"When the resolution of enslaving America was formed in Great Britain, the British Parliament was advised by an artful man, - who was governor of Pennsylvania, to disarm the people; that it was the best and most effectual way to enslave them; but that they should not do it openly, but weaken them, and let them sink gradually, by totally disusing and neglecting the militia."
--George Mason, speech in the Virginia Ratifying Convention, 14 June 1778
Here he is once again in all his arrogant splendor...Mr. Magic. Please Mr. obama, tell us all once again how you are bringing 'change' to America's political scene; I seem to remember during the campaign that there would be no new taxes and 95% of Americans would receive a tax break....did I take your campaign pledge out of context or were you just 'campaigning'(in other words, lying)?
Your 'stimulus bill' smells like pork chops but you say there are no earmarks or 'pork' in that little gem; re-paving airport runways, making sidewalks, teaching birth control....if I were to name all the pork(read, pay back all the favors rendered for getting your dumba** elected), I'd be typing here till doomsday or till my fingers were wore plum down to the nubs.
Now you start talking 'fiscal responsibility'....are you on the same planet as the rest of us? A tax levied on mileage by way of a GPS system installed in our cars....are you insane? What else will these beauties be monitoring? When I worked for the USPS, we had scanners that we had to scan bar codes at certain locations...had nothing to do with customer service, it was all about tracking us and checking to ensure that we weren't sitting under a shade tree taking a nap...but that's another story. You aren't going to make permanent the tax cuts Geo. W. Bush instated, when that expires what will happen then is a TAX HIKE dumba**! And if I'm not mistaken, there will be way more to contend with tax wise as far as you and your cohorts are concerned.
Top of this column is mentioned the way to 'enslave' a nation or the people....let me remind you Mr. obama, any infringement on our 2nd amendment rights is a violation....that includes forced insurance, imposing excessive taxes on gun purchases and shooting supplies. As a matter of fact, your policies so far are very reminiscent of national socialist party policies in 1930's Germany. How's that grab ya? Ol Adolph always said, if you're gonna lie, make it a big one...they'll fall for it better that way, have you been reading Mein Kampf? Thinking of adding any amendments to it?
Yessir, the only thing you didn't lie about was the fact that you were going to redistribute the wealth...Ol Joe the Plumber nabbed ya on that one but the voters musta been wearing their 'blindman's bluff' sunglasses, along with not cleaning out their ears cause you sure pulled that bunny out of the hat....stimulus my butt, fiscal responsibility, my butt....you are 'transparent', I'll give you that....just like the Emperor and his new clothes....we're starting to see right thru your kloak, the mirrors are starting to crack and the smoke is clearing. I just hope and pray to Our Lord that our Nation can survive however long your term turns out to be. You sir, are not 'Joe Cool', you are though, an empty suit without an original thought of your own in your entire life, you want to close Gitmo, where are those enemy combatants going to reside...maybe san francisco, maybe western Pennsylvania with your pals pelosi and murtha....why not let them stay with you at the White House? Joe Cool my butt...Joe Pathetic is more accurate.
Mr. obama, I will not be led around by the slick rhetoric your flute plays, nor will I be fooled into thinking you might ever tell the truth. You and your minions will realize one day what a nation can and will do when they finally come together and rid themselves of the pox you and they have visited upon our Nation....you were a long time coming and I hope you'll be a long time gone.