Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Who do you trust?

This past year there have been a lot of 'changes' politically in our many of them have been good? In the past I have categorized Barrack Hussein Obama as a 'divider' not a 'uniter', I feel compelled to re-address that at this point....BHO has managed to do us all a great service, he has 'united' us in a way that slipped under the radar, he didn't unite us along racial lines, ethnic lines, nor social lines....he united us as a country against the government take-over of our Democratic Republic.

It started this past November with the Gubernatorial elections in New Jersey and Virginia, culminating in the special election held yesterday in Massachusetts for the seat in the Senate long held by teddy kennedy. All along the way, the people have been voicing their opinions at Tea Party Rallies, Town Hall meetings, letters, emails and phone calls to their various representatives in Congress. They have, for the most part, been ignored....the only response from the left was negative in one way or the other; ranging from 'astro-turf' to 'un-ruly mobs of nazis'. They moved along doing what they thought 'best for us'...not caring one way or the other how we felt or what was being said. Will they listen now and can they be trusted to stay on track? To this I say, maybe they'll listen a little better but only till after the next election this coming November (they hold their positions in government as 'rights', not 'privilege') ... as far as trusting them, can a traitor ever really be trusted once they've switched sides?

There comes to mind a few elected Senators who have 'sold out' the very people they represent, Senator Ben Nelson, Senator Blanche Lincoln, Senator Landrieu, Senator Bill Nelson (my favorite turncoat, only because he is supposed to be representing me and my fellow Floridians), these and others of their ilk need to be replaced, post-haste.....personally, I've written Bill Nelson two times and called his office once in the past four weeks....response was nil. Far as I am concerned he's a lame duck Senator....he has 'screwed the pooch' for the last time in my opinion.

Any elected official, who now backtracks, cannot be trusted and should not be re-elected...ask yourself where are their hearts, really? They will revert to their own ways as soon as the 'storm' passes....believe me they will

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

On the Fringe

Ahhhhhh, where to begin: I've taken a lot of time off, mostly through disgust at the politicos...left and right wings. The president...Barrack Hussein Obama...has backed the plays of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi to get his ludicrous health care bill poised for passage, authorizing taxpayer money to bribe Senators for their votes....and allowing extortion tactics (threatening the closure of Offut Air Force Base in Nebraska) in order to obtain votes. Is this the Congress that Pelosi said was going to be the most open, law-abiding and clean Congress on record? I think not, madam Speaker and majority leader Reid have been, and continue to spit in the very faces of the People on a daily basis. Harry 'Gollum' Reid has been relatively silent the past few days since he strong-armed getting his 60 necessary votes for cloture in the Senate; now Speaker Pelosi is throwing elbows at the Boss....B.H.O. ie:

"There are a number of things he was for on the campaign trail".

This was her response when asked about the pledge Obama made while campaigning 'to have all negotiations public and broadcast on C-Span'.

This woman is out of control and on a power trip, wanting it all both ways. Another example of what she stands for comes from her spokesperson, ie:

"It was a quip, not a jab at anyone".
"She's setting up for the conference", said a leadership staffer. "It's strategic, she's staking out her territory".

'Her territory'? Really, I thought she worked for the People and their territory. Very few of us (thank GOD) live in her congressional district but we are still, all constituents of this macabre woman and I believe she needs a 'prodding' for herself to remind her of that fact. It's not 'all about Nancy' so you better get used to it.

But wait, this is only the tip of the proverbial iceberg, 'cap and trade' is about to be shoved down our collective (no pun intended) know, the bill, that if passed, will absolutely kill our economy. This bill is based solely on the lie that is 'Climate Change' and/or, 'Global Warming' matter how it's sliced and served, it's a lie. Putting a 'cap' (read, tax) on Co2 emissions is ridiculous bordering absurd...C02 is what we all expell while breathing....C02 is absorbed by all the trees, bushes and other foliage in the world and turned back into breathable oxygen....all the carbon footprint BS amounts to is a way for some to line their pockets with the working man's money and at the expense of the few. The recent summit on climate change held in Copenhagen only shows what real disregard they hold us all in, what was their 'carbon footprint'? All the private planes, all the rented S.U.V's and limos....were they really necessary? When are the regular people going to rise up and say....'Hey, practice what you preach'. How can those in power and they that will benefit monetarily, be the ones who tell us what to drive, decide how much we can drive and what temperature we should keep our homes set to? Think about that and ask yourself, 'why do they get to tell us but not do it themselves'?

This all makes me physically ill and just as mad as hell.

Hey Barrack, let me hold a dollar....gas is on the rise and my energy bill is going up also.

GrandSon, Nathan