Monday, February 23, 2009

The Klingon Kloak....or how the Pres is backstabbing a Nation

"When the resolution of enslaving America was formed in Great Britain, the British Parliament was advised by an artful man, - who was governor of Pennsylvania, to disarm the people; that it was the best and most effectual way to enslave them; but that they should not do it openly, but weaken them, and let them sink gradually, by totally disusing and neglecting the militia."

--George Mason, speech in the Virginia Ratifying Convention, 14 June 1778

Here he is once again in all his arrogant splendor...Mr. Magic. Please Mr. obama, tell us all once again how you are bringing 'change' to America's political scene; I seem to remember during the campaign that there would be no new taxes and 95% of Americans would receive a tax break....did I take your campaign pledge out of context or were you just 'campaigning'(in other words, lying)?

Your 'stimulus bill' smells like pork chops but you say there are no earmarks or 'pork' in that little gem; re-paving airport runways, making sidewalks, teaching birth control....if I were to name all the pork(read, pay back all the favors rendered for getting your dumba** elected), I'd be typing here till doomsday or till my fingers were wore plum down to the nubs.

Now you start talking 'fiscal responsibility'....are you on the same planet as the rest of us? A tax levied on mileage by way of a GPS system installed in our cars....are you insane? What else will these beauties be monitoring? When I worked for the USPS, we had scanners that we had to scan bar codes at certain locations...had nothing to do with customer service, it was all about tracking us and checking to ensure that we weren't sitting under a shade tree taking a nap...but that's another story. You aren't going to make permanent the tax cuts Geo. W. Bush instated, when that expires what will happen then is a TAX HIKE dumba**! And if I'm not mistaken, there will be way more to contend with tax wise as far as you and your cohorts are concerned.

Top of this column is mentioned the way to 'enslave' a nation or the people....let me remind you Mr. obama, any infringement on our 2nd amendment rights is a violation....that includes forced insurance, imposing excessive taxes on gun purchases and shooting supplies. As a matter of fact, your policies so far are very reminiscent of national socialist party policies in 1930's Germany. How's that grab ya? Ol Adolph always said, if you're gonna lie, make it a big one...they'll fall for it better that way, have you been reading Mein Kampf? Thinking of adding any amendments to it?

Yessir, the only thing you didn't lie about was the fact that you were going to redistribute the wealth...Ol Joe the Plumber nabbed ya on that one but the voters musta been wearing their 'blindman's bluff' sunglasses, along with not cleaning out their ears cause you sure pulled that bunny out of the hat....stimulus my butt, fiscal responsibility, my are 'transparent', I'll give you that....just like the Emperor and his new clothes....we're starting to see right thru your kloak, the mirrors are starting to crack and the smoke is clearing. I just hope and pray to Our Lord that our Nation can survive however long your term turns out to be. You sir, are not 'Joe Cool', you are though, an empty suit without an original thought of your own in your entire life, you want to close Gitmo, where are those enemy combatants going to reside...maybe san francisco, maybe western Pennsylvania with your pals pelosi and murtha....why not let them stay with you at the White House? Joe Cool my butt...Joe Pathetic is more accurate.

Mr. obama, I will not be led around by the slick rhetoric your flute plays, nor will I be fooled into thinking you might ever tell the truth. You and your minions will realize one day what a nation can and will do when they finally come together and rid themselves of the pox you and they have visited upon our were a long time coming and I hope you'll be a long time gone.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

It's so hard to comprehend...

I recently visited the site where little Caylee Anthony's remains were discovered, found 2 Eagles nesting in the area and felt that they were sentinels that had been there the whole time watching over little did offer some comfort and I learned that Eagles are a Spirit Guide. These Eagles were nesting not more than 10 yards from where Caylee was found, normally when the amount of commotion that the discovery of Caylee caused, these fine birds of prey would have found a more solitude place to inhabit, yet they remain still....Angels from the Lord Jesus? That would be my guess.

These 3 crosses mark the place where Caylee was found, the area under normal conditions would be under water but since we've been under drought conditions since the summer storms, all the water has dried up. A privacy fence is no more than 15 yards to the right of these crosses, marking the back property line of a near to people yet so far and un-discovered. How is it possible that a neighborhood dog did not pick up the scent of little Caylee? In the below picture you'll see just how close to the street (Suburban Drive) ..maybe 6 or 7 yards, little Caylee rested so uncomfortably....I am incapable of understanding how a mother could take the life of her own Daughter, let alone leaving her in such a place as this. How is it that our nation has suffered such moral decay that the life of a little girl or boy, such as Caylee can be just tossed aside so the mother or parents can enjoy their lives without caring for the life they brought into this world? Where do we turn to find the means to correct such defects other than Our Lord, Jesus Christ?

This memorial to little Caylee grows each day, residents and visitors from all over come by regularly to leave a little something for Caylee....she deserved better, may the Angels and Eagles forever watch over her.

It does gall me to no end that while Caylee lay out in the elements, crawled over by all kinds of animals, insects and whatever other creatures, her mother had shelter, food, clothing and comfort...even though it was in jail...she wasn't treated as she had treated her own Daughter...with grave indifference. I certainly hope that whatever Judge and Jury deliberate this crime keep those thoughts in mind while trying to untangle the web of deceit and indifference the mother's defense puts forth....may Justice be served and may Caylee find peace and happiness at last with Our Lord God Almighty.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Curosity killed the cat, will the curosity created by obama kill our Nation?

"The President is the dignified, but accountable magistrate of a free and great people. The tenure of his office, it is true, is not hereditary; nor is it for life: but still it is a tenure of the noblest kind: by being the man of the people, he is invested; by continuing to be the man of the people, his investiture will be voluntarily, and cheerfully, and honourably renewed."

--James Wilson, Lectures on Law, 1791
"History affords us many instances of the ruin of states, by the prosecution of measures ill suited to the temper and genius of their people. The ordaining of laws in favor of one part of the nation, to the prejudice and oppression of another, is certainly the most erroneous and mistaken policy. An equal dispensation of protection, rights, privileges, and advantages, is what every part is entitled to, and ought to enjoy... These measures never fail to create great and violent jealousies and animosities between the people favored and the people oppressed; whence a total separation of affections, interests, political obligations, and all manner of connections, by which the whole state is weakened."

--Benjamin Franklin, Emblematic Representations
************************************************* that word in itself can spur mankind on to great things; it can also lead mankind down a trail best left untrod upon. The mania created by the candidacy of barack obama for president was of a nature I have never witnessed, the promise of 'change' so far has been the only thing that I see was a mislead or more factually, a lie....there has been no change in the way politics are run in D.C., more 'cronyism' than I can think of, less transparency than has ever been and the assembled cabinet is one of the most corrupt and self-interest serving bunch that has ever been assembled.
For instance: have you ever been ticketed by an officer of the law for an infraction that he himself was guilty of while ticketing you? I don't mean speeding....although I've been passed by quite a few that were traveling well beyond the limit...but say, a burned out head or tail light? Small thing you say but you put enough of the 'small things' together and you have a big thing, you have those enforcing the laws thinking they are above it....our new treasury secretary, the man in charge of the IRS is guilty of not paying his own taxes and only attempted to pay what might satisfy the vetting process so he could take his seat at the cabinet level....his name escapes me at the moment but y'all know who I'm talkin' about. Then cometh tom daschle, his conveniently leaving out over $100,000 of unpaid taxes and looking to be confirmed as what, commerce secretary? The guy in charge of the ways and means committee, charley rangel owes over $75,000 in taxes but there's no out cry for him to step down from being the committee chairman....I guess he's above the law like daschle and the other guy. Now a few words about our new secretary of state, hillary rodham clinton who's know, slick willie of cigar smoking fame...receiving contributions from foreign countries that his wifey will be dealing with as sec. of state....that's encouraging isn't it? What happens when she has to get tough with a country that has contributed beaucoup money to hubby? Will she keep the best interests of America in mind or worry about maybe owing a 'debt of gratitude' to that particular country for it's financial generosity to hubby?
obama has sworn to protect and uphold our Constitution, I sincerely hope he does but there are nagging questions in my mind...too cynical or skeptical you think?, maybe but it's hard for me to understand, let alone accept a politician from Chicago, an unknown one at that, to rise so high, so fast without owing someone or group of 'someones' a few favors. Mr. obama, will you be a guardian of the Constitution or a destroyer of it? Our founding fathers were adamant about the role of the Federal Government and the role of State's Government...making States fall subject to the Fed in so many different instances creates animosity, same as trampling the People's rights, clearly defined by our Bill of Rights. To turn your back on either will only kill both, destroy our country/republic and lead us down the path to socialism/communism....barry, just do the right thing because it's right.

GrandSon, Nathan