...including President. The incompetent, the biased, those with chips on their shoulders should be weeded out early but we've grown accustomed to the 'political grease' ascending the 'favorites of the lobbyists' up the political ladder.

Corruption isn't reserved for only the highest offices, it starts early and has become acceptable. Are we so gullible as to believe campaign rhetoric, then turn the other cheek while our rights, our right for pursuit of happiness, get trampled under? Way more people than not, do not think of themselves as gullible, why then, is more attention not paid to the action and right of voting for our leaders? Why is settling for one over the other considered 'the lesser of two evils'? Why do voters say things like, 'he or she is good looking, so they get my vote'? The latter isn't being gullible, it's plain ridiculous! Same as voting for someone who promises the impossible...yes, I'm speaking of universal health care....but doesn't explain where they'll get the cash funds to pay for all our 'wants' over all our 'needs'. Mick Jagger said it best..'You can't always get what you want...but if you try sometimes, you'll get what you need'. Next time y'all decide to buy something and are short of finances...ask yourself this I need it or do I just want it?

The democrats want Sonia Sotomayor on the Supreme Court...but I ask you, based on her biased, racist comments, do we really need her on that Bench?


Now, I want to touch on the situations in Iran and N. Korea...BatMan's sidekick said it best..."Holy Moley BatMan"...if N. Korea gets off with doing what they've been doing these past few weeks, how can we expect Iran to 'take a more positive, in the world's interests', approach to acquiring a nuclear weapon'? IMHO, they are on the final approach to acquiring one as I type and you read; also IMHO, Israel should not be scolded by our government about removing Iran's nuclear capability to date, just as we cannot sit idly by and put up with the threats from N. Korea considering they already have a nuclear capability. They no longer are obliged to be bound by the cease-fire agreement of 1953, that interprets into a resumption of hostilities, that needs to be addressed....aggressively and soon. There'll be more on this later.

Hey obama, can I hold a dollar?

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Stupid is, as Stupid does....

"It is Religion and Morality alone, which can establish the Principles upon which Freedom can securely stand....The only foundation of a free Constitution, is pure Virtue, and if this cannot be inspired into our People, in a great Measure, than they have it now, They may change their Rulers, and the forms of Government, but they will not obtain a lasting Liberty."

--John Adams, letter to Zabdiel Adams, 21 June 1776

....Today is National Prayer Day: all over the country Christian folks paused to pray this morning, wherever they were....the pimp decided to pray in private; I wonder why, could it be the act of someone whose hiding what he believes in? For me, in my humble opinion, it would be a way of uniting the country in the common principle's our Founding Fathers based our independence and freedoms on; could it be that the pimp prayed kneeling, facing east? Wouldn't a public prayer ceremony have done more to unite the people of our country? Come to think of it, the pimp don't give one hoot about the USA, his interests are with himself and paying back the 'debts' owed to those who pushed him into the office that he disgraces on a daily basis. He campaigned as a uniter, when in fact, he's a divider who is hell-bent on destroying the USA. He's run up national debt and borrowing like none before him while on the other hand, has weakened us as a nation so that those who plot our demise have the upper hand. What does his overseas contingency plan do to hold the taliban in check....nothing! Once again, he campaigned that he'd handle these situations as his predecessor, George W. Bush did but he's backed completely away from those campaign words and appeases those who intend us harm and/or extinction. The taliban is on the verge of over-powering Pakistan and acquiring nuclear weapons, make no mistake in their intent; he's sent billions of U.S. dollars in aid to the enemies of Israel who are bent on Israel's destruction....why is that? Does he not realize that money will be used to purchase weapons to destroy Israel along with any country that does not share their totalitarian beliefs? His own VP pick stated before the election in November that their administration would be tested within 6 months and not to be surprised if they made the wrong decisions. We cannot wait for the pimp to graduate from presidency 101, he has to make the right decisions/choices NOW, or we pay dire consequences. Enough with the lousy choices and 'pretend naivety', any rational thinking person would not be doing what the pimp is doing unless they have ulterior motives....which I believe are the destruction of the USA as we know it now and in the past....the USA that many lives were lost over the history of our country protecting our nation and it's way of life; barack hussein obama, I consider you a traitor to this Nation....if you are indeed a citizen in the first place....and if not a citizen, then you are an out right menace and enemy to be dealt with as any enemy of the USA.
....Another part of the 'culture' being forced upon us is the way freedom of speech and expression are being mutilated by so called 'progressives'. Carrie Prejean has been vilified, first because she spoke out as in favor of marriage being between one man and one woman; carrying the vilification further, the diseased media digs up semi-nude pictures of Miss Prejean and calls it porn. The only image I've seen that even remotely comes close to that definition can be seen at any beach, on any given day....some are even more revealing, are these women beach goers also porn queens? You see, any time a rational thinking person goes with their own thoughts that do not match those of the left, politically correct media, they become targets for ridicule....and by whom? The 'queer rights' movement in this free and open society that we enjoy (supposedly) living in here in the USA, hilton perez for example, what business does he have judging the beauty of a woman when, in fact, he prefers MEN? He is shown calling Miss Prejean a "blonde bitch"; well, there are those who will let perez know exactly what he is, and it isn't a liver of an 'alternative lifestyle'....he's a flaming queer.

....Above is an image of Carrie Prejean, Miss California, she finished 2nd because hilton perez did not like her stated opinion, the definition of marriage did not go along with his.....when did the few, become the driving force behind our Democracy? Why is it that if a person states an opinion that is not 'politically correct', they become evil, a homophobe, a racist or a bigot? Another point to be made here on this topic of 'culture' and 'political correctness' was revealed last evening as I watched a segment of The Glenn Beck show on FNC...the national spokesman for a.c.o.r.n., a radical wing of the liberal left, asked Glenn if he was "afraid of black people". This came about as Glenn asked this individual about the charges of voter registration fraud commencing next month in Nevada....there are other states that will follow suit I'm sure. Point is, just because a.c.o.r.n. is predominately a black community organizer group, how did the question of being "afraid of black people" come to be? Could it be a way of insinuating that Glenn Beck is racist? Or that anyone who has their own misgivings about a.c.o.r.n. a racist also? Is this not another form of intimidation? I believe it's intimidation in the way of altering freedom of speech and expression, both of which are being eroding daily....even hourly.

Tomorrow I'll get into the media's treatment of Sarah Palin and her family and weigh in on the Tea Party attacks the left really loves to participate in.

Hey obama, let me hold a dollar....I want to hang out at a burger joint for lunch.

GrandSon, Nathan