Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day

Originally known as “Decoration Day”, May 30th was established in 1868 by the leader of a Union Army veterans’ organization as a day to honor “comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion.” After World War I, Americans began including those who had died in all of America's wars in the May 30th observances and in 1971, Congress declared Memorial Day a national holiday to be celebrated annually on the last Monday in May.

'Memorial Day' is now officially over, that is, over for the money-changers, merchants and those who's only reason for observing Memorial Day is the 3 day off weekend, the backyard bar-b-que and the drink fest that results in more death of innocents on our hi-ways.

As for me, my Sons and Daughters, it's still Decoration Day, a day of reverence, a solemn day of remembrance of our Fallen War dead....a day to go to any cemetery where our relatives, friends or just acquaintances are laid to rest and 'put the flowers of Spring' on their graves to symbolize a 'new beginning'. We take time to pay respects to those who paid the ultimate price so we may enjoy the freedoms we have, the civilization of the World and the peace that is all so elusive. The backyard bar-b-que was only started that I can remember, because it took most of the day for our Parents to make the rounds of graves after stopping at a nursery to get fresh potted flowers, to cut fresh flowers from our yards to be put in containers of water and for us kids to watch the parade of Veterans still living paying homage to their fallen Brothers. After dark, there would be a giant fireworks display at the amusement park or wherever they were available. It was good to be a young kid growing up in the fifties, Patriotism abounded, respect was always shown and morality was at a high level; no, it wasn't all peaches and cream but for the most part, the bums and immorals were not openly displayed...not like in today's World

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation, under God, indivisable with Liberty and Justice for all.

In Memory of: James Allan Branson...Samuel L. Reed...David Duane Case...Tilly Touart...Daniel W. Stutler...Ward LeRoy Anthony...Victor Ford...Tex Rowley...Robbie Borger...Louie Petrelli...and the rest of the over 58,000 on the Wall, all the WWI KIA's buried in France, all the WWII KIA's buried around the Globe, all the Korean KIA's...every Warrior who paid the ultimate price who fought under 'Old Glory', the World's greatest symbol of freedom and democracy.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

"I find it un-acceptable"

Here we go again....michelle is 'above' any scrutiny and hussein obama finds it 'un-acceptable' to call into question her remarks....well, let's see, I'll let you be the judge:

"We don't need a world full of corporate attorneys and hedge-fund managers…The life that I am talking about that most people are living has gotten progressively worse since I was a little girl. And this is through Republican and Democratic administrations. It doesn't matter who was in the White House . . . So if you want to pretend there was some point over the last couple of decades when your lives were easy, I wanna meet you!"

'Progressively worse?' Seems to me an education received Princeton University(obtained, if I'm not mistaken)by the benefit of 'affirmative action', ie: michelle had the benefit of being black and a minority factored into her entrance exam, is definitely not going in a worse direction. Life isn't 'easy' michelle, that's why we all work! Now if by 'easy' you mean having everything handed to you by welfare and other handouts, there won't be a shortage of people you'll be meeting.

Let's see if there's another example....well how'bout that...she'll not let us down, here's another 'michelle gem':

“we’re a divided country — a country that is “just downright mean,” we are “guided by fear,” we’re a nation of cynics, sloths, and complacents. “We have become a nation of struggling folks who are barely making it every day. . . Folks are just jammed up, and it’s gotten worse over my lifetime. And, doggone it, I’m young. Forty-four!”

Are you seeking Utopia michelle? Save your time and energy, it doesn't exist; 'mean'? Who is the first to offer help to Countries(even Countries that would rather see us destroyed)ravaged by storms, earthquakes and the like? I don't think your 'mean' adjective is gonna fly. 'Divided', yeah, I'll go along with that but by whom? Selfish individuals the likes of al, Tawana Brawly, sharpton, jesse jackson...who without creating any type 'race' issue would be bankrupt...then the infamous jeremiah wright....a race-baiter deluxe....you've listened to him, soaked in every word, phrase and idea; you were instrumental in getting hubby to migrate to Christianity from islam so he could run for office....it's sad tho, michelle, dirty laundry always washes out and the stains remain; who does your laundry? How many 'domestics' have you employed? Interesting thought isn't it? Are they the 'strugglers', 'sloths' or 'complacents'? I'd have to say you got this little beauty from the 'wrong reverend jeremiah wright'..."broken souls", now will you please clarify this in light of what your hubby hussein, or 'barry' if you'd rather, said about the working middle-class of Pennsylvania 'clinging to their guns and religion'? Are you inferring that the 'broken souls' are from a demonic cult or the like of?

Michelle, you are not a victim, you are one of the lucky elite few, looking down your nose at the very people who made, and continue to make, this Country the Greatest Nation on Earth...you and 'barry' are exposed for what you really are, all the fine clothes, jewelery and money can not cover the transparencies of either of you.

“barak is one of the smartest people you will ever encounter who will deign [i.e. 'lower himself'] to enter this messy thing called politics."

“We have lost the understanding that in a democracy, we have a mutual obligation to one another — that we cannot measure the greatness of our society by the strongest and richest of us, but we have to measure our greatness by the least of these,” she says. “That we have to compromise and sacrifice for one another in order to get things done. That is why I am here, because Barack Obama is the only person in this who understands that. That before we can work on the problems, we have to fix our souls. Our souls are broken in this nation.”

Going by what your hubby is publicly saying, I would not call him the 'smartest person' I know....a slick snake-oil salesman maybe...but sure not smart. To lower himself into politics? Come on michelle, if that were the case, how will he be able to 'help' the poor down-trodden if he's 'above' them?

A democracy is, unless I miss-understood growing up, the rule of the majority but also where everyone has an equal can to succeed thru hard work...where does it say that the workers are supposed to provide for the non-workers? Oh, sorry 'bout that...yours is the definition of a 'marxist democracy', or leninist but closer to stalinist...anyway ya look at it michelle, it's communism, totalitarian rule! And you and hubby would have us swallow a full plate of this trash.....not for me 'sweetie'; no way....and I won't stand by to be ruled under islamic law either...that camel don't run.

P5 Driver

Friday, May 16, 2008

A little reminder for those that have memory loss or too young to know.

It is a matter of history that when Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces, General Dwight Eisenhower, found the victims of the death camps, he ordered all possible photographs to be taken, and for the German people from surrounding villages to be ushered through the camps and even made to bury the dead.

He did this because he said in words to this effect: 'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses - because somewhere down the track of history some b*stard will get up and say that this never happened'
'All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing' Edmund Burke

This week, the UK removed The Holocaust from its school curriculum because it 'offended' the Muslim population which claims it never occurred. This is a frightening portent of the fear that is gripping the world and how easily each country is giving in to it.

These photos were taken in Germany by James Emison Chanslor, an Army Master Sergeant who served in World War II from 1942 until 1945.
Not a very pretty sight, the near extermination of an ethnic group of people, judged by a vicious Dictator to be 'inferior'; then, as now, there is a group of people desiring total and absolute domination of the World we all live in/on and have come to love. It's quite hard to understand how the Brits would remove this from the History books in their schools as they to, were threatened and almost subdued by the same bunch that committed the heinous crimes against humanity pictured above. Most all of Europe was controlled by the Nazis as was most of Scandinavia. I came into this World after this huge struggle for freedom was completed and have absolute respect for the Allied Warriors who fought and preserved World-Wide Freedom. Are we now saying their sacrifice was for nothing? That so many gave their lives so our politicians can now just turn over the World to these extremists? Europe will look like the 'Killing Fields' of Cambodia, 'infidels'(so called by islam)will be summarily eradicated. Far fetched? Don't be fooled, the wolf in iran is wearing sheep's skin, the wild boar in Afghanistan is dressed as a goat herder...similarly, the sultans, clerics, leaders of China, N. Korea and Venezuela are also cloaked in 'harmless garb'. Peanut Butter jimmy was asleep at the wheel when our Embassy was illegally taken by the little terrorist ruling iran...an attack on any Embassy is the same as an attack on the Country it represents...how many times have our Embassies been attacked? How many times have U.S. citizens been murdered by these gutless 'jihadists?' The Towers were bombed in '93, The USS Cole was attacked in '00, what was our response?
Don't be fooled by slick worded politicos...when they lie, flip-flop or pander...call them on it; don't vote for them.
Every Memorial Day we Honor our Warriors who payed the supreme sacrifice, lets start Honoring them by keeping our Country safe as they did, defend it from ALL ENEMIES, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, as they did. Stand up America and be counted....if you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything.
That's the way I see it...16May08
P5 Driver

Thursday, May 15, 2008

An Inconvenient Truth or, a convenient lie.

Well friends, I was planning to take the night off politics; thought I'd delve into Pro Sports but as usual, hussein obama has given me too much to pass up on. Along with supreme 'alarmist' and 'I want all your money' algore, there are just too many things going on that I had to speak out about.
First off, obama...after saying he'd meet, as President, any leader from any country...terror supporter, terror group, even chubby hugo chavez; but when G.W. Bush spoke in Israel about appeasement and how it doesn't solve anything, hussein spouted off that it was an 'attack speech' against him...Joker joe biden jumped on that band-wagon as did nancita pelosironi and dirty harry reid(sorry Clint). Good grief, can anything be said of obama's short-comings without him squealing like a piglet? We had billary crying about how hard it is to campaign, even shed some crocodile tears...now she's 'hard corps', the once glib hussein obama has been reduced, by his own hand mind you, to a stumbling speaker; trying to speak and remember what he said to that particular group before. Lying is really hard work, starts out easy but like the tortoise and the hare, they catch up to you in the end, ask john efin' kerry. Nice try obama, Mr. Spock is about to put the Vulcan squeeze on you. Klingon's lose in the end and like the 3 criminals Joe-El put away into the Phantom Zone, so ye shall follow.
Now algore is having his kevalar tested...making a speech a few years ago, screaming that President Bush lied and was preying on our fears, y'all remember that? Well, he's leading the charge as an alarmist about global warming/climate change...al, if you're out there, will you puhleeze explain these things to me and the Nation....ready? Here goes.
"Environmentalists aren't wasting time linking the Burma disaster to warming. Or at least Al Gore isn't. Citing this storm and recent storms in China and Bangladesh, he declared on NPR: "We're seeing consequences that scientists have predicted might be associated with global warming."
'Might' be associated? Then why are scientists saying that we are looking at 10 to 15 years of global cooling?
"There's just one problem -- it's not at all clear there's any link between climate change and hurricane numbers or intensity. The number of big storms has been falling, not rising. And researchers have found that by using inferior satellite imagery many storms were incorrectly classified as weaker than they were. After correcting for this, the "increase" in intensity since the 1970s nearly disappears".
Less storms...like everything else, storms go thru a pattern, the earth is always making changes to correct itself...it's called Nature! You need a better explanation about the earthquakes, cyclones, hurricanes and volcanic eruptions? Get yourself a Bible and read the Book of Revelations, obl has brought the world to the brink of Armageddon...which looney leader is gonna push it over the edge? Look to the northern part of South America(venezuela) and then to the middle east...iran, syria, lebanon and lybia to name just a couple.
"But Mr. Gore is perhaps too busy to notice. In April, a company he chairs began selling shares in its Global Sustainability Fund to investors in New Zealand, following a similar offer to investors in Australia (interestingly, out of sight of the U.S. press). He was also a conspicuous presence when the Silicon Valley firm Kleiner Perkins this month announced a new $500 million "green growth" fund in partnership with Mr. Gore's firm".
When you finish wigglin' out of that one al, try this one on for size:
"Mr. Gore's primary responsibility, from the looks of it, is to spread alarm about global warming and create the political conditions (subsidies, mandates) without which his "green" energy ventures are unlikely to flourish. Expect the payoff to come next year as a new Congress and President arrive with a more intense global warming policy. Then the money will flow. (Could it be, as many have suspected all along - all about a select few making money? And isn't it a bit untoward for one who is already rich to get even richer from a government policy he promoted?)"
What ya got to say al?
Hey buddy, can ya spare me a dime?
Gracias Julio!
P5 Driver

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Short Time...2 dollah....4 years of obama, 2 arms and 2 legs

As we draw nearer and nearer to the political conventions, things aren't getting clearer but more muddled. John McCain has a couple rounds still in his revolver(already used 2 shootin' himself in the foot: 1. Immigration(read illegal immigration)amnesty and 2. now he's going 'green'. Climate change is a natural phenomenon, if the Earth gets too cool, it'll warm itself up, too hot, it'll cool itself off. Global Warming is as big a hoax as "The War of the Worlds"...Secretary of the Interior wants to put the polar bear on the threatened list, why? There's no danger of losing polar bears nature, in it's wondrous ways, thins and/or thickens the herd...are there polar bear poachers? That would be the only way man can thin that population. In a previous missive I spoke of 'transparent people', al gore is one, the carbon footprint is obnoxious at best; al should practice what he preaches but he adheres to is 'do as I say, not as I do'. McCain's stand on just these two issues could very well cost him the election and at a time when the democratz are shooting holes into each other, talk about 'snatching defeat from the jaws of victory'. The dems are showing themselves for just what they are, they set the bar higher the closer one gets to it, just to keep that poor soul to keep trying...convinced all the while that it's the Republicans at fault. The 'race card' has been thrown on the table so many times, makes one wonder how many are in the deck...of course, there are the two jokers, slickwillie and michelle robinson obama. Slick-willie feels that he has been targeted by the race card and he still believes he was the first black president, michelle has had herself exposed as racist by her Senior Thesis, a few excerpts to follow.

Subj: Thesis - Michele Obama aka Michelle LaVaughn Robinson

In her senior thesis at Princeton, Michele Obama, the wife of Barack Obama stated that America was a nation founded on "crime and hatred'. Moreover, she stated that whites in America were 'ineradicably racist'. The 1985 thesis, titled 'Princeton-Educated Blacks and the Black Community' was written under her maiden name, Michelle LaVaughn Robinson.
Michelle Obama stated in her thesis that to 'Whites at Princeton , it often seems as if, to them, she will always be Black first...' However, it was reported by a fellow black classmate, 'If those 'Whites at Princeton ' really saw Michelle as one who always would 'be Black first,' it seems that she gave them that impression'.
Most alarming is Michele Obama's use of the terms 'separationist' and 'integrationist' when describing the views of black people.
Mrs. Obama clearly identifies herself with a 'separationist' view of race.
'By actually working with the Black lower class or within their communities as a result of their ideologies, a separationist may better understand the desperation of their situation and feel more hopeless about a resolution as opposed to an integrationist who is ignorant to their plight.'
Obama writes that the path she chose by attending Princeton would likely lead to her 'further integration and/or assimilation into a white cultural and social structure that will only allow me to remain on the periphery of society; never becoming a full participant.'
Michele Obama clearly has a chip on her shoulder. Not only does she see separate black and white societies in America , but she elevates black over white in her world.

Are these the views and thoughts we want in our First Lady? I would hope that a light is starting to shine through the web of deceit woven by hussein obama...the man of many words but no substance. A few more of michelle's opinions:

'There was no doubt in my mind that as a member of the black community, I am obligated to this community and will utilize all of my present and future resources to benefit the black community first and foremost. '

This one scares hell outta me; when are people of this mindset going to 'get it', michelle is a graduate of Princeton Law, earned a very nice salary and I doubt very seriously if her 2 children have ever been in a ghetto, let alone lived in one. So where does she get off talking in this fashion? I've served in the Marine Corps with blacks, worked for 36 years with blacks and other minorities and had very few problems getting along with any of them....there is, of course. that 10% that aren't happy about anything and that has no color line, ethnic nor religious line....period!

Now I ask you...who is the 'racist'? What is a 'racist'? Because blacks tend to separate themselves in one area, is that any one's 'fault' or their decision? Is the non-black population forcing blacks to live where they do? No. Is the non-black population preventing blacks from succeeding in life? Again, no! What is found lacking in hussein obama is, honesty, experience, knowledge of World affairs; what is not lacking is transparency and the 'gift of gab', unlike most politicos, hussein obama is smoother with his words, mesmerizing to a point(I listened to his speech at the '06 democrat convention), said all the right things but that is true with 99.9% of politicians, the difference was he's a younger man, an intelligent man and downright 'believable', that is till all the Klingon Cloak is removed and he finds himself exposed for what he really is. If you'd ask me, both him and billary are racist, along with both of their spouses....problem is we have to pick one out of the three running to be our next CinC and most people do not pay attention to anything going on around them. If it ain't real fast, real easy and makes them feel good....they want no part of it. Wake up America, smell the roses, coffee or buffalo chips...we have a difficult decision come November and it had better be the right one or this great(sorry michelle)Country, built by so many before us will take another slide down the slope of Mount Doom and we'll find ourselves burning in the fires of Mordor....If only Frodo was running for President or even Gandalf.

P5 Driver

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Paranoid, Stupid or just plain gullible?

Well, here goes another chapter of the incredibly dumb, dumber and dumbest.

Seems everyone on the left is calling for billary to exit the race for Presidential nominee, hussein obama is havin' wet dreams thinking about it, his wife, michelle, might just get happy and proud; Looney howie dean will be doing cartwheels and believe it, even the MSM is begging billary to drop out 'for the good of the party'. Excuse me, but where, when, who, how and why, are the things news reporters are supposed to be concerned about...not one party's unity or welfare. Talk about liberal media bias...you listenin' danny boy, chris matthews and larry king?

Ya see, if billary stays in and somehow cajoles the 'super-delegates' to give her the nomination...then we all gotta hear about the race card, not that we won't if obama gets the nomination. Does anyone remember the "Trial(sic)of The Juice"? Jury nullification if I've ever witnessed it...he did it, but because Detective Mark Furhman lied about using that racial ephitat, RACE, played the big role in that trial, not evidence and it'll play out pretty much the same, either in Denver or November or both. Give me a break! obama has no credible experience to be even considered for the Presidency, let alone win it and if he does it'll be tantamount to 'jury nullification'....or, 'well, it's time we have a black President', just for the sake of political correctness. Now PC is where we, as a Nation, become 'gullible'...how can a People who cleared, fought for and settled this vast Country be as dumb as to fall for this PC crap? What's the right thing to do? Well, we can start by doing our own 'soul-searching'...evaluate the candidates on their merits and vote with knowledge instead of political correctness...if this means doing a little research, then get off your collective lazy arses and find out who we are to chose from...not just their names or what color their skin is...what do they stand for? What are their motives, qualifications, are there things in their past that will hamper them from conducting the job of President of the USA? This ain't rocket science people, it's plain old common sense, it ain't bigotry, once again, it's plain old common sense.....something that has gone the way of common courtesy, respect and decency.

In the name of political correctness, we follow the lead of al gore and the greenies, ms pelosi wants 400 mil to make the Capital Building and all government buildings 'Green'...change all light bulbs to fluorescent, like sheep the left will give her her wish, we'll be paying 4 or 5 bucks a gallon and she blows 400 mil on light bulbs....why aren't we authorizing more refineries, nuclear power plants? Y'all know the reason, greenpeace, treehuggers and political correctness....What's your carbon footprint al gore? And yours pelosi, reid, kennedy, kerry, et al? Why are we taxpayers paying the tab for our 'representatives' leased cars, gas and oil for them, insurance and we know they don't just drive themselves around, their chauffers...be cheaper for the taxpayer to have them use cabs. Come on charlie rangel...you really need to lease a Caddy?

Closing tonite with a final thought on the race issue...we all know that there is a racial bias in this Country, what we don't know is WHY? Where does the largest majority of racial bias come from? Why are there Americans, and African-Americans, Mexican-Americans, Asian-Americans? Why aren't we all Americans first? Which begs the question...are these hyphenated Americans ashamed to be plain old Americans? If that's the reason and you feel that the 'old country' was/is better...then by all means....please return to your true roots.

P5 Driver

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

How far off course have our Representatives gone?

"They are not to do anything they please to provide for the general welfare, but only to lay taxes for that purpose. To consider the latter phrase not as describing the purpose of the first,but as giving a distinct and independent power to do any act they please which may be good for the Union, would render all the preceding and subsequent enumerations of power completely useless. It would reduce the whole instrument to a single phrase, that of instituting a Congress with power to do whatever would before the good of the United States; and as they sole judges of the good or evil, it would be also a power to do whatever evil they please...Certainly no such universal power was meant to be given them. It was intended to lace them up straightly within the enumerated powers and those without which, as means, these powers could not be carried into effect."-- Thomas Jefferson (Opinion on National Bank, 1791)

Separation of powers, we have 3 Branches of Government...Executive Branch, Legislative Branch and Judicial Branch. The framework was laid out in such a manner to prevent one group(read: Branch)from making all decisions, to prevent a Dictatorship and to keep all Citizens equally represented. It appears that, no not appears at all, it has happened that the Judicial Branch has made rulings not in accordance with our Constitution, that the Legislative Branch has introduced and passed Bills into law that are also, contrary to our Constitution...and summarily given the green light by the Judicial Branch. This practice needs to stop and I mean NOW! A obama, along with billary, want universal healthcare mandatory? billary said on FNC the other night that those not wanting to participate would have that option, before that...she mentioned garnishing wages of those not willing to join her 'clusterf**k...which is it? The liberals, Heaven forbid, get into the White House....all 3 Branches will take a giant step toward a Dictatorship; think back and remember how Hitler came into power...what's being said by the democratz on the campaign trail smacks quite the same...food for thought y'all, November is fast approaching and while I'm not a McCain supporter, he is really the only viable 'choice' given our system of elections.

P5 Driver

Monday, May 5, 2008

Quiet, uneventfull weekend...only because I haven't tuned into any newscasts; I'm sure there'll be something pop up, there always is.

Received an email over the weekend that says the U.S. will be targeting iran with nukes in the near future...today in fact...while I have no problem removing the current governing personel in iran, I have no reason to go along with killing the entire population; yes, there are a number of fanatic zealots that propably should have their breathing capabilities removed...I have no problem with the general population. Their current 'president' is a looney tunes and was one of the militants that seized our Embassy and in my humble opinion should not be in the position he's in, whomever else is a part of the governing powers would have to fall into that same category. The email went on to say and I quote..

"If you've been thinking of purchasing that big-screen television then today is the day to do it. If the Iran invasion goes off as planned, you can expect to view some astounding television drama as the Houston-based Oil Cartel (once known as the Seven Sisters) makes its final attempt to seize Iran's vast oil reserves and, at the same time, salvage the rapidly failing occupation of Iraq with the use of tactical nuclear weapons."

Ya see, this makes no sense to me...if the iranian oil is targeted it isn't by the U.S., had oil been the prime objective(other than to secure an open line of supply), there would be ample oil in Iraq to seize. 'The failing occupation of Iraq' puzzles me even further, sadam hussein was gettin' fat off the oil for food U.N. program while the common Iraqi citizen was left impoverished; not only hussein but kofi annan and his son, along with a number of other shady characters. Desert Storm was fought to free Kuwait, that happened, did we get a bunch of oil from them? You got it...no, we didn't same as we aren't getting a surplus of oil fro Iraq now. While I do not think the U.S.A. is perfect and right all the time, we are by no stretch "Global Pac-Men".

Now here's another quote from that same email...I did leave out the .com site where it's posted.

"This information comes from reversed-speech eavesdropping on both civilian and military leaders over many months, and most of the details are already posted. The invasion of Iran is the final phase of the plan that began with the World Trade Center charade on 9-11. post-Iraq false-flag attempts intended to trigger the follow-on invasion of Iran failed, usually due to embarrassing technical problems. However, the current plan includes enough redundancy that it is hard to imagine it being abandoned. Nonetheless, it does depend on a massive and complex deception to mislead the public and justify the invasion, so there is always a chance that things may go wrong. We are not predicting. We can only report on the plan as it exists at this moment."

WTC charade? OK, and the Oklahoma bombing of the Murrah building was done by only 'home-grown terrorists' yeah, right. McVeigh and that other lackey were played like two fiddles...the 'dark complected man in the ballcap' fell right off the radar screen, why? xlinton, reno and that other in-competent jamie what's her name would have been embarrased out of their skivvies. Going back into Iraq was warrented by hussein's not following the terms of the ceasefire signed after Desert Storm, but his sneaking weaponry ahead of weapons inspectors and his blatant dis-regard for human life. He was supporting terrorists, paying 'homocide bombers' 25k to their families...now what makes anyone think he wasn't capable of either giving outright WMDs to al-qaeda or supplying them with the technology to manufacture their own? As far as an actual military threat from hussein, he'd already had his ass handed to him by the U.S., iran on the other hand still figured they could 'handle' us as a result of their successful takeover of our Embassy...iran is the real threat in the middle east, coupled with syria and the syrian puppet, Lebanon...iran figures they will be able to hold the world hostage by holding back oil...with the exceptions of Russia, China and Venezuela. Folks, you need to view the whole picture, not just a scene or two. To accuse our Government of the WTC attacks is ludicrous, the blind sheik tried and failed to brin the Towers down, obl with the help and planning of the sheik kalid, did...not us.

That email, is full of inuendo, false accusations and buffalo-chips, well, camel dung is more suitable seeing's who we're dealing with.Enough for now, this whole idea that the USA is responsible for all the World's problems is making me gag.

P5 Driver

Friday, May 2, 2008

Hiatus over.....he's baaack!

Ok, time to get down to it....we have the democratz still slicin' and dicein', Johnny-Boy still just languishing around; would appear he's content just being the Republican nominee. Rather un-settling after seeing billary on The Factor, gotta admit she did a masterful job of portraying herself as 'Presidential'; all the while as I watched, I thought of the little girl and the snake....it's freezing cold and the snake is about to die a very cold death when along comes this little girl walking down the path. Upon seeing the girl and her warm coat, the snake asks the girl if she'd warm her up under the girl's coat. The little girl responds with "are you serious, you're a snake and would bite me soon as you are able". The snake(remember, it's a female snake)responds with "why, no I would not, after all you will have saved my life". So this little girl finally agrees and puts the snake inside her coat. Boom! The snake bites her, injecting a lethal dose of poison venom, the girl says "you said, you promised, that you wouldn't bite me". The snake responds, "well, you knew what I was when you trusted me and put me under your coat". Well folks, that 'snake' is none other than billary xlinton...known thief of White House furniture, WhiteWater swindler, reputation destroyer(read Paula Jones, Monica Lewinsky, et all), a US Senator with no real record or experience in global dealings or governing a Nation. She'll 'handle' us as she did all slick-willie's sexual trophies; turn the FBI loose, turn the IRS loose along with the CIA...wouldn't come as no surprise if she already has a 'hit squad' at the ready. hussein obama, and I'm NOT one of his fans, found out the hard way...idiot should have known willie and billary would lay the 'race card' out there but, he trusted them same as the little girl trusted the snake. Will we as a Nation, fall prey again to this broomriding snake? Why does the black community embrace this 'person'? What will happen in Denver when the 'stupid-delegates' hand snakewoman the nomination? Will the black community still embrace her?

What of the Rev's notoriety? All the vile hate speech, the hypocritical ramblings, hating 'rich white folks', while building that 10,000 square foot mansion in a gated, white community? How about that 10 mil line of credit? He didn't earn near that amount doing anything more than putting the kabosh on race relations here in the U.S...is it possible that he 'torpedoed' hussein obama purposely at the behest of the brothers jackson/sharpton to insure they'd have something to focus more bigoted racial crap on the rest of us? Hey, oliver stone....are ya hearin' this? It's a great conspiracy theory flick, hook up with el rodondo michael moore, y'all would be great together.

Johnny-Boy, you'd best wake up and smell the coffee, or has all the garbage and crap you hold against real, conservative Republicans gotten your sense of smell on the fritz? In reality, this conservative wants a 'brokered convention', as a Party, we need a true conservative...running on a real conservative platform...nominated for the Presidency. A Washington 'outsider' instead of an old guy who's been around so long he owes favors to all, even the D.C. Madam.

Have a great weekend Y'all, don't take any wooden nickles!

P5 Driver

GrandSon, Nathan